
  Chapter 2380 Text Transcending Tribulation

Text nodded, then looked at Yuemu and Beibei and said: " Thank you, I am going to prepare Transcending Tribulation now."

Wenwen wants to Transcending Tribulation. Actually, Yuemu is still a bit worried, even more how I want to be at Xiao Guoguo and not here. So he must help Wenwen and make her successful Transcending Tribulation.

"I will be watching you by the side" Yuemu replied, Wenwen glanced at him, and then said very seriously: "I have nothing to prepare for this Transcending Tribulation. It is not easy to say how the result will be. If I If anything goes wrong, my relatives will ask you and the boss."

Wenwen said that, Na Yuemu couldn't bear it, and said directly: "You can go to Transcending Tribulation without worry. I’m here with Beibei, who will have an accident, you will not.” Wenwen looked at Yuemu laughed like this, she believed them, she knew she didn’t have to worry, and she glanced at Qingyun Daoist, Wenwen Only then slowly walked out of the cave.

Qingyun daoist hurried to keep up, Wenwen Transcending Tribulation, how could he not check it out. In fact, Qingyun daoist is also in the heart at the moment, because although Wenwen is very difficult to deal with and has obtained so many cultivation bases, Transcending Tribulation is Life and Death Trial for the cultivator.

If Wenwen can succeed in Transcending Tribulation this time, then he will enter the world of Void Realm. He can't even imagine how powerful this Thunder Tribulation will be. He didn't dare to imagine, what would he do if anything appeared in the text?

And Wenwen’s Thunder Tribulation is too powerful, so they must find a plane that is completely devoid of people. Not only that, it’s best to have no one on the surrounding planes, otherwise they will definitely be implicated. .

Of course, there are many such planes, and there are several in the surrounding area of ​​Deep Sea Abyss. They know that this Star Domain is very rare, and even the cultivator does not pass by, so it is the most suitable place.

I directly chose a plane that looks huge, and Moonwood arranges an array for the text, which can block a part of the tribulation thunder. And Beibei didn't stingy, and left Wenwen with several magic weapons that she could use to fight the tribulation thunder. She was able to do this, and both Wenwen and Qingyun Daoist were very grateful.

"I don't have any treasures either. You hold these magic weapons. If you really can't hold them, throw them away. You know, although I don't have much money, I don't have many magic weapons, but the boss has them.


You now Transcending Tribulation is more important than anything else, don’t feel bad about the magic weapon, reluctant to use it, turn around and let the boss give us a few more calls. Safety is the most important thing."

The tone of this is like the son of the landlord’s prodigal son, rich and imposing. But Wenwen's heart is warm. She knows that there is even a magic weapon made by Xiao Guoguo for Yuemu.

That guy, normally, these two magic weapons are very important. Now that he is willing to take them out, it is enough to show that he is gritted his teeth.

"Don't regret it, if I use these two magic weapons, don't cry." Wenwen said with a smile, Yuemu was about to look anxious, and said depressed: "The important magic weapon is important. , You don’t need me to cry! But when your Transcending Tribulation is completed, you have to go to the boss and ask me for two more."

"Okay, don't worry, this matter is covered by me. "Wenwen agreed, and Yuemu also relaxed, and then said in deadly earnest: "Just go to Transcending Tribulation boldly, I'm here, I can't help you!"

Wenwen: "... …" This guy really has made progress, and can help him carry the tribulation thunder.

"Don't worry." Wenwen replied, looking at the thunderclouds rolling in the sky, her test was about to come.

Yuemu glanced at the extremely anxious Qingyun daoist, and also sorry to take up the time of the husband and wife, so he said a few words and left, and handed the text to Qingyun daoist.

Qingyun daoist has countless words in his heart to say at this moment, but in the end he can’t say anything, just like a piece of cotton in his throat, stabilizes his emotions, and then it slows down He said: "I and child, we need you."

After Qingyun daoist said this, he held Wenwen's hand and refused to let go. Wenwen nodded said, "Wait You, so many women rob you from me, I have worked hard for so many years, and finally cultivated you. Don’t worry, I can’t afford to take advantage of other people."

Qingyun daoist laughed at this. I am not angry at all, just feel very sweet. She admitted that she is still very important in her heart.

The two said nothing, just holding each other's hands with a warm expression on their faces. If it weren't for this occasion, the natural tribulation thunder was tumbling, and Yuemu actually wanted to say that he had a mouthful of dog food.

But this is about to be Transcending Tribulation, can't it be good? Can't we wait until Transcending Tribulation is completed before spreading dog food? Although he said that, he didn't receive much stimulation. Seeing Beibei standing beside him, he felt that he was no longer the single dog who felt like a heart-wrenching when he was all right.

"Hey, should I say something useful at this time?" Yuemu asked. Beibei thought for a while and stopped competing with him. This guy has actually been softened many times. Now Wenwen Transcending Tribulation, she still needs their help, she doesn't want to lose her temper.

"It is more powerful to say that nothing is useful without the encouragement from your lover. I think this is also very good." Beibei replied, and Yuemu felt that she was saying something reasonable.

"Well, that's right, no, I mean what you said is right!" Yuemu suddenly understood, he had to follow along, this Beibei is also a donkey and can't follow She came the other way.

Looking at Yuemu's attitude, and listening to what he said, Beibei felt that this person could still be forgiven. Sure enough, step back and broaden the sky. Why bother, this period of time makes myself feel uncomfortable.

"It's fine if you know it." Beibei finally smiled, and Yuemu sighed in relief in his heart. Sure enough, he guessed right again this time.

Qingyun daoist finally left, because seeing the tribulation thunder is about to fall, if he is here, he really can't afford it. So Qingyun Daoist can only stand beside Yuemu and Beibei, watching the tribulation thunder fall.

After the first Dao Tribulation thunder fell, Qingyun daoist's heart was suspended in the air. He knew that he shouldn't be like this, and tried his best to control it so that Wenwen would not discover his tension and fear.

And Yuemu felt worried. Although he and Beibei had experienced such Thunder Tribulation before, they comforted each other. Compared with the current text, it seemed that the situation was better. a little.

In the original tribulation thunder, Wenwen was all carried down by her own powerful physique, but the more powerful the tribulation thunder becomes, the harder she gets.

As the tribulation thunder fell one by one, Qingyun Daoist became more anxious, even Yuemu, he always couldn't help but want to grab something in his hand, trying to relieve his anxiety .

With Qingyun Daoist on one side and Beibei on the other side, Yuemu chose Beibei almost without the slightest hesitation, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed Beibei's palm in his palm.

Beibei was taken aback for a moment, but she immediately understood that Yuemu was nervous, so she never pulled her hand out, and even used her other hand to grasp his arm.

(End of this chapter)

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