
  Chapter 2415 Father and son

Actually, Ajun has already thought of this result. After all, mother has been the most What I miss is the safety of father. Now that father is back, mother is happy.

"Father." A Jun took the initiative to say hello, and Zhao Lang immediately complied and looked at his son again, only to discover what was wrong.

"A Jun, are you a cultivator?" Zhao Lang didn't expect that A Jun would become a cultivator.

Back then, since he married an ordinary person, he never thought that his child would become a cultivator. Now seeing Ah Jun like this is indeed overjoyed.

"I was originally an ordinary person, and only with the help of a few seniors, can I become a cultivator and find the father." Ajun said, Zhao Lang immediately gave a big gift to Xiao Guoguo. If their family can be reunited, it is these seniors who reach out to help.

"You're welcome, we also want something." Xiao Guoguo said, and A Jun told Zhao Lang all the things he had done before.

"so that's how it is." Zhao Lang really did not expect that a gem he found in the wind group would become the key to their family reunion.

It can be seen that the stone must be a treasure, but he doesn't care because he feels that the cultivation base is not as good as his family. No wonder he has been unable to cultivation at ease for so many years, and always feels that he has forgotten the most important thing, which is here.

"Father, who is your Divine Consciousness sealed by?" Ah Jun asked. He could forgive father, but he could not come back for so many years, and forgive him for his difficulties.

However, he cannot forgive the person who hurt him and his mother. Ah Jun had thought of it a long time ago that the people who did this had only one purpose, and that was to prevent them from being reunited, otherwise he would not just seal the Divine Consciousness, but would kill the father.

"I don't know this matter, I want to track it down, otherwise there is such a person by my side, there is no guarantee for the safety of our whole family."

Zhao When Lang said that, he saw Sun Qianqian coming over, and it happened that this senior helped him to unlock the seal just now.

"Senior." Zhao Lang was very polite and very grateful for their help.

"I know who did it. Do you need me to find the person?" Sun Qianqian said. Lin Lang couldn't help but curl his lips. He could do all the interesting things by himself. Do you leave some room for others to play?

"Then I will trouble the senior!" Zhao Lang is naturally willing, and he also wants to know who is going to harm him like this. "

Sun Qianqian has a smile on her mouth, because she knows that this matter must be very interesting, she found that person, it is probably a good show to watch.

There is no one.

I think of Sun Qianqian, whose expression looks serious or even serious, and her inner activities are so exciting at this moment. Yes, the reason why she took the initiative to help is to watch a good show.

Mixed with grievances and hatreds She absolutely can’t miss this drama of love.

Actually, it’s not difficult to find this person, because when this person was sealed, she left herself in Zhao Lang’s Sea of ​​Consciousness. If you want to find this person, just follow the energy group to find it.

Sun Qianqian's fingertips rays of light flashed, it was an energy group that had been condensed into silk. Controlled, it is impossible to escape or destroy.

Now what they have to do is to let the energy find his master. Sun Qianqian threw the energy group into in midair and saw the rays of light moved towards the east quickly.

"It turns out that its owner is in the vicinity. This is a coincidence. "Sun Qianqian said with a faint smile, Zhao Lang complexion changed. He should have thought of it a long time ago. Maybe this person will follow him. In fact, Zhao Lang has already prepared in his heart. People are close to him, because if they are not close to him, impossible will seal his Divine Consciousness unguardedly. It’s just that no one close to him can do such a thing, he will never forgive him. People who hurt their family!

They chased the energy group. At this moment, Zhao Lang understood. It turned out that the so-called magic weapon was only to find his way. In fact, he was very moved and very moved. I am grateful to Xiao Guoguo. For his so much trouble, he will not let everyone down.

And at this moment, in an Inn in Wind City, a woman spit a mouthful fiercely. of blood came out, she couldn't believe that the seal she set was broken.

"This...this is impossible! "The woman said this, but found that her breath was disturbed, and her spiritual power could not be mobilized. She had no time to think of anything else, so she could only meditate and adjust her breath.

After one hour, she finally felt better. , But my heart became more disturbed. The Senior Brother suddenly disappeared, and now her remaining seal has been cracked, is it who wants to target them?

But why is it now? Who is this person? This is what I don’t understand.

And when Zhao Lang walked outside the Inn door and saw Sect Disciple, his heart was even heavier, indicating that this person is within Sect. And Sect is. There is this ability inside, he already knows it in his heart, because this time only a few Elder followed, and his Junior Sister.

"Senior Brother! "The woman felt Zhao Lang's silhouette and immediately opened the door, but when she saw the person outside the door, she looked pale.

How could it be possible! How could they find here! No, it's impossible. , They are just ordinary persons.

"Junior Sister, it turned out to be you! Why! "Zhao Lang was very angry. He didn't expect that the person who harmed him was Junior Sister. He was a Junior Sister like a family member.

"Senior Brother, what are you talking about, I don’t understand." . "The woman didn't want to admit it, but a light directly shot into her meridian. She was too familiar with this energy. It was the seal she put in the Senior Brother Sea of ​​Consciousness.

"You seal it." My Divine Consciousness, why do you want to do this? ! "Zhao Lang was sad and angry, and felt disappointed at the same time. She approached step by step, and the woman could only retreat little by little.

"Senior Brother, I didn't do it. Are you fooled?" ? I don't know what it was just now. It got into my meridian and disappeared. What is it? "

The woman looked aggrieved and worried. If it weren't because the person standing opposite was his wife and son, then he might not believe them, or he might really think that they had teamed up to frame his Junior. Sister.

"Hey, there are so many dramas. "Sun Qianqian said, Xiao Guoguo agreed with nodded, this Junior Sister is not a simple character, just a little bit of hands, let the couple separate for more than ten years.

This is dark enough, simply not What kind of emotional struggle, people simply sealed the memory, and fundamentally eliminated future troubles. This is the cultivation base is not enough. If it is more powerful, it is estimated that this section of Divine Consciousness can be taken out and completely destroyed, then there will be no such thing as today. It's up.

(End of this chapter)

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