
  Chapter 2363 Trouble

I have to say that Lin Lang is the person who knows them best, he not only knows Yang Shuo's character, she also knows Sun Qianqian's character very well, she has always been someone who is able to coaxing but not coercion.

If Chi Xuan is willing to speak well, and even use gentle means, even if it is false, I am afraid that this girl will not act too ruthlessly.

Sun Qianqian likes Yang Shuo. This is well known, and it is not a secret in the Seven Palaces. But now, after being hurt by Yang Shuo, after so many years, I still can't forget it, which shows how tempted I was at that time.

He is scared. If Sun Qianqian insists on breaking them up, can he stop them?

Sure enough, Sun Qianqian laughed, although she is not devastatingly beautiful, but she is also unique, and then slowly said: "If you don't let me tell you, then I will tell you! You don't want to remember, Then I just want to remind you!" Xiao Guoguo, who was talking about Sun Qianqian's words, felt a little in his heart. If a woman becomes crazy, sometimes more terrifying than a man, this woman is definitely not ordinary after Lin Lang. If she is not careful, I am afraid that I will suffer a big loss.

"No matter if I think of it or not, there will not be any changes." Chi Xuan said very surely, but when she heard Sun Qianqian puchi laughed, she replied: "That's your choice , It has nothing to do with me, I do what I want to do."

Xiao Guoguo heard this and felt that this woman was more deep and unmeasurable. And now if anyone can stop this woman, I'm afraid it is only Lin Lang.

But now, Lin Lang is still silent, so Xiao Guoguo knows that this woman is afraid of Lin Lang and dare not really provoke her.

"Lin Lang!" Xiao Guoguo yelled in a low voice. Lin Lang was going to persuade him or two, but before he could say anything, Lin Lang was slapped and slapped by Sun Qianqian.

Although this palm was not for serious injury to Lin Lang, the effect was almost the same. Lin Lang directly vomited blood. He understood how strong Sun Qianqian was.

"Why bother with you!" When Lin Lang said this, Sun Qianqian said with a bitter smile: "Why not? Why not? After waiting for so many years, I always have to wait for a result. "

Xiao Guoguo knows after hearing this, he can't stop it. This woman's cultivation base is too high, even Lin Lang is not her opponent. Then he has no chance of winning.

But for Chi Xuan, no matter what, she will give it a try! She didn't believe it, she couldn't stop it.

However, without waiting for Xiao Guoguo to do anything, he was grabbed. Chi Xuan grabbed her hand and said, “Just let her try. She won’t give up if she doesn’t try. I Will make her give up."

When this remark said it, it was really heartbreaking, but Sun Qianqian just lightly said, and then took out a bead from the box, and then said: "You lost your life back then. Forget it, Divine Soul has all become fragments. I only kept a part of it at the time, which happened to be your memory."

Sun Qianqian said it was easy, but in fact it is not easy. Back then, in order to preserve With these Divine Soul fragments, she consumed part of her cultivation base.

But it goes without saying, what she needs is not his gratitude, it has never been. If it's not what you want, then don't want it at all.

"Do you dare to absorb these?" Sun Qianqian said, but saw Chi Xuan ponder for a while and asked: "Can I choose?"

Sun Qianqian: " ......" When did it become like this?

It's not cold anymore, it seems to be flesh and blood. Such Yang Shuo felt strange and scary, and she felt that she might not win. But even so, she still wanted a result.

Chi Xuan feels that the spiritual power of his whole body is blocked, and that coercion was moved towards him alone, and he did not even involve Xiao Guoguo, which made him feel a little more stable .

He couldn't move, and the beads quickly entered his Sea of ​​Consciousness, there was no chance of resistance at all, which made Chi Xuan feel very disgusted!

But it is indeed a fragment of memory. Although he has never been in contact with that kind of life, but this kind of memory merges into his Sea of ​​Consciousness, but he seems to have actually seen and experienced Same, not unfamiliar at all.

Sure enough, this is the memory of one's own life, very many, difficult to understand, and very complicated. But it didn't matter. Although he remembered who this woman was, he still wanted to contact him.

After two hours, Chi Xuan has already sorted it out, but he doesn't think there is any change, but he has more memories and met a few acquaintances.

Xiao Guoguo saw Chi Xuan open her eyes, she didn't ask anything, because the two people were connected, and Chi Xuan was thinking that no one knew better than her. So since opening Xiao Guoguo, he has never worried, because he understands that no matter what the situation, it is her that Chi Xuan cannot abandon.

"Are you awake?" Sun Qianqian asked. She felt very nervous in her heart. She didn't know who this awake person was?

"Miss Sun, long time no see." Chi Xuan said so, Sun Qianqian only felt that her heartbeat had accelerated. He really remembered, he remembered everything!

"Yang Shuo!" Sun Qianqian asked with a smile, while Yang Shuo nodded and said: "I am Yang Shuo, but now I prefer the name Chi Xuan."

Xiao Guoguo After hearing this, her heart fell in half, and the remaining half was actually already recognized. She knew whether Chi Xuan had herself in her heart.

"Chi Xuan? This name is also good, did you pick it yourself?" When Sun Qianqian asked this question, it was like an old friend reunited after a long absence, and the gossip did not say anything else.

"I didn't take it myself, but it represents my life, the most important life, a life that no one can replace." Chi Xuan said, Xiao Guoguo took his hand, although Show affection isn't very good at this time, but I still can't help it.

"Yang Shuo, you have spent all your life for her, do you want to continue?" Sun Qianqian couldn't help asking him, although she didn't want to ask, but she couldn't help it.

"Yes, to be with her, to spend a lifetime with her, I think it is very worthwhile." Chi Xuan said very positively, Sun Qianqian did not want to hear this, which means so many years After that, Yang Shuo didn't even regret it at all.

She originally thought that he would regret it when he knew how tough he had been, and when he knew what he had lost for a woman. But I didn't expect it to be such a result!

What is the meaning of all this?

"Don't regret it?" Sun Qianqian asked again.

"No regrets!" Chi Xuan replied very firmly.

"It looks like it's me, I'm just being nosy." Sun Qianqian said with a smile, but the smile was too bitter.

Sun Qianqian felt that it was enough. After waiting for so many years, she did not regret the result, but she also knew very well that there was no need to wait any longer. Her dignity did not allow it.

(End of this chapter)

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