
  Chapter 2343 Selection

Uncle Wu almost thought he had heard it wrong. Did you draw lots?

Is this really reliable? Everyone in this room has a cultivation base, at least as a fairy. They actually have to draw lots to decide?

But Sword Sect generation Old Ancestor finished talking, and several people had no objection. Lingyue even took the initiative to supervise her to ensure this fairness and impartiality, and Xiao Guoguo was caught by them as the person responsible for throwing the ball.

Said it was a lottery. In fact, it just wrote the four directions on the small ball. In which direction the ball fell on the hand, they chose which direction to establish the sect.

Xiao Guoguo feels that this kind of thing does not need to be done by himself at all. But she also knows that it is only fair for everyone to do it, so she can only throw those four balls high. As for how to drop, that's a matter of the ball.

Uncle Wu felt that there was no need to do this. He felt that no matter which direction he chose, it would be good. It made no difference.

"Hehe, our Sword Sect is Oriental, very good, very good." The generation of Old Ancestor said with satisfaction.

"Our spiritual home is in the south, the south is very good, not bad, not bad." Lingyue is also very satisfied.

Uncle Wu looked at his ball, it said North, although he didn't know the difference, he also thought it was pretty good. Xiao Family Old Ancestor looked at the West in his hand and was also very satisfied. What happened to the West, although it was sunset, the four sects of them were already next to each other, but it didn't sound like the East was domineering.

Everyone is very satisfied, so this position is set, Xiao Guoguo has many things, so he won't accompany them. After a busy day, Chi Xuan's array is still being built, and it is estimated that it will take seven or eight days to complete.

This array is very complicated. It was done by Chi Xuan and the Lord of the Deep. To be honest, it was Mr. Xue who found it. It took fiercely to open the array.

Of course, they can get out of this array, but the common disciple cannot get out, so there is no worry that this position will be known by outsiders.

"Boss, I have to tell you something." Wen Wen looked at Xiao Guoguo and finally paused for a while, then looked for an opportunity to say so.

"What's the matter, what is the important thing, I am exhausted today." Xiao Guoguo sat on the ground and didn't want to get up. Today, after determining the locations for several families and sects, I chose the location and followed the four. Turning around and around, she really didn't understand the Elders and Old Ancestors who do things very neatly in normally, how to choose the sect address so entangled.

They not only look at the shape of the mountain peaks and the richness of the spiritual power, they even have to save the Feng Shui and the architectural style. She heard that the first three are bigger.

However, Xiao Guoguo still accompanies everyone to do these things, because she knows in her heart that they are here to start a new life because of herself, and she is responsible for arranging them.

"By the way, what did you just say to find me?" Xiao Guoguo was thinking about it, looking at Wenwen and asking, just read Wenwen In Literature there is some tangled saying: "Yuemu didn't follow us Come here."

"What, Yuemu didn't come with you? What's the matter with him?" Xiao Guoguo stood up in shock at the news, now why Yuemu didn't follow this situation, Is it the same as Lu senior brother Shan?

When Xiao Guoguo thought of this possibility, he felt his mind buzzed, and the people shook twice. Wenwen hurriedly helped her when he saw this, and said: "I know you are worried, but you listen carefully. I'm finished. Yuemu didn't come in because of herself, but to help Beibei."

"Babe? Beibe..." Xiao Guoguo seemed to understand something.

"Since they learned about the deep sea, Beibei has been uneasy, and there are also the five elders of Sea Clan. The two of them discussed for one night, and when everyone was packing I'm gone.

I wasn't there at the time, these all are Qingyun told me later. After Yuemu found out, he left a message for Qingyun, and he said he had to bring Beibei back. "

After finishing the text, Xiao Guoguo also has a basic understanding of this situation. To be honest, he can understand why Yuemu made such a choice. Because Xiao Guoguo has long discovered that in Yuemu’s heart, Beibei’s position is becoming more and more important. Under this situation, Beibei went to the deep sea. He was naturally uneasy. If he changed to himself, he would definitely be able to. Chased out.

Although I understand, it is inevitable to worry. Deep Sea is now under the control of Xue Lao. Will they beat the grass to scare the snake this time? Will they be in danger? These real problems made Xiao Guoguo restless.

She actually thought about going to the deep sea to take Sea Clan away. But Xiao Guoguo agrees with what the Lord of the Deep Sea said. He has already sent a message to Sea Clan in the Deep Sea. This is what they can do, because Sea Clan can't get out of the barrier.

Although Xiao Guoguo now knows who set the barrier, she still does not have the ability to break the barrier.

Moreover, the relationship between her and Sea Clan is only clear to the Lord of the Deep. As long as Sea Clan does not go out and talk, then Mr. Xue will not be noticed. So Xiao Guoguo originally wanted to go to the deep sea last, she had to arrange this place first.

But what she didn't expect was that Beibei and Wuzulao were anxious to go back. After all, it was their home. They thought it should be by rights, and Yuemu did it, Xiao Guoguo Although worried and gratified, he finally found his home.

"I see, the two of them take care of each other and they should be able to get to Sea Clan safely. What I am worried about is that the seapeople will not be able to get out, and they are afraid they will not leave."

Xiao Guoguo said that, thinking about the actions of Xue Lao next step, if she is Xue Lao, and now her subordinates are so badly damaged, she must add some of her subordinates. But Sea Clan can't leave the barrier. If he is smart enough, he will definitely not attack Sea Clan.

Because of this, Xiao Guoguo feels that Sea Clan is not the most dangerous. Now I only hope that he will not find Beibei and Yuemu, because they are not seapeople. They were also the ones who tried to plot against Xue Lao and didn't give up. They could be regarded as half enemies.

This old Xue, in order to make people unable to catch up with his cultivation base, actually plot against so many of them, he certainly does not want to see Beibei and Yuemu.

"How many days have they gone?" Xiao Guoguo asked.

"It's been twelve days. I think they should have arrived at Sea Clan by now." Wenwen replied.

"It's useless for us to think too much now, even if it is too late to go now, the most important thing is to arrange these people. When they have made arrangements, we will go to Yuemu."

Xiao Guoguo was expecting to wait for Old Xue to find him, but now it doesn't seem to work, they are too late.

"Good boss." Wenwen thought the same way, and she couldn't worry about leaving Yuemu alone outside.

But Wenwen doesn't want to take Qingyun daoist with him, because the cultivation base of Qingyun daoist is not good, and if there is something about her, child can't be taken care of. Although the child is older, Wenwen will always ask him to plot against and she is going to leave her son here.

(End of this chapter)

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