
  Chapter 2349 found that

Everyone didn’t expect, Beibei and Yuemu came back to bring They go. This is something that many generations of seapeople have not done, and these two guys even said to take them away.

But they still pack things quickly, so that all the Sea Clan members are waiting. They have to do some very important things, that is, drawing lots.

They know that the situation is critical now, but in order to conceal people and not to put so much pressure on Yuemu and Beibei, they decided to take most of the people away, but there are still some people left, probably It means that one-fifth of the people will continue to live here

Staying here is to cover people’s eyes and to give themselves a way of retreat. If they pass by, they won’t say anything, but there is a high probability that they simply can't make it through.

The lottery was quickly decided, and those who were able to leave did not show joy, because leaving under such circumstances is not a good thing in itself, and the feeling of leaving home is not at all uncomfortable.

And the rest of the people don't feel the pain of loss. They have lived here all their lives and have been used to it. Staying under the sea makes them feel safer, although safety is a bit extravagant for them now.

Everyone is very fast. It only took half a day to pack them up, and there are not many things that can be taken away. They just want to see if they can leave here first.

Sea Clan left, the movement is not small, although they have tried not to attract everyone’s attention, but Sea Beast, the cultivator under the sea, they all watched in horror. The silhouette of the Sea Clan on the huge Sea Beast disappeared in a flash.

Therefore, everyone is speculating, what is going on?

Could it be that cultivation world and Sea Clan fought? I don't blame them for making such speculations. It is true that almost all of the Sea Clan has been dispatched, which is really incredible.

While the king looked at the distant palace and the deep sea, he also felt very heartache in his heart. This time his eldest son, Sea Clan's First Prince, took the initiative to stay. In fact, he felt very heartache in his heart.

But he also understands that as a Royal Family, this is their responsibility. He actually wants to stay by himself, but he is also very clear that as a king, there is more important Task.

So when eldest son made this request, although he was heartbroken, he still agreed, and the queen was also weeping bitter tears, but eldest son did not change his mind.

He was right. They are Royal Family. They carry more than others and enjoy more than others. They are gone, and the remaining clansman loses the backbone. He is the big brother, so naturally he has to take on this responsibility.

Second Prince and Third Prince also wanted to help, but the king knew that they were far worse than First Prince, so they took the two sons away and no one could replace First Prince.

"Father, will we be back again?" Second Prince asked. The king smiled bitterly and said: "Yes, we will be back one day."

For the sake of all clansman, he can only make this decision. They can't bet whether or not that person will attack them Sea Clan. So they go now and leave here.

When Sea Clan and Sea Beast appeared outside, the surrounding cultivators were shocked. They didn't understand. What happened? Why did Sea Clan suddenly appear?

But no one explained for them, and no one dared to really follow Sea Clan. They watched Sea Clan disappear into their sight.

Of course, you have a few brave ones. They followed Sea Clan to the front of the barrier. This surprised these people. Is Sea Clan going to pass this barrier?

Yesterday passed. They never succeeded. Is there any difference this time?

Beibei and Yuemu walked over, they glanced at each other, and they saw the firmness in their hearts from their eyes. They held hands and gathered the spiritual power of one body.

They are now cultivation base profound, this kind of spiritual power, ordinary people simply can't bear it, even if they just look at it, they feel trembling, their eyes hurt, they don't even dare to look again, and slowly close I felt more comfortable when I closed my eyes.

And the king of Sea Clan and several seniors, they have been staring at them. They want to write down this scene and talk to the children in the future. They have to see with their own eyes whether this scene that changes the future of Sea Clan will succeed.

Beibei and Yuemu naturally felt the strength of this barrier. They really didn't understand who arranged it? What kind of cultivation base they were back then, how could they be so powerful.

The two have been insisting that they did not let go. Although they felt the strength of the barrier, it was just a barrier after all, not the person who set it up. They can still deal with it.

Moreover, they are not going to destroy the entire barrier, they just need a channel, a channel that no longer blocks Sea Clan.

So, with this feeling, the two of them held on for a quarter of an hour. After a quarter of an hour, a doorway appeared on the barrier, which was seven or eight meters high.

"Let's go!" Beibei only said this word, and saw Shiran Meng's moved towards outside, and the person had disappeared in the blink of an eye, which was clearly over.

Of course, Shiran is a mechanical general, and it is not surprising that he can pass. However, behind Shiran was Boss Zhou, who was a real Sea Clan. He took a deep look at Beibei, and then dashed forward, disappearing into the sight of everyone in a blink of an eye. .

Everyone is waiting for a result. Until the voice of Boss Zhou came over there, "Come here."

The king's face was full of joy. Who would have thought that this would be the result, he was afraid that Beibei and Yuemu would not be able to hold on. Everyone was arranged quickly, very fast, of course, Sea Beast was placed last.

Beibei and Yuemu persisted very hard, but they knew that it wouldn't be long, at most a quarter of an hour, the people of Sea Clan would all pass, they clenched their teeth and persisted.

A quarter of an hour later, when the last Sea Clan passed, Beibei and Yuemu dropped their hands one after another. After their energy was collected, the barrier quickly closed.

The barrier is still the barrier, but Sea Clan can't be trapped anymore. Beibei looked at the king and said: "You follow the five clans, he knows how to arrange you."

"Bebe, won't you go with us?" Zhou Boss asked anxiously.

"We can't yet, we still have things to do." Beibei said. Boss Zhou shook his head in disagreement: "No, you follow us."

"Father, we really have something that hasn't been done yet." Beibei said so, and took a deep look at Boss Zhou, and this look made Boss Zhou very uneasy.

"No, I can't let you take risks, that person is too powerful, and you two can't deal with it!" Zhou Boss shouted angrily, he suddenly understood why Beibei and Yuemu They refused to come over because they wanted to find that Void Realm, and they wanted to deal with that person.

(End of this chapter)

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