
  Chapter 2433 came to

Several people from the Earth Demon clan really gave Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan to Brought it back. In fact, the little boss also regretted a bit. He just owed it.

This group of people are going to leave. He was stunned to stimulate them to talk, so they happily decided to come back with themselves.

They came back, the people in the clan must be curious, but this group of people cannot afford to offend, so he has repeatedly ordered that no one is allowed to inquire and disturb the three.

This is a situation that has never happened before. For them, the most suitable thing for Human Race is to be a slave. Now suddenly they are asked to respect each other and not to provoke them, they are naturally unwilling.

But there is no way, these are repeatedly explained by the clan, which also shows that this group of people is very difficult to deal with, at least they can't beat them. So they can only stay honestly, hoping that these three people will leave as soon as possible.

It’s just that they didn’t expect that their wish would come true so soon, and another Human Race came.

Zhao Ting found this place because he can track the energy remnants of the array, but he doesn’t feel that any of them will not be waiting for him in place, they will be anxious to return to their plane. . Wang Chen should return to his turf, and Lin Lang and Sun Qianqian, they might look for him.

But I don't know why, he just wants to take a look, as if there is something guiding him here. He has always sneered at this feeling, but today I don't know why, just want to come and see, no one here can stop him anyway.

So who did he see... Demon Venerable! Living Demon Venerable!

"Why are you here? No, why are you still alive!" When Zhao Ting asked this, he was shocked. He didn't understand what was going on, as if he had made one. Dream, and this dream has not yet woken up.

"Why can't I be here anymore. You can be here, and I'm not worse than you." Demon Venerable said, and took a sip of the soup. He was eating at the time. Obviously the food is Chi Xuan did it.

"You have changed." Zhao Ting said. At this moment, he didn't even bother to pay attention to Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan. He only stared at Demon Venerable.

Yes, he has changed. After so many years, how can he stay the same! But he is eating now, but he is not in the mood to chat blindly with someone who is actually an enemy.

"Zhao Ting." Chi Xuan called out. Zhao Ting looked at Chi Xuan very unexpectedly. To be honest, he didn't know this person, but from the look in Chi Xuan's eyes, he It seems to see a familiar shadow.

"Who are you?" Zhao Ting asked, because he really couldn't remember this person.

"Zhao Ting, I am Yang Shuo." After Chi Xuan said this, Zhao Ting felt that something had exploded in his mind. He was Yang Shuo, how could this be possible?

"Yang Shuo, how is this possible? You...you are still alive now!" Zhao Ting doesn't care what Yang Shuo looks like now, he only cares if Yang Shuo is Yang Shuo.

"Yes, I'm still alive." Chi Xuan said so, and a smile appeared on Zhao Ting's face. The smile was sincere. They are friends. Even after so many years, they are still friend.

"That's really good." Zhao Ting wanted to give Chi Xuan a hug, but he didn't know what to do, he couldn't express such feelings.

Maybe it's because they haven't seen each other for too long. Maybe it's because there is a Demon Venerable between them now.

Demon Venerable looked at Chi Xuan and Zhao Ting. To be honest, they didn't have much feeling. There was a contest between them, but it was not a life and death contest, but a simple win or loss.

"Demon Venerable, why is he still alive?" Zhao Ting asked Chi Xuan, and at the same time he was giving Chi Xuan an opportunity to explain.

He saw Demon Venerable and Yang Shuo again, which made him want to doubt whether this matter had anything to do with Yang Shuo. Especially when he glanced at Xiao Guoguo again, if he guessed correctly, Xiao Guoguo is the woman.

"Aren't you curious about how we got here?" Chi Xuan asked, and Yang Shuo was taken aback.

Yes, they arranged this array back then, and Chi Xuan didn't know it. Could it be that Chi Xuan found who!

"This is for you, Lin Lang asked me to bring it back."

Chi Xuan gave a jade slip to Zhao Ting as he said that, Lin Lang asked for it. What they said to Zhao Ting, because they knew that even if they saw Zhao Ting, they couldn't explain it clearly, especially when there was a Demon Venerable next to them.

"Thank you."

Zhao Ting knows that since Lin Lang gave it to him, there must be something important to tell him, so he just took the jade slip and looked at it. . Because Lin Lang is willing to let others bring back such an important thing, then he will definitely not evade them, otherwise he will not give it to them.

After reading the jade slip, Zhao Ting was in a complicated mood. He didn't expect that Demon Venerable would be alive. It was such a thing. So did Wang Chen really hide so much from them?

"You have been imprisoned by Wang Chen for so many years, did you really tell him how to become the second Demon Venerable?"

Zhao Ting is actually very angry. He had betrayed them a long time ago, but now a headache enemy is still here, and his mood can be imagined.

He can control himself without anger, that is because his own self-control ability is very good. So he now needs a reply from Demon Venerable, what is the relationship between them, and what did he tell Wang Chen!

"I did tell him how to become the next Demon Venerable. I think this is a good thing. If he becomes Demon Venerable, no one will hate me." Demon Venerable said, obviously Is not willing to cooperate anymore.

"How can you do this!" Zhao Ting couldn't believe that he would get an answer like this.

"Why can't I, I'm Demon Venerable." Demon Venerable said, the reason is simply irrefutable.

Yes, he is Demon Venerable, he is Demon Venerable, is he still like a normal person? So even he couldn't find a reason to reprimand others.

"I still want to ask you, where is my ring?" Demon Venerable asked, Zhao Ting's heart shook.

"How did you know that ring?" Zhao Ting couldn't believe that Demon Venerable knew about such a thing.

"That is my ring, which can also absorb magic power. Guess what would happen if Wang Chen got it?" Demon Venerable threw the question out, and then went on silently time to eat.

Demon Venerable is not responsible for answering this kind of headaches, so he is only responsible for throwing out questions, not thinking, this is what they have to do, he only needs to take care of his emotions now That's it.

Xiao Guoguo also took a look at Zhao Ting. She could feel that Zhao Ting should not wait to see her, but she didn't care.

Strictly speaking She wants Zhao Ting's help, because it is very important, but this does not mean that she will make Zhao Ting identify with herself, as long as he is willing to stand on their side, it is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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