
  Chapter 2369 Unwilling.

She and Yuemu have been busy for more than two months, just for the sake of writing Wen, by this time, they have got everything, but if Wen Wen is unwilling to absorb it, then they will really lose out.

"If it looks like this, it's the senior's painstaking care for you." Qingyun Daoist said, she naturally hopes that Wenwen will become stronger, because only Wenwen is stronger, she can do more Only when you are safe can you truly rest assured.

"Do you want me to agree too?" Wenwen asked when looking at Qingyun Daoist. Seeing that he was nodded, she took a deep breath in her heart. She knew that everyone was doing her good.

"Then I will give it a try, but if it succeeds or not, I can't guarantee it." Wenwen felt that how he would refuse to resign, that would be too ignorant.

"It must be successful. By the way, the master of space said that she left you a gift a long time ago, which can help you absorb this cultivation base. She said this is The last retreat she planned. Before she is completely controlled by Heart Demon, she will also leave everything to you, and then perish with Heart Demon."

Yuemu said this, Wenwen It was even more shocking in her heart, and she naturally knew what the Lord of Space left for her back then. She left the transfer of Power of Space to herself, but temporarily sealed it up, and needed her cultivation base to open it.

Now it seems that she has made plans long ago, just waiting for the last step. However, she did not expect that she met Beibei, so she had new hope and started a new life.

"Then I will absorb it." After putting down the worry in Wenwen's heart, she took the bead in her hand and felt the energy in the bead close. She little by little absorbed the energy and found that there was nothing The phenomenon of exclusion.

Not only is his meridian never repelling these energies, but these energies also do not repel entering the dantian and being refined into new energies.

It will naturally take a while for Wenwen to absorb the cultivation base left by the Lord of Space. By the time Xiao Guoguo knew, Wenwen was already in retreat. Xiao Guoguo is also very happy about this. If Wenwen's strength increases, it will be of great benefit to them.

The text has not yet entered Void Realm. If it can enter this time, that would be a good thing.

At this moment, Chi Xuan has also sorted out his memories. He found that if he wants to become strong, he needs to find a way. The cultivation base he lost back then must be retrieved.

Of course, this matter is not so easy. After all, so many years have passed, and the cultivation base he has lost may have spread to all planes. If there is any way, it is okay to be able to find the equivalent energy.

Over the years, he has used the power of the earth to enhance his cultivation base. This is his cultivation method in his previous life. No wonder he can master it. If he practiced with this kind of magic cultivator, he would never be able to catch up with Wang Chen, so he had to find another way.

Chi Xuan feels that since his energy is dispersed into the void and the plane, he can also absorb energy from the void and the plane.

In addition to absorbing from the earth, there are also star maps. If the two are carried out at the same time and cooperate with each other, the effect will be better. Just how can it be done? Chi Xuan has many ideas in his mind, and he needs to find the most optimal one.

And there is one more thing he needs to hurry up to do. He once had a Life-Source Magical Treasure that year, but it was destroyed in the battle.

However, that is the Life-Source Magical Treasure after all. If he can find it back, it will be of great use.

So Chi Xuan can't stay here anymore. He doesn't know how to retrieve his behavior, but he knows how to retrieve his magic weapon.

Chi Xuan wants to go, Xiao Guoguo naturally follows, and besides Xiao Guoguo, there are Lin Lang and Sun Qianqian. Therefore, Yuemu and Beibei stayed with Wenwen to absorb energy, and waited until Wenwen Transcending Tribulation.

Xiao Guoguo actually wants to stay and watch Wenwen Transcending Tribulation. She is not very relieved, but the situation simply does not allow them. They need to hurry up because no one knows what Wang Chen is now. doing what?

At this moment, Mr. Xue is standing next to Wang Chen, and Mr. Xue has long since lost all the incomparable things he had before. Instead, he humbled himself and stood beside Wang Chen.

This situation reminded him of the past, when he served Wang Chen all the way, only step by step climbed up, climbed to Wang Chen’s most capable assistant, and then was retained. Here, he became Old Xue.

I just didn't expect that after so many years, I would still return to the original point. This made Xue Lao feel very uncomfortable, but he couldn't do anything. He could only add this kind of uncomfortable pressure in the heart, and didn't dare to show it at all.

"You mean, the Earth Demon clan is locked here now?" Wang Chen looked at the plane in front of him. There was indeed array control, and there were many monster beast guards.

"Yes, the master, after the failure of Earth Demon that year, most of them were locked here. I didn't expect that they could not beat the Human Race cultivator."

Xue Lao explained that everything is not his fault, it is all too weak of this group of Earth Demon clan. If you put a little more, then you won't be as passive as it is now.

"hmph, don't make excuses for your failure." Wang Chen said so and went straight on. He simply didn't care about the array, and the array couldn't stop him.

Old Xue couldn't help rolling his eyes, but he knew he couldn't do that, so he lowered his head and walked in behind Wang Chen. Since the failure of the Earth Demon clan, he didn't want to see them at a glance, so he simply never came here.

However, what they didn't expect was that the Earth Demon family did not have a miserable life here, but had a very stable life. They built houses and lived by hunting as before.

Moreover, they have learned temperance, and they are not afraid of wasting their prey as before. They seem to be very honest and disciplined, and they don't even see them fighting each other, but are very quiet.

At that time, Xiao Guoguo didn't wipe out all the Earth Demon clan, but trapped a large part of it here and let them start a new life. Of course, if they have any unusual behavior, the monster beast clan will immediately report it, so I don't know what is waiting for them.

So for so many years, these surviving Earth Demon clansman simply didn't mean to make waves. Without the control of the upper high level Earth Demon, they lived very contented instead.

There is no need to fight anymore, and no need to take risks in order to improve your status. Before that, even if they were Earth Demon from the same tribe, in order to become stronger, they had to face a life-and-death struggle.

And now that none of this exists, they are living well, being able to eat well, being able to be with their families, they seem to prefer this kind of life.

So for so many years, Xiao Guoguo has not heard anything unusual, and monster beast clansman also finds it incredible. The Earth Demon clan has become like this. They all think they can’t believe it, let alone Wang Chenhe Old Xue.

Wang Chen feels that this is not the Earth Demon family he knows, absolutely not!

(End of this chapter)

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