
  Chapter 2377 is like this.

Without Lin Lang’s trouble, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan can really They spent a lot of time on their dedicated research before they figured out what to do.

Everything needs to be renewed once, but they need to repair the materials, and the order is also completely different. So this time they have to be very cautious and can't relax a little bit.

The two of them prepared for three days before they began to refine the magic weapon. The refining furnace was placed in the secret room and occupied most of the secret room. Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan never feared the high temperature. They started the 1st Step of refining magic weapons right here.

Fortunately, they have a lot of materials for refining magic weapons, and thanks to that year, the Master prepared them wholeheartedly for themselves, so these materials are already complete.

If this were not the case, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan didn't know how long it would take to find these materials, so Xiao Guoguo felt fortunate, but also very grateful, very grateful to his Master Xiao Ying.

They prepared the materials one by one, and wrapped the ancient zither with spiritual power flames, only to see that the ancient zither began to decompose. This is Chi Xuan's Life-Source Magical Treasure, so it will be so obedient when re-refining, and all this has been expected by them.

Chi Xuan watched this Life-Source Magical Treasure intently. They have missed it once, and it has saved themselves once. Although they are now riddled with scars, he believes that as long as he can successfully refine this magic weapon, then this magic weapon will become his own Life-Source Magical Treasure again.

When the treasures are put into the furnace, Xiao Guoguo has been paying attention to the changes in the furnace. The materials are used for repairing magic weapons, so that there can be no mistakes.

Time flies quickly, this time refining magic weapons, they have already calculated it, it will take a month. And I'm afraid it can't be done once, they call the material refining three small parts, and these parts can only be spliced ​​again after the refining is successful.

So, they need to do it without sleep during this time, and even if it succeeds, there will be problems in the splicing process. Of course, these problems can also be solved.

The caves of Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan always have spiritual power rays of light shining. Lin Lang comes to see every day, but does not go in. Therefore, he is not very clear about which step has been reached inside, but it is a good thing to see that the rays of light have not disappeared.

So he didn't bother, but waited quietly. There will always be a result. Whether it is success or failure, he must support it. This is what he should do.

Lin Lang thinks this way. In other words, he doesn't really believe that Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan will succeed. He just feels that the probability of success is great.

But when the barrier opened again a month later, he saw Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan. Although the two looked very tired on the surface, they could see that they were very full of energy.

When Lin Lang saw these two people, he knew that he had succeeded, at least there was still a failure. Therefore, he looked at the two of them with joy and said: "I really didn't expect you to succeed."

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Can you speak at all? Can you still be friends?

Lin Lang really can't comfort others, so Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan can only comfort themselves, because only they know that they are still successful.

Sun Qianqian is obviously more stable than Lin Lang. She looked at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan with small smiles on her face and eyes. She knew that they succeeded. This is actually a piece of joy The thing is that she is normally restrained, so she won't show it too much.

"Congratulations." Sun Qianqian said with a smile, but these words are actually enough.

"It's not a complete success yet, I just completed the first part." Xiao Guoguo replied. None of them thought that the relationship between each other would be so good. Now there is no need for Chi Xuan to say anything. Yes, the two communicated very well.

"It's okay, step by step will always succeed." Sun Qianqian said, Xiao Guoguo felt that it made sense.

So, the two of them walked and chatted, but they threw Chi Xuan behind. To be honest, Lin Lang felt a little sympathetic to him, so he patted his arm and said: "It seems that there are too many beautiful girls. It's not a good thing."

Chi Xuan: "..." If it is so easy to misunderstand, don't just say whether it's good or not.

Chi Xuan doesn’t mind at all, just slowly following Xiao Guoguo’s back, they really just took a small step, because the next step will be the most difficult step, that is, assembling .

When Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan took out the three parts, Lin Lang and Sun Qianqian were also very surprised, because this ancient zither has changed, now the body and strings have been separated, and There is also a sword slot underneath, which can put down a sword.

And the sword is the third part, it turns out to be exactly in the body of the instrument.

But they were a little surprised when they didn't see the sword, but Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan didn't explain anything, so it was difficult for them to follow up and ask. There is just a very strange feeling, that is, they clearly combined two magic weapons into one.

This approach is very rare, I don't know what effect this new magic weapon will have after it grows.

They are very familiar with Chi Xuan’s Life-Source Magical Treasure before, but will this new magic weapon be the same as before? If it is really the same, then this time can only be regarded as a repair rather than a transformation.

So, both of them think that this magic weapon must be different.

"How long does it take to assemble?" Lin Lang curiously asked, while Xiao Guoguo hesitated and didn't know how to answer, because she didn't know how long it would take.

"It is estimated that it will be difficult, and it will take at least three months for the integration." Chi Xuan replied.

"Three months, is that too long?" Lin Lang asked, and Chi Xuan nodded said: "It's been a long time, but it takes so long. After all, this is a piece of An extremely exquisite magic weapon."

After Chi Xuan spoke this way, Lin Lang didn't want to chat with him. Whose Life-Source Magical Treasure is not exquisite! This looks down on anyone, his Life-Source Magical Treasure is also very difficult to deal with, alright, although it is not as good as his.

But anyway, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan took a rest outside this time for a few days before continuing to retreat. Lin Lang could only wait, but this time, he couldn't even see any rays of light, and he didn't know what he was doing.

Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan. In fact, for this first stage, her task has been completed, because the refining method maintains her expertise, and assembling is within the scope of mechanical skills, and she can’t help. What a busy time.

During this time, Chi Xuan is making some splicing parts, these parts will become the key point of connection, and these parts also need to be refined, she will help refine them, and Chi Xuan will use The combination of mechanical techniques, this ancient zither is actually not what it was like before.

Xiao Guoguo feels that he still played a very important role.

(End of this chapter)

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