
  Chapter 2428 Hidden

Xiao Guoguo stared at the square jade stone block in Chi Xuan's hand, as expected The material is still the same as the cold bed, but you can see that the energy group is right in the middle, and white rays of light are shining at this moment.

"This is the root cause of the chill in the cold bed." Demon Venerable also said the same. Thinking about the suffering of lying on it for so many years, the look in Chi Xuan's eyes was disliked.

But no one cares what he thinks, it is that Xiao Guoguo's whole spirit is also on Chi Xuan at the moment.

Chi Xuan carefully observed for a while, and then threw the square into the alchemic furnace. At this moment, the temperature in the alchemic furnace is extremely high, and there is a white liquid surging, which is also a kind of material. The magic weapon can be broken down into parts.

This material can dissolve a lot of metals. After these metal materials disappear, the remaining attribute stones will fall out, and this time, what they want to dissolve are the parts connected between the stones. These After the small parts disappear, the energy cluster trapped in the stone will appear.

But Chi Xuan controls the flame. He wants these parts to be at a critical point of fracture, but they cannot be completely fractured. Otherwise, the energy group inside is the largest in such a furnace. It may explode right away.

That not only means that they can’t get this energy cluster, but their energy will spread directly into the starry sky, and the most important thing is that this energy is very powerful and explodes directly in the alchemic furnace. They are inevitable. Also get hurt.

So when Chi Xuan was refining this energy group, he had told them to stay away and not to be injured by mistake.

It’s just that they didn’t want to leave alone, and they had to see him successfully take out the energy here, so everyone was attentive, and they didn’t even dare to say a word, just for fear of disturbing Chi Xuan. .

After two hours, when Chi Xuan took a deep breath, everyone saw that the jade stone was wrapped in spiritual power by Chi Xuan and floated in midair.

Although they can't see any difference, everyone knows that Chi Xuan should have succeeded.

Chi Xuan's fingers moved lightly, and he saw that the square-shaped jade stone was scattered immediately, and the precision parts were scattered in the air, but it was not a piece. Jade stone, sixteen pieces of jade stone were spliced ​​together, very neat, and gradually drifted away at this moment.

That energy group is also the size of jade stone, but it is white. At this moment, it is finally free of restraints, spinning fast, as if it is about to leave here.

However, next moment, it seemed to feel a familiar feeling, it turned a big circle suddenly, and then fell into Chi Xuan's hands.

This white energy group exudes a white chill, lying quietly in Chi Xuan's hands, they finally succeeded.

However, Lin Lang and Sun Qianqian were in a bad mood. This thing was made by Wang Chen earlier. They didn't expect. At that time, Wang Chen had already hidden himself like this.

They never knew that Wang Chen was so good at arrays and refiners. He clearly hid his edge, but he clearly guarded them.

Thinking of this, they are very angry, how stupid they are, such a person has only seen their true colors for so many years. Haven't they been mocked as fools for so many years?

They all thought that Wang Chen was not good at arrays and refining devices, and even pill concocting was general. The most powerful array was Zhao Ting, and the most powerful refining device was Yang Shuo.

But looking like this today, they are the guys who are not good at anything.

Wang Chen is not in front of them, otherwise Lin Lang and Sun Qianqian will definitely take action immediately. This guy is really terrifying, too terrifying and must be removed.

"This energy group is the largest among the scattered energy groups found so far. It seems that Wang Chen had good luck back then." Chi Xuan said, and Lin Lang coldly smiled: "I'm afraid he was Those found around here, you must know that we all went to find a new place to stay, only he said that he wanted to stay and watch the homeland. Now that I want to come, there is already a plot against."

"I I think he wanted to hide Demon Venerable, and the thing we would least doubt and search for is here, so he hid Demon Venerable in his Cave Mansion.

As for this energy group, it is very likely that it was found in the process of hiding the Demon Venerable. After all, Yang Shuo's energy was dispersed at the beginning, and this piece of energy stay here, he should have encountered it by chance."

Sun Qianqian analyzed it like this. It was because they had settled the sect disciple and those who survived within less than a year of being destroyed here, and they also left, including Wang Chen.

In only one year, even if Wang Chen wanted to do something, it was simply too late. So the biggest probability was that he picked up the energy group left by Chi Xuan and made full use of it. For more than a year, he hid the energy group in the cold bed and placed it with Demon Venerable.

"What you said makes sense, but this person is still too insidious. He had planned to do these simply. But we can't produce another Demon Venerable, otherwise our efforts for so many years will be in vain. , So Sun Qianqian this time you have to stand with me and kill that guy!"

When Lin Lang said this, Sun Qianqian glanced at him and said, "Now you still say this. If I were you standing together, could I run around like this? Then Wang Chen was a cunning person. If I didn't follow, let alone destroy him, he must be destroyed by others!"

Lin Lang feels a bit embarrassed, especially when he is so scolded in front of the living Demon Venerable, it is indeed a bit embarrassing to let go. But comfort yourself, Sun Qianqian is also caring about him.

"Hehe, what you said is right."

Demon Venerable looked at Lin Lang and Sun Qianqian like this, and couldn't help sighing again and again in his heart. He was defeated. In Wang Chen's hands, he recognized, who can make people think carefully and have better methods than himself. What's more, he was caught in his weakness and lost the initiative.

But this guy is too second, not as smart as a woman. He will never admit that he was defeated by this guy, and he will never admit it.

They recuperated here for a period of time, mainly waiting for Demon Venerable. Because they have been controlled by people for so many years, they can't move at all, so the body can't stand it even if it doesn't talk about the cultivation base. It took two months for Demon Venerable to recover Essence, Qi, and Spirit, and leave with Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan.

But when they left, they didn't completely destroy the cave. Lin Lang even came up with a good idea and rearranged it according to the various traps before, trying to see no difference.

At that time, Sun Qianqian was opposed to it. It was so boring to do this kind of thing. There is simply no real benefit, so why waste time?

However, Lin Lang always has his own reason. He explained to Sun Qianqian in a serious manner: "Just think about it, since Wang Chen left this cave for now, is he pregnant with Demon Venerable? Great expectations?"

Happy New Year, everyone! !

(End of this chapter)

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