
  Chapter 2451 is eye-catching.

This City Lord can also be seen. This guy just wants that The number of places to participate in the competition. For him, the quota is far less important than his own life, so he chose to live without the slightest hesitation.

"The senior, I would like to be your subordinate! Please don't dislike it!" After saying that, the City Lord stood in front of Demon Venerable respectfully and bowed to him. .

"You are a smart person, and you have made the right choice. In that case, it is not difficult for me to do it for you. What I want is the place to participate in the selection of the tournament." Demon Venerable said directly. , He knew that no one would easily refuse his request, because they all cherished their lives.

"Okay, if you want this, I can give it to you. I am willing to be your subordinate, as long as you leave my life." This City Lord said, he did not cherish his life, but because Demon Venerable is powerful.

He thinks that there is no shame in bowing to the powerhouse, and if this one is willing to take care of him one or two, then it will be good for him. Demon Venerable can also see that this City Lord is also a shrewd person, so he didn’t embarrass him. Instead, he said directly: “Follow me. If I win, you are good. If I lose, then your life Don't blame me if you lose it."

After hearing this, the City Lord actually wanted to refute, but because he didn't think he could beat others, he could only agree. It's just that now he has changed from giving up the spot to being an escort.

Originally, he really didn't want to go. After all, he was unwilling to help a demonic cultivator. But the benefits Demon Venerable said just now made him a little moved. If it is, his identity will definitely be higher than now.

"Your subordinates obey!" The City Lord said so, Demon Venerable faintly smiled, that was agreed.

"That's fine, we will set off tomorrow." Demon Venerable settled down, then turned around and left without giving any reaction time.

The City Lord is very depressed. In fact, he has no plans to attend this conference anyway. But everything has changed now, so he must prepare immediately so that he can participate.

With an order, the entire City Lord's Mansion took action. Everyone can’t guess what’s going on, and don’t know what happened between Demon Venerable and City Lord. It’s just that Order, the following will be followed.

So on the second day, Demon Venerable happily rushed to the road, and now I know that there is a benefit to the subordinates, because there is no need to ask for directions.

He is not a road silly, but he is easy to get confused. After asking many times, he may not find the right answer. So now someone leads the way, and they get there soon.

Only after they got there, they still faced a problem. Human Race get involved never. If this time let a Human Race participate, then many Earth Demon clan must be unwilling.

"Senior, we have to consider whether they will be willing if you participate in this competition." I look down on it, the Earth Demon clan is unwilling to let the demonic cultivator appear around, let alone participate in such a competition.

It’s actually an honor to say that it’s a competition this time, because only people in the Earth Demon clan can only be qualified to join, although he knows that he has no chance to compete for the first place, but This demonic cultivator is still possible. With his strength, it is indeed possible to compete for the first place, and may even surpass Demon Lord.

If it were not for this, he would not dare to follow, but no matter how good his skill is, he is outnumbered. If everyone disagrees, then he is absolutely impossible to win, and in the end it is just futile. So now they have to discuss countermeasures.

"It's okay, it's your name, not mine. What are you afraid of?" Demon Venerable said, and the City Lord was taken aback.

"Is this really possible?" The City Lord thinks this is impossible. Am I treachery by doing this? Although it can be concealed for a while, it certainly cannot be concealed to the end.

"It works, when the time comes, I naturally have a way to deal with it." Demon Venerable said that, if it doesn't work, it will work.

But what to do, the City Lord of the Earth Demon clan felt unstable, but he had to be obedient, so he had to make arrangements and really reported his name.

After only three days, the game began. This is the plane where the Demon Lord is located. The bosses of each plane are now almost concentrated here, just waiting for the start of the game and becoming First place, so as to enjoy the gift of everyone's magic.

For any City Lord, this is an opportunity to improve oneself, so as long as the strength is strong, no one wants to miss this opportunity.

Everyone wants to fight for the first place, so almost all the City Lords of the Earth Demon clan are here. They are competitors, so they are also very afraid of each other. They don’t want to talk here, beware The heart is very heavy.

So Demon Venerable came in with the City Lord, and no one noticed, because the City Lord he followed was also useless. In the hearts of others, it was simply not a competitor, so no one paid any attention to him. Seeing him come in with a demonic cultivator, not only did he not take it seriously, but he also laughed.

It’s just that City Lord himself simply doesn’t care, laugh at it, use it. You simply don’t know what kind of person this is, when the time comes when you cry.

"The Demon Lord is here!" Someone reported this, and everyone knelt down to greet them, even Demon Venerable.

Demon Venerable never cares about these etiquettes. He thinks that in order to chase one's own goals, in fact, many times they can throw face away.

Demon Lord is also an Earth Demon clan, he is not even as strong as these City Lords, but he is the strongest here. Demon Venerable looked at it and couldn't beat this guy, anyway for the time being.

So at this moment Demon Venerable is very honest, he is never blindly arrogant, and he is never afraid of waiting.

"Since everything is here, let's start the competition now. Those who participate in the competition will enter the array." After the Demon Lord said that, the City Lords did not dare to hesitate and walked into the array one after another.

Demon Venerable didn't expect. The Earth Demon clan actually learned the Human Race array, which is also rare. They are pretty good, they have learned array any time.

Demon Venerable followed inside. He was quickly discovered by someone. He was stopped by someone and asked directly: "Who you are, I dare to follow in!"

Demon Venerable sighed, it's really impossible to be fooled. He also wants to say how about trying your luck. It doesn't seem to be that simple now.

"I also want to give it a try to see if I can get through this array." Demon Venerable said very politely.

"You? It's up to you! I think you should forget it, you, a demonic cultivator, dare to say that, death cannot wipe out the crimes, I might as well kill you for your master. "

One of them said so, Demon Venerable glanced at him, then smiled, he really dared to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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