
  Answer to Chapter 2347

After the three of them have discussed, they have to go to Wang Chen for an explanation Wang Chen was very surprised when he saw the three of them. It was a strange thing for the three of them to appear together.

Didn’t the three of them break up? Back then, the three of them almost killed me, but now they come to find him together. As expected, the world is always changing.

"It's been a long time since I saw you, you are still the same, but today I am going to have a good treat." Wang Chen said, Lin Lang looked at him coldly, what's going on, this king How does Chen feel so much older?

They are both cultivators. Now that the cultivation base is immortal, it's a bit exaggerated, but it’s almost the same if it’s not going to be old. So they have passed so many years, no matter how their mentality changes, their appearance will rarely change. Why does this Wang Chen become like this?

"You're a lot older." Lin Lang said so directly, Zhao Ting who was drinking tea almost choked himself, what a strange teammate is this.

"Hehe, I am old, and there are still too many things that require hard work these years." Wang Chen said so, Lin Lang directly nodded and said: "Then you must be too There are more, less desires, and there are not so many things."

Wang Chen: "..." This guy still has such a poisonous mouth.

Lin Lang, Wang Chen, who thinks he is very knowledgeable, has a high cultivation base, a bad temper, and a strong mouth, but he hasn't worked enough. Maybe it’s because his mind is focused on how to stimulate people. The extra thoughts have to think about other things. Instead, Zhao Ting on his side is not easy to deal with.

"Hehe, what you said makes sense." Wang Chen replied with such a smile, Lin Lang felt that the character of this guy had not changed at all. This smiling tiger still looks exactly the same as before, which still feels so annoying.

"I also think what I said makes sense. Since Boss Wang thinks I have some truths, then there is one thing I need Boss Wang to point out." Lin Lang said, then Wang Chen He can only look like he is ready to listen at any time.

"I discovered a few days ago that the array we set up that year fluctuates, which makes me very uneasy. You have to know that the array is with our two worlds, if the array really has a problem , So that means someone passed this array and wanted to disturb our hometown. How could I let this happen? So I went to investigate.

But the results of this time made me very surprised Unexpectedly, I found a powerful energy fluctuation. Such an energy fluctuation belongs to you, Boss Wang. Can you explain it?"

When Lin Lang said that, Wang Chen looked surprised. Looks like: "Is this impossible?"

"Boss Wang, don't deny it. If there is no evidence in my hand, I won't come to you. You won't be unfamiliar with this energy stone if you want to come." Lin Lang said that, holding an energy stone in his hand, rays of light were shining at this moment.

That Wang Chen really didn’t expect. Lin Lang will be so smart one day to do things. This energy stone is not an ordinary thing. It only needs to input a person’s energy, as long as it is Close to such energy, then it will shine.

And now, this energy stone flashed up close to him, he really didn't know when Lin Lang secretly stored his energy into this stone.

"When did you store my energy?" Wang Chen asked, without blaming it at all, as if Lin Lang was a foolish child, nothing more.

"I prepared it a long time ago, you wouldn't think of it. I just want to know why you opened the array, although only minor adjustments, it will also affect the stability of the entire array."

After Lin Lang finished saying that, Wang Chen glanced at him and thought in his heart, this guy is really smart, and now he knows to ask questions roundly.

"Since I was discovered by you, then I will not hide it. I did move the barrier." Wang Chen said. Lin Lang was still a little surprised. He didn't expect Wang Chen to do this. I'll admit it soon.

"Then why did you move this barrier!" Lin Lang asked, he didn't believe that Wang Chen could find any perfect excuse.

"One of my subordinates asked for help. I received the news, so I moved the barrier." Wang Chen admitted again, and Lin Lang had a little more thought. Does this guy want to admit it? Sophistry, do you want to say everything like this?

"So you let go of your subordinates over there! What did you let him do!" Lin Lang stood up fiercely, and then grabbed the opponent's clothes as if he wanted to kill him .

"I didn't ask him to do anything. It's just that there is our home. I don't worry about knowing anything. Do you still need your consent to do this?"

Wang Chen’s spiritual power shook, and Lin Lang who was forcing him let go, and Lin Lang looked at Wang Chen and said, “Are you doing this for people to stay? Isn’t it for trouble with Yang Shuo?”

After hearing this, Wang Chen said very helplessly: "Why do you think so, Yang Shuo is also my friend, why would I do this? I am going to ask Yang Shuo , But also to be able to find him as soon as possible, don’t you want to?"

Wang Chen is really very difficult to deal with, just a few words to find a good reason for himself, and this time, Lin Lang didn’t 't expect Sun Qianqian suddenly said: "You have news about Yang Shuo, don't you?"

When Wang Chen heard this question, suddenly there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. Zhao Ting with this smile looked very He was shocked, he didn't know what Wang Chen would say, but he knew it was definitely not a good thing.

"I think I have found Yang Shuo, but now he has forgotten all the past. If you want to know more, you can only ask my men.

But you also know that the barrier can't be opened, so let's wait patiently. By the way, he should be with the daughter of Demon Venerable now."

This sentence Then, let Sun Qianqian take a look at him and said: "These are not important. I will choose whether to go there or not, but don't let me know what you have done. If you dare to delay Yang Shuo's cultivation, then I will not let you go. "

When Sun Qianqian finished saying that, Wang Chen was taken aback for a moment. Her reaction was a bit too flat. At this time, Lin Lang knew why Zhao Ting wanted to talk about Xiao Guoguo, because he was afraid that Sun Qianqian thought they had lied to her!

This woman is very suspicious. If they did not say anything but concealed such a big thing at the beginning, then it would surely make Sun Qianqian not believe them. This is the fastest result.

But there is no problem now, which shows that what Zhao Ting did is right. Sure enough, Zhao Ting is still smarter than himself, so Lin Lang has to admire, this guy is really a thief.

(End of this chapter)

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