
  Chapter 2453 Endure

In fact, this array is very useful, not only can it be tested, but in the end Who has the most powerful ability, and can help the most powerful person to absorb the magic power of all the surrounding City Lords.

Of course, how much can be absorbed depends on the person's own ability. Some City Lords are very difficult to deal with, even if they are incapable of being recognized by the array, they can guarantee that their cultivation base will not be absorbed by others.

So, the result of each test depends on luck.

The moment Demon Venerable walked in, the City Lord, who had been up and down in his heart, knew it was done. I don't know why, he is so confident in Demon Venerable, and he doesn't doubt that as long as he walks in, he will definitely get the first place, and it is very likely that the remaining City Lords this time will be unlucky.

He had just noticed that Demon Venerable had clearly deliberately let go of the City Lord, otherwise, according to his ability, the City Lord could become a useless person.

So he just sat down, waited steadily, and waited for a result. Normally, it only takes a day to know who won.

Then there are two days left for the affected person to absorb the magic of the rest. Of course, how much it absorbs depends on its own ability.

Of course, there is actually only one winner in this competition, but everyone still has to participate every time, because everyone wants to try their luck, in case they become the one who can absorb the cultivation base of others Woolen cloth?

Of course, even if you lose, you can’t lose much of the cultivation base, which is a bargain.

And every time after such a comparison, their Earth Demon clan will reappear a powerhouse. Such a powerhouse only needs to cultivation, concentrate on absorbing demonic energy, and have the ability to compete for the position of a Demon Lord.

That's why this activity still exists for so many years, because it is good for the entire Earth Demon clan.

One day passed quickly, and the Earth Demon clan outside was very curious. Who on earth was the winner?

In the past, every time this array will show the illusory shadow of the winner to everyone, although it is only a glance, everyone knows it well. In this way, they only have to wait for the next two days with peace of mind.

And this time, they are also waiting for the appearance of the illusory shadow.

Sure enough, it was just a moment. The array rays of light brightened up. Everyone went to look at it and saw a silhouette of a Human Race.

Everyone: "..." This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible!

How could that human race that can only be regarded as a fun and eye-opening human race! How could he be the first? Is there something wrong with this array? Sure enough, the Human Race thing just can't be believed!

Demon Lord fiercely clenched his fist tightly. He already had this hunch, but he always comforted himself, It shouldn't be, where is such a coincidence. However, this was the result. Seeing everyone's angry look, he also knew that their thoughts were similar to his own.

So the Demon Lord was very angry and called the City Lord to his side. He brought the people. Only he knew what was going on.

When facing the Demon Lord, the City Lord also hesitated and struggled, but he thought that if he told the truth, he would get nothing but punishment. But if he doesn't tell the truth, then maybe it is still possible that he is ascending to the skies with a single leap.

"reporting to Demon Lord, this demonic cultivator has always been my subordinate. He has a very high innate talent and is willing to devote himself to cultivation, so the cultivation base is still above me. I think about this time. I can’t win the comparison by myself. It’s better to let him come, so that he will become stronger and it’s good for me."

After City Lord said that, the Demon Lord didn’t know how to describe it. I'm in the mood, this guy is good luck, and he picked up such a treasure all at once. Although it is a demonic cultivator, if he comes out this time, he should become the most powerful demonic cultivator. If there are such subordinates guarding him, this City Lord can be regarded as an invincible existence among the City Lords.

Although my heart is very unstable, but now things have developed to this step, he can't stop anything, he can only fiercely reprimand the City Lord, and then let him kneel for half an hour. It is also a punishment, let him know in his heart who is the boss of this Earth Demon clan.

"Yes! The subordinates will follow your lesson and must restrain him."

Demon Lord feels very angry, but now this is the only thing he can do. Look With this City Lord, his heart is actually destroyed, but for Demon Venerable, he can't do anything. Because the demonic cultivator can only be restrained by his own master, if he destroys the City Lord, it is equivalent to the Demon Venerable and it will be ignored.

And at this moment Demon Venerable stretched, he won. Now that he won, there is a good show below.

Although he doesn't know much about the competition steps of this Earth Demon clan, he will not be disturbed if he wants to come. He can only watch the changes now.

Sure enough, the surrounding array has changed. He has been releasing magic power just now, as if the array is judged by the amount of magic power released, the strength of the Earth Demon clan.

Although he is a demonic cultivator, he releases pure magic, so this array did not test out that he has any problems. Instead, he was judged according to the strength of the magic. He really became the first one. He still has this confidence, as long as they don't fight in groups, none of them is his opponent.

Now the array in front of him has changed, and then he can feel that there are probably more than 300 City Lords in this huge array. This means that the powerhouses of more than three hundred planes are all gathered here, and he is about to absorb all their cultivation bases now.

Of course, it was obvious that he couldn't do it at first, but he has two days.

So Demon Venerable put his hand on the array, and then followed the connection of the array, and began to absorb the magic.

In fact, in this array, only those who win know that they have won, and those who lose don’t know who won first place. They only know that they have lost and they have to be willing. People take away part of the cultivation base.

Although the regulations are so stipulated, when this situation is really encountered, most of the City Lords choose to resist. They are not stupid. They must be impossible to take out their magic power willingly. As much as he has the ability to absorb, that is how much.

Therefore, many City Lords are resisting, but it is strange that they seem to have encountered some expert this time, and their resistance is useless. Although the demonic energy absorbed is only a small part, they feel uncomfortable in their hearts.

However, this is the rule. If they escape now, no one will participate in such a competition next time. So even if the demonic energy is really absorbed away, they still stay in it.

Anyway, there are not many, anyway, there are only two days. Although they feel distressed, they still endure and wait, waiting for the time to come, they will go out.

(End of this chapter)

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