
  outside Chapter 2353

At this moment, in the deep ocean’s peripheral zone, a black hole appeared. A man and a woman came out from the inside. They looked very good and had unique temperaments. They caught everyone's attention when they appeared.

Yuemu supports Beibei, although he doesn't have any spiritual power, but the situation is better than Beibei. Both of them have exhausted all the spiritual power this time, and all the possibilities like the other have been calculated. That's why I set this trap.

The most important thing is that we have to thank Wenwen, because she has sealed some of her abilities in a magic weapon, which is the life-saving trump card we handed to them when they leave.

Now, the cards really saved their lives. The old Xue will not think that they would have such a treasure, which can take them away under any circumstances.

"Fortunately, we finally escaped." Yuemu said so, and Beibei followed nodded. These two guys felt very happy in their hearts at the moment, and felt very excited, because they reached For the purpose, it can be regarded as revenge for oneself.

"What do we do next step?" Beibei asked Yuemu, and listened to Yuemu said: "It's not my style to do good deeds without leaving a name. Since the two of us know where this guy is, then Just find him more enemies."

At this moment, Yuemu admires that guy Lu Shan very much. His strategy is really good. You simply don’t need to do it yourself, just send Mr. Xue his position. Up. He has so many enemies, it is not easy to heal his injuries.

"Then let's cheat him fiercely once. Since we have done it, it is better to be more ruthless. In addition to the location information, we should make him weaker. It is best to slap him. The state of death. And such a guy will definitely carry a lot of treasures on his body, how can there be so many treasures that no one is tempted?"

Tsukiki: "..." When is Beibei? Become so smart, but I have to say that if a woman gets tough, then you can't guard against it.

"Do you feel bad? Why don't you speak?" Bei Bei asked with a puzzled face.

"I feel very good, girl, you are not an ordinary person." Yuemu said with a smile.

Beibei: "..." Is this complimenting yourself?

Xiao Guoguo didn't know that Yuemu and Beibei stirred up a wind outside, and also delayed the time when Old Xue came out to find them for a few months.

And these few months are very important, because they have put everyone in place, and there are many things that need to be done, not just the array, how should the various departments and families be arranged? These things gave Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan a headache.

But they are still patient to arrange, and at the same time, they are also waiting, waiting for the news to be sent back. Because Yuemu and the others stayed there, they have now become a channel for them to know outside news.

Of course, Yuemu actually wanted to show off that he and Beibei hurt Mr. Xue together, but he still dare not think of Xiao Guoguo's expression after knowing it.

He also knows how risky he is doing this kind of thing, so he is like brat who has made a mistake and dare not tell his parents. There is too much eagerness to claim credit in his heart. Was depressed by him.

And this made Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan arrange some things here. At the same time, Xiao Guoguo asked Yuemu to come back immediately, because Sea Clan was saved, they didn’t need to stay outside, right? ?

But these two guys just refused to come back. Xiao Guoguo always missed them. Apart from worrying, what he thinks most every day is how to educate Yuemu fiercely.

At the same time, a lot of things happened in another world. Lin Lang and Zhao Ting did not cast aside all considerations for face with Wang Chen now, but they sent people to watch closely. Wang Chen, no matter what the other party did or any changes, the spies would tell them immediately.

However, Lin Lang only thought about Wang Chen, but didn't think that the people on his side had a problem. When they found out, the barrier was already stable.

Lin Lang was not the first person to discover that the barrier was unstable. When he arrived here, Wang Chen and Zhao Ting were already there. They stared at the barrier with entanglement and anxiety in their eyes.

"What's going on here? What's going on here?!" Lin Lang shouted, while staring at Wang Chen with doubts and suspicions in his eyes

Wang Chen: "..." He didn't do anything, this time it really doesn't matter to him.

"You have seen it too, I am here, but I didn't do anything." When Wang Chen said this, he saw the entire barrier shake, and then Sun Qianqian's silhouette appeared.

It turned out that Sun Qianqian wanted to open the barrier. As a result, Lin Lang didn't expect anything but Zhao Ting's face was thoughtful, and he glanced at Wang Chen at the same time.

It’s just that Wang Chen at this time seemed to be very shocked. His surprised look didn't look like he was cheating. He didn't seem to expect the situation in front of him.

"Sun Qianqian, what are you doing? Are you crazy? Just open the barrier!" Lin Lang roared throughout his life and passed it along with spiritual power, so that Sun Qianqian could hear it very clearly.

But even so, Sun Qianqian didn't mean to stop, she didn't even look back, as if these people in front of her were simply not worth mentioning, it was not worth him to look back.

Zhao Ting’s face is getting more and more ugly. He used to know how terrifying women are when they are crazy, but now it seems that what he thought before is terrifying is still too insignificant, and now Sun Qianqian is crazy. .

This barrier is the largest channel connecting the two worlds. She wants to open it. Didn't she see how many aliens gather around here?

"Should we stop her?" Lin Lang asked because he wasn't sure, because he wanted to go back and see who wanted to hurt Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan.

"I don't dare. If you don't have this ability, then you go." Wang Chen gave up first at this time. He was stupid to stop it. This is what he wanted See the result.

When he entered this world that year, he originally thought that he would have a bigger future waiting for him, but after he came, he discovered that he was pitted. This place is not comparable to the original world, but if you want to go back, it is already impossible. The barrier is completely blocked, and it is blocked from the other side.

This cognition made him feel very angry, but he has nothing to do, because he still does not want to damage his cultivation base. Under this circumstance, he hasn't mentioned anything back after so many years.

But today, Sun Qianqian suddenly helped herself to do these things, he was too happy to be too late, how could he stop it. Of course, he can't support on the surface, so he can only keep silent.

In his heart, he hoped that Sun Qianqian would be able to stand up a bit. Before the two men brought her down, it would be very good to open the barrier.

(End of this chapter)

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