
  Chapter 2356 Wobiancao

Seeing the expression of Sun Qianqian, Wang Chen only felt angry. Is this woman stupid? Didn't she understand that Yang Shuo simply didn't like her and wouldn't do anything for her.

But her expression is so unrepentant, without anger or jealousy at all, which makes Wang Chen's heart even more uncomfortable. Why, why Yang Shuo can get everything without any effort, he is not convinced.

Sun Qianqian felt a powerful force coming. She backed away quickly. She finally understood that Wang Chen had already become extremely powerful. He was afraid that he was the most powerful of the seven. It's a great one.

Sun Qianqian's evasion speed is very fast, but compared with Wang Chen's speed is faster, just like a spiritual power whip, instantly wrapped Sun Qianqian's waist.

"What are you going to do!" Sun Qianqian asked angrily. She is a cultivator and a powerful cultivator. When did she get entangled so much? The spiritual power whip on this waist made her feel very much. uneasy.

However, Wang Chen is now a little bit irrational because of jealousy, and Sun Qianqian was arrested when he tried hard, and fell directly into his arms.

In fact, if Wang Chen was sober, he would not do this, because he knew that such a provocation would drive Sun Qianqian into a frenzy, and Sun Qianqian in a crazy state would not want to see it. Because once Sun Qianqian is aggressive, it will be difficult for him to parry.

Although he can defeat Sun Qianqian and even kill her, that is a goal that requires a step by step plot against, a little bit of attack.

Simply put, now that he is so reckless, it is very likely that he will be passive. If Sun Qianqian is anxious and self-destruct directly in his arms, then he has two lives that are not enough. Then Sun Qianqian is a powerful cultivator. Even if he is injured now, the energy of self-exposure can destroy the entire plane.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if Sun Qianqian really did this, then half of the entire Deep Sea Abyss would disappear in an instant.

But Wang Chen didn't think so much at this moment. He just wanted to hold people in his arms. He had done this. After so many years of tolerance, he got a little out of control.

"Let go!" A slap was accompanied by these words. It was the formidable power of Sun Qianqian's slap. Wang Chen hid, and the huge stone behind him was instantly shattered.

Seeing this scene, Wang Chen's face was very ugly. He thought about it that he didn't hide it just now, I'm afraid that half of his face will be deformed. So he grabbed Sun Qianqian's hand angrily, looked at her angry eyes, and wanted to see if the red lips were as soft as he had thought.

But at this moment, cry out in surprise came: "Wang Chen, you are such a person!"

Wang Chen only felt stiff. At this time Who the hell is it! As soon as he turned his head, he saw Lin Lang with a shocked face and the chattering mouth.

"Wang Chen, rabbits don’t eat grass around their nests. That’s Sun Qianqian. How can you make her idea? Look at your ability and ability, status and status, and good looks. Why can't I think so?"

Wang Chen: "..." Should he be grateful?

Sun Qianqian: "..." Should I save her first?

However, Lin Lang was also stunned. When he saw it just now, he thought he was dazzled. Thinking about it again, he suddenly felt a little unacceptable. Sun Qianqian and the others have been in friendship for so many years, and why has it suddenly deteriorated.

Although he doesn't like Wang Chen, but he can't accept that he likes Sun Qianqian, he feels that Wang Chen seems to be at a disadvantage. Of course, Sun Qianqian looks good and it is not ugly, but in his impression, this woman is cruel and hard-hearted, how could anyone like it?

Lin Lang has forgotten at this moment, Sun Qianqian looks pretty good, she used to be a cultivation world number one beauty, even if she goes out now, it is almost the same as before.

Why don't you like such a beauty as cold as ice and frost?

That is, he always treats others as his brother, so he can't accept it. Thinking that Sun Qianqian liked Yang Shuo back then, that aroused the envy, jealousy and hatred of many people, of course, this also included Wang Chen.

"You shut up!" Sun Qianqian roared angrily.

"Hey? Are you voluntary? So you actually like Wang Chen? That's good, Yang Shuo doesn't have to worry." Lin Lang felt a little sorry for Wang Chen, but Yang Shuo Brother is relaxed.

Sun Qianqian: "..." Do you want to kill this guy?

Wang Chen looked at Lin Lang helplessly sighed, he was told by Lin Lang that he could only release Sun Qianqian, otherwise he became who? His previous thoughts disappeared again, and he admitted that he was impulsive just now.

Sun Qianqian left Wang Chen immediately after being free. She was a deep-minded person, and she didn't want to have too much contact with him. However, she is also very angry with Lin Lang, is she also self-respecting?

So she stood between the two men and looked at Lin Lang. There was dissatisfaction in her eyes. Lin Lang then realized what she had said. Some sorry scratched her head and said: "Wang Chen, you can rest assured that I will keep this matter secret for you."

"No need." Wang Chen glanced at him irritably, whether this person winked at all.

"Wang Chen, I mean you dare to hurt Yang Shuo, we are dead enemies!" Sun Qianqian said, Wang Chen took a deep look at her, then turned and left, and did not agree.

Lin Lang was also taken aback. He probably understood what these two people said, but what he didn't understand was why Wang Chen turned around and left in this situation.

Why don’t they play a game and decide the outcome? But thinking about the situation just now, Wang Chen was afraid it was for Sun Qianqian, after all, she was the woman she liked, and the people here still liked others, Wang Chen was so pitiful.

Although I think he is very pitiful, but I am in a good mood. Perhaps, this is the so-called taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

Yes, he is taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, and Wang Chen has long been uncomfortable. If it wasn't for him, Fiercely's lesson would have been taken a long time ago. This guy didn't know how many things he did with them back then. If nothing else, plot against Xiao Guoguo, he would have to ask him to settle accounts sooner or later.

Lin Lang thinks so, but don’t worry now, because he has more important things to do now, that is, he has to find Xiao Guoguo and Yang Shuo. Only after he finds them can he know what the next step will be. If you do, you can't let yourself get hurt here, it would be too delay.

"You, are you okay?" Lin Lang asked, and saw Sun Qianqian knelt on the ground all of a sudden.

"It seems that it is not very good. I have healing medicine here. Would you like to take one first?" Although Lin Lang said that, he didn't mean to approach him. He felt that he should avoid suspicion.

Although he thinks Sun Qianqian is a buddy and a good brother, but watching Wang Chen's interaction with her, he thinks that his thoughts are very stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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