
  Chapter 2360 Conditions

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, Wenwen and Qingyun daoist, plus a deep sea The lord just left. Naturally, some people are not reconciled, such as Han Meng, she wants to go with him, she wants to help.

No sword Old Ancestor didn't stop it, let Han Meng rush out, but the barrier was very powerful, Han Meng's attack was useless at all, and the barrier would not let her out.

"It seems that she had already thought about it a long time ago, and arranged us here, and didn't want us to mix with the outside affairs." Xiao Ying said, her mood is not good, Han Meng will not compare She has a lot of worries, but she cannot be like Han Meng because she has to control herself.

"If we really go out, then her thoughts will be wasted, she wasted half a year here, just hope we can be safe." Lingyue said.

Everyone looked at the two of them. Now these two women represent their Peak strength, and they are also the closest people to Xiao Guoguo. They are right, Xiao Guoguo has been here for so long for them. No matter what they think, if you want to reassure Xiao Guoguo, you should keep quiet.

"So, we have to be good." Lingyue finished speaking and left. Instead of wasting time here, it is better to go to cultivation, which has some meaning.

Everyone watched Xiao Ying and Lingyue leave, and they also dispersed. They knew that they couldn't get out. In that case, it's better to be good. Maybe they really need them one day.

Xiao Guoguo They are gone, no one knows where they went. At this time, Beibei and Yuemu were healing, and their fight with Xue Lao was also injured.

But their injuries are not serious, they still want to go back quickly, and then come back together, take good care of this old Xue. However, when they were getting better, suddenly the cave was opened.

Beibei was stunned for a moment, thinking in her heart that Elder Xue found them? No way, that guy is more injured than them!

But Beibei rushed out immediately, and Yuemu was healing at the moment, so he couldn't be distracted. But after going out, Bei Bei was stunned for a moment, she saw the golden carp, besides a woman.

If the guess is correct, this woman is probably the body of Wenwen.

Beibei also knows something about Wenwen, and she also feels surprised that it is rare that an Avatar can be as powerful as the body.

"It turned out to be you. I just thought about who is here." The woman said that and looked at Beibei. Although they all knew each other, they never had a chance to meet.

"The Lord of Space, didn't expect to meet here today." Beibei said so, but did not relax her vigilance. She didn't know why the other party came here, and she didn't know if she did. What plan.

"The Lord of Time, I also didn't expect our first meeting to be like this. I heard a lot about you." The woman said with a smile, but she finished this After speaking, he coughed fiercely.

Beibei was very surprised. According to the truth, they will not get sick unless they are injured, but will this woman be injured? Who is it? Who made her hurt?

At this time, Beibei discovered that a black shadow appeared just now. It was black demonic energy. He wanted to break through heavy obstacles, but was stuck in her body by the woman. .

"Lord of Time, I heard that your ability is to disperse dark things?" The woman asked, and Beibei nodded said: "I am very good at dealing with darkness, but you, Heart Demon, have the root If you want to disperse your heart, it will take a long time. Take your time."

So Beibei said, the woman nodded: "Can't be completely expelled?"

"That's not absolute, but if you don't cooperate, I may not be able to dispel it completely. But..." Beibei thought for a while, and she still had two medicine pills that dispelled Heart Demon in her hand. It was given by Xiao Guoguo, but is she going to give it to this woman?

"But, is there still hope?" the woman asked, with rays of light in her eyes.

"I have a medicine pill to dispel Heart Demon here, but this medicine pill is very precious." Beibei is very entangled. According to reason, she has nothing to do with the other party. She must not give such a precious medicine pill in vain. her.

"What price do I have to pay?" the woman asked, Beibei was very entangled. This medicine pill was given by Xiao Guoguo. There were only a few pills, and she wanted to keep it for herself, in order to guard against the unexpected. Who can guarantee that he will not be trapped by Heart Demon?

"You need your cultivation base, all." A voice came, and it turned out that Yuemu came out.

"Why did you come out? Your injury hasn't healed yet." At the moment, Beibei has only one moon in his eyes, as if the Lord of Space is not important at all.

"Your price is too high." The woman faintly smiled, but she didn't mean to refuse.

"It depends on how you choose." Yuemu said so, without feeling that his request was excessive.

The woman looked at Yuemu, as if she suddenly understood, and then she sighed: "Actually, your request is unnecessary. I had planned to give her all the cultivation base of this body."

Beibei was stunned, what are they talking about? Why didn't I understand a word? Whom do you want to give this body's cultivation base?

"If you can successfully expel Heart Demon, will you still send out all the cultivation bases of your life?" Yuemu asked, and the woman froze for a while and said: "People's hearts are easy to change, I'm afraid I I will also change my mind. I really dare not promise you."

"Look, you also know that you can't control your heart, otherwise you won't be entangled by Heart Demon. In that case, I just want your lifelong cultivation base, but it can help you save your life, so do you earn it?"

The golden carp is a little anxious. It hopes that the owner can agree to it, because they are fast things now. have reached a dead end, if the owner does not accept this help, then his life will be lost, and the cultivation base of this life was originally intended to be given to Wenwen.

"Well, helping her is equivalent to helping myself. I am not at a disadvantage. I just wronged you, and I will still be with me in the future." The woman said this to the golden carp. I saw the golden carp nodded, looking willingly.

"Master, I think you made a right choice." Golden Carp said. The woman smiled very happily, and she suddenly felt that there was hope for her future life.

Moreover, she will no longer be the lord of time and space, so she doesn't need to continue to guard this plane anymore, she can go out and wander freely and take a look at this world. It was a brand new world, and she wanted to see it a long time ago.

Think about these people. Which one of them is not a breakthrough, and becomes a butterfly. Maybe it's time for herself, she is one step behind others.

"Okay, I promise you." The woman agreed, and Beibei didn't understand until this time that Yuemu was fighting for Wenwen's future.

(End of this chapter)

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