
  Chapter 2439 Goals

The appearance of Zhao Ting, Xiao Guoguo feels sympathy for him, because he There seems to be a deep sense of frustration.

In fact, she can understand that since she came here, she has discovered something. Zhao Ting seems to be particularly confident in herself. Even in front of Chi Xuan, this confidence has not disappeared. This is not common, which shows that this person should be extremely conceited.

And now, having suffered such a big loss on Demon Venerable, I must feel uncomfortable in my heart, and I guess my self-esteem is even more unbearable.

"You have to know that this is the territory of the Earth Demon clan. Most people will definitely not run around, but Demon Venerable is not an ordinary person. He should be like a fish back in water here.

And more importantly, Zhao Ting's subordinate is gone. Obviously, this subordinate is unreliable. It was not taken away by Demon Venerable, but it was demonized by Demon Venerable.

Thinking of this kind of probability, especially the latter kind, Xiao Guoguo feels a little guilty, and also a little depressed. These things have nothing to do with her at all, don’t they?

Demon Venerable What kind of person, what did Demon Venerable do, it had nothing to do with her, but now, she still feels guilty about what she is doing for others, which is incomprehensible and extremely depressed.

"Hehe, in fact, if you think about it carefully, your subordinate following Demon Venerable may be more promising. hehe. "

Xiao Guoguo said that, Zhao Ting couldn't help but stared at her twice. This girl's personality has changed. She didn't have such a thick skin before.

"I don't Think so. After Zhao Ting answered seriously, a light was released in his hand. Xiao Guoguo knew that without guessing, he would definitely be able to find his subordinate.

"This hasn't disappeared yet, it seems that people should be very Safety. "Zhao Ting said this, but he was not very worried in his heart, and he didn't know where the information came from. He always felt that Demon Venerable It shouldn't be done.

Even if he didn’t think about it for himself, I will also think about it for my daughter and Yang Shuo. After all, they still need to spend some time here. If Demon Venerable goes too far, it will definitely affect both of them.

So Zhao Ting is not very worried, just want to know, what did Demon Venerable want to do after leaving here?

After walking for a long time, they went to a forest, but there are black demonic energy everywhere. , Even the Earth Demon clan didn’t dare to go in easily, but Demon Venerable walked in.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan stood outside for a while and looked at them, then turned around and said to Zhao Ting: Otherwise, let's go. I think he is also very busy and shouldn't have time to see us. "

Zhao Ting: "..." Just say it if you're afraid, and find any excuses.

But having said that, with such a strong demonic energy, he doesn't really want to go in. But his own men, is it really okay to go like this?

However, when he hesitated, a road was opened in the middle of the forest, and the black demonic energy completely disappeared, as if to allow them to be able to Come and go freely, just like opening a passage.

"Let's go, now that everyone has welcomed us. "Zhao Ting said so, he should be the most angry at the moment.

I kindly found a place for me, and even if I don’t like it, the person who took him away should say it.


The three people walked inside along the road. After walking for a while, they saw Demon Venerable. Standing beside him was the submissive Zhao Ting's subordinate.

The face of weakness shows that the demonic energy has a great influence on the cultivator. Therefore, the first sight of Zhao Ting, it is a grievance that is about to cry.

"Master, you Finally came. "After he finished saying this, he almost cried with Zhao Ting in his arms, but before then, he glanced at Demon Venerable and saw that he didn't look angry at all. Then he walked beside Zhao Ting.

"Since it's here, take it home. You can suffer from following me here, and you don't listen to them if you tell him, you have to follow in, saying that it's your task. In that case, you can cancel this task. "

After Demon Venerable finished saying that, he looked at that man with sympathy, Xiao Guoguo blushed, this is all who, what stand do you have to sympathize with others, things are caused by you? Okay!

However, Xiao Guoguo didn’t say anything. Anyway, the current Demon Venerable is her own. In that case, she would not despise him anymore, and silently swallowed the contempt.

"You go back with me, I don't think there is any need to stay here. People don’t need our help, and we don’t have to. "Zhao Ting said this, really wanting to take his men and go, but he also wants to hear what they are talking about.

After hesitating for a while, that guy actually used black demonic energy blocked them and sent them out.

These all are tricks, if he doesn’t want face, it’s not impossible for him to rush back. But then again, he wants face. People. Obviously he doesn't want them to hear, so he is asking himself why he is boring.

"Yes, master. "The people under him are simply grateful. He really wants to leave here. He is very uncomfortable here.

Zhao Ting looked at his people speechlessly. Why is this not clever at all? , I don’t even give myself a step.

Seeing that he is being stared at, he suddenly understands, so he hurriedly said: "Master, let’s go hurry up, I really can’t stand it here. Up. "

Zhao Ting: "..." Although I understand it, I understand it in the wrong direction.

Forget it, someone who gives me a step is better than no one. So Zhao Ting went with the people under his hands, and couldn't go in anyway. Then wait a little farther away, thinking that everyone likes the black demonic energy.

"How did you find this place?" . "Xiao Guoguo asked, she was very curious, where did the Demon Venerable come from such a great ability to be so tossed in the territory of the Earth Demon clan.

"I asked the people of the Earth Demon clan to take it." The one who came with me came to a place where they would normally not dare to go. Sure enough, there is a magic stone here. "Demon Venerable looked at Xiao Guoguo and was very happy. He was very happy that Xiao Guoguo finally cared about him.

Although this concern is a bit far-fetched, it seems to be more of curiosity, but it is still concerned. So Demon Venerable is happy, and this kind of happiness emanates from the inside out.

"Magic stone? What's that again? "Xiao Guoguo feels that he has a problem again. Why did you get here? Demon Venerable has found a magic stone that can improve herself so easily, but she can’t.

"A magic stone can be said to be a What demonic cultivator hopes most is that it contains the purest demonic energy, which can quickly increase the cultivation base, and the magic stone itself can absorb a lot of demonic energy and can be stored forever.

This time, after absorbing these demonic energy, I leave the magic stone here. It will continue to absorb it. After countless years, it can be used again. This is its value. "

After Demon Venerable, Xiao Guoguo lamented that he was very lucky. The next guy will have to wait for thousands of years!

(End of this chapter)

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