
  Chapter 2457 Responses

Old Xue doesn’t care what these people think at all, his own annoyance The matter has not been resolved yet, where does the spirit come from paying attention to others.

And he did not guard this group of people, but gave it to the monster beast clan. Now the demonized monster beast clan is terrifying. Someone tried to escape and was finally caught by the monster beast clan. When they arrived, they were killed directly.

And they are not at all afraid of this group of people running away. They are already very angry when they are ordered not to move these cultivators. If they escape, they can kill them. This is what they like.

In this way, this group of people is completely honest, so it depends on living. Now it is not a matter of death and alive, but death can not die in this group of monster beasts, dignity is not allowed !

They are waiting for news here eagerly, and the person who sent the news, after countless twists and turns, finally found someone who could be a little more reliable.

The Lord of the Deep Sea has been searching for news recently, and happened to ran into an Elder, who was desperate. Didn't expect happened to meet the Lord of the Deep, and then the news was passed on.

However, he is also very clear in his heart whether Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan will meet him, that is not necessarily. And this person is actually Great Elder under Sect Leader Li.

At that time, he didn't want to come out, but considering that Xiao Guoguo and him finally had some fate, he at least helped them back then, so he let him send the news. He also didn't expect that he was so lucky that he actually met someone who could talk.

The Lord of the Deep Sea brought the news back, and the people back, but Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are simply away now, and Yue Old Mu snorted and said: "Back then, the Flying Immortal Sect gave the boss and them But it’s not good, otherwise the boss won’t stop them. So, according to what I said, let them live and die."

After Tsukiki finished saying that, Beibei did not object. She felt that Tsukiki was selfish. A little bit, but not a cold-blooded person, this Flying Immortal Sect is definitely not worth their risk.

"There are still various enmities between Chi Xuan and Flying Immortal Sect. That's why they didn't take Flying Immortal Sect away. However, the cultivation world also knows very clearly that Flying Immortal Sect If you don’t agree with them, they didn’t expect what else they would do."

After Wenwen sighed, she didn’t mean to make a mistake. She is not a enthusiastic person, so there is no need to provoke herself. Right and wrong. Of course, if the boss and the two were there, she wouldn't object if they wanted to help, but they weren't here now.

"I think they will choose Flying Immortal Sect to start. It's not that they don't know their past, but they don't care, because they just want to test our strength here? What kind of attitude is it? "

Sun Qianqian said that everyone was silent, and they had to admit that they were far inferior to Sun Qianqian in terms of controlling the overall situation and understanding Wang Chen.

"If we don't make a move this time, they will be too much, they will even directly destroy a plane to see our bottom line of patience.

If we always don't make a move , He will guess whether we are gone or not here anymore. Then when the time comes, Wang Chen will take the action personally, which is not good for us."

After Sun Qianqian finished saying that, Lin Lang was also sighed. He knew that Sun Qianqian was right, but the problem was that if the two of them acted personally... I'm afraid Wang Chen would also doubt it.

"Then what should we do?" Lin Lang asked.

"I definitely can't go out, otherwise he will get to our bottom, but there is a way, you just listen to my arrangements." Sun Qianqian said that the three were nodded, and they all agreed with Sun Qianqian's instructions. , Because she is indeed the strongest and smartest among them.

Great Elder did not see Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, but what surprised him was that although Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan did not show up, someone wanted to go back to rescue with him.

He looked at Wenwen and Yuemu. He also saw these two people. They often appeared next to Xiao Guoguo. Although they didn’t know the specific behavior of the two people, it was certain that they dared to agree. It must be not simple to help this.

"Let's go, aren't the people of Flying Immortal Sect still waiting?" Yuemu said coldly, looking reluctant.

But now Great Elder doesn't care about his attitude. As long as they are willing to help, it is kindness, and kindness he has to remember.

"Okay, I'll take you all." Great Elder said so, leaving Yuemu and Wenwen with them.

They went together this time Wenwen and Yuemu, as well as a Beibei, only three of them, and even the Lord of the Deep Sea never appeared. But even so, the three of them looked confident and followed Great Elder then went Flying Immortal Sect.

At this time, Xue Lao has been waiting here for more than half a year, and he also feels restless in his heart. Speaking of saving people, it should have come long ago. After waiting for such a long time, there is no movement. Could it be that the news has not been received?

But it is also possible that there are too few people sending messages. Can they find Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan? After all, after asking for so long, I didn't get any news.

But on this day, he suddenly opened his eyes with a powerful force. This made Old Xue's spirit tense, and he hurried out to look, there were several people standing in the air.

"It's you two?" Yuemu and Wenwen, that old man Xue also knew each other, and they beat you to death when they met last time.

"The two of us are enough. I don't need my boss to deal with you." Yuemu said so arrogantly, as if he didn't put Old Xue in his eyes at all.

"Hehe, just count on you two, are you here to die?" Although Mr. Xue said so, he really didn't want to do it.

Because he already has the idea of ​​wanting to escape from Wang Chen, he doesn't want to offend Xiao Guoguo's side very much. I won't talk about it before, but this time he really killed Xiao Guoguo's two subordinates, I'm afraid this hatred is even more insoluble.

But letting them take people away so easily is definitely not okay. If he doesn't come out to fight for two games and stop him well, then it is very likely that he will face severe punishment when he goes back.

So regardless of true or false, he still has to fight one game, but there is a limit. That is not only can't hurt yourself, but also can't really hurt them.

Xue Lao feels that he is too difficult. Since Wang Chen arrived in this world, his life has become more and more difficult.

"Well, if you can beat me, then I will take these men with me and retreat immediately, and I will not embarrass them, what do you think?" Xue Lao asked, Wen Wen looked at Moon wood.

Really didn't expect all of this to make Sun Qianqian senior guess. How did she know that this old Xue had a heart to resist.

"Solo alone?" Yuemu asked.

"Hehe, fighting alone is too bullying for you, I will let you two people in a team, if you win, then we will leave here." Xue Lao said, at the same time looking at the expressions of several of them , The three people actually smiled slightly, and then agreed.

"Okay, then we'll be in pairs!" Yuemu said.

(End of this chapter)

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