
  Chapter 2345 Why

Elder Feng knows Xiao Guoguo very well, although he does not know Chi Xuan very well , But he knew that Chi Xuan would definitely follow Xiao Guoguo's words. So Elder Feng is not confident in himself but in Xiao Guoguo.

"Let’s find a place to live first. Remember, starting from today, we are no longer the same as we were before." Elder Feng said, the discipline is nodded, only Fatty Bai’s face Perplexedly asked: "Then who are we?"

"You are the second fat, I am your father, besides this is your big brother, just call handsome." Elder Feng pointed to the discipline and Fatty Bai said so.

"Martial Uncle, you can't be so eccentric, why I am the second fat, Senior Brother is handsome, it is okay to change the name." Fatty Bai asked unwillingly, just look at Elder Feng glanced at him and said: "I got my name based on my body shape. This is to make people believe that it doesn't matter whether it sounds good or not."

Fatty Bai: "..." This is actually true. Very important, okay!

But Fatty Bai couldn’t help it. He really couldn’t say that they were master and disciple alone, and because he was thinking about Xiao Guoguo and Sword Sect in his mind, he didn’t have the energy to make trouble. Er Fatty Just two fat, anyway, he also thinks that he is very fat, and the name is kind when thinking about it this way.

"Then Martial Uncle, what are we going to do in the future? We have to do something so that no one will be suspicious." Fatty Bai asked, and Elder Feng said solemnly: "Call daddy."

"Hey, father, what do we from now on do for a living?" Fatty Bai asked seriously.

"I think farming is also good, let's farm it in the future." Elder Feng said very seriously. Fatty Bai wanted to cry. He is a cultivator and wants to farm in the future. Is there any point to chase after him? Oh, the drop is too big.

Fatty Bai felt that there was a big gap, and Lin Lang also found clues here. He looked at the information in his hand and went to Zhao Ting. After the two of them studied together, they were silent.

"Where did you collect everyone's information?" Zhao Ting asked.

"You don't have to worry about this, I'm ready for it a long time ago. After so many years of being together, there will always be some opportunities. I said I don't believe them. This is not nothing serious. Yes."

When Lin Lang said so, Zhao Ting didn't know how to answer, as if Lin Lang had already grown up when he wasn't paying attention.

"Then tell me what you found." Zhao Ting knows that Lin Lang has always had a very important position in the girl's heart. Now that she is being targeted like this, Lin Lang must be very anxious .

"We set up the array back then, and the array has the capabilities of a few of us, and only a few of us can open it. I went to the array to test, who has opened it with my own ability? array, the energy fluctuations still have remnants, so I used these stones."

The stones in Lin Lang's hands are the spiritual power fluctuations of several people he collected back then. Others Things will change, but spiritual power fluctuations will not. So as long as you test the spiritual power, you can't go wrong. There are seven yuan in total here. That is to say, as long as one of them is lit, then the person is secretly in contact with the Aristocratic Family, and everything is clear.

"Who is it?" Zhao Ting was also very entangled in our minds. Although there were speculations, they would still be hit hard if they were really confirmed. After all, how many years have been brothers.

"Wang Chen. Boss Wang." Lin Lang replied, Zhao Ting felt fiercely involved in his heart. Boss Wang is the highest of their kind of cultivation base and the boss of their Seven Palaces. It's him!

"This also makes sense. The trap back then was also conceived by him. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to catch Demon Venerable. He is thoughtful, and it is possible for a girl to worry about it."

Zhao Ting said so, but Lin Lang didn't think so. Why! Why should I find someone to monitor the girl, and this person has also gotten a black hand. Are you worried about Xiao Guoguo, or do you want to find that kind of power?

Back then, Xiao Guoguo showed amazing ability, and Demon Venerable called this ability the force of nature. If Xiao Guoguo hadn't given up by himself at the time, it was not certain whether they could win.

That's why he thinks that. He has never been so convinced of Wang Chen, so he suspects that he is also as it should be by rights. And this Wang Chen did give him reason for suspicion.

"If it is really him, if it is really for the force of nature, what should we do?" Lin Lang pressed on step by step, he now needs Zhao Ting's attitude.

The few of them were originally a team, but now they are falling apart. He and Zhao Ting are not enough to fight the other three. Therefore, he is even more unacceptable that Zhao Ting does not support himself.

"The world of that world has nothing to do with us. If you are still so entangled, entangled and refused to give up, then it is likely to affect yourself." Zhao Ting said, Lin Lang nodded said that he understood Then he said: "It seems that you are going to be worldly-wise and play safe. In that case, I will ask someone to help." Lin Lang said he was leaving, Zhao Ting fiercely frowned. , Grabbed Lin Lang's hand and said: "I didn't say that I don't care, I just want to tell you that this thing is not that simple, and it is not that easy."

"I know not simple, I am too Knowing that accidentally will lose your life. But then Xiao Guoguo is our friend and relative, and besides, there is the person we are looking for beside her."

When Lin Lang said that, Zhao Ting Meng widened. Then he listened to him and asked: "What do you mean by this?"

"What do you mean? I want to tell you, I seem to have found a clue to Yang Shuo." Lin Lang said that, Zhao Ting stayed for a while, and then said, "Are you sure? Is that person Yang Shuo the one I'm looking for?"

"Although we can't be completely sure, but we are after all After being together for so long, some auras and details are still very similar." Lin Lang said so, but Zhao Ting only believed in seven points.

He didn't suspect that Lin Lang lied to himself, but because he knew very well in his heart that Lin Lang was often unreliable in doing things. He said that when he saw Yang Shuo, the probability was only 2/3.

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