
  Chapter 2337 Trap

"Lord of the deep sea, if you were once a person in the Fallen Belt, then you You should know that although these seven palaces are powerful, they are not invincible, and their enemy, Demon Venerable, was so powerful back then."

"hmph, Demon Venerable, although powerful, was still given by the seven palaces. Destroyed!” Song Xing said so, but saw Xiao Guoguo shaking his head and said: “You are wrong. Demon Venerable did not lose to the Seven Palaces, but to himself. He was too conceited, and he didn’t give up. His own child."

Xiao Guoguo said, Song Xing’s expression finally changed this time. He knew a lot about the things that year, and he also knew that they were able to win by taking advantage of that. The child of Demon Venerable.

But Sea Clan should not know these things! She even knew it!

"You still don't believe it?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Song Xing hesitated to speak, and then slowly asked, "Then which adult in the Seven Palaces do you know? "

This is the last question. If Xiao Guoguo can really answer it, then he will treat her as half of his own. Why is she half of his own? That's because even from the Seven Palaces People, they may also belong to different adults.

"Zhao Ting. Now the barrier in Shenzhen is what Zhao Ting left behind."

Xiao Guoguo finished saying that, Song Xing looked at her, and then laughed very naturally. , There was kindness and excitement in this smile, which was even more enthusiastic than the expressions he had seen in their eyes before.

"So, you are also the person who Master Zhao Ting stayed here back then?" Song Xing asked, and Xiao Guoguo shook his head and said, "No, I left it by myself, I won't take orders. Anyone."

Xiao Guoguo said so, Song Xing laughed, he said with a smile: "Yes, we don’t obey anyone, we are what we want to stay, and so do I In this way, we are the same. I didn’t want to leave my hometown, so I didn’t go with them, and it’s pretty good here, don’t you see if it’s not very good now."

Song Xing said repeatedly, in order to prove I didn’t regret it, and then I thought of something the same and said: “So we made the same choice.”

“That’s what it meant.” Xiao Guoguo didn’t want to tell Song Xing who he was. .

"But even so, we have to have a concept of right and wrong. Although we don't want to get into these things, some people think too much.

That person, that old Xue Although I don’t know who the person behind him is, Zhao Ting senior once said that their cultivation base is too much and they shouldn’t stay here anymore, otherwise this world will be affected.

But now I think about it, I am afraid that some of them are too ambitious. In order to protect this world, they will not let this world appear a second Demon Venerable before leaving."

Xiao Guoguo heard this, Seems to have a deeper understanding of Zhao Ting. And listening to Song Xing's meaning, he also respected Zhao Ting very much.

"Who are you, it was not willing when someone left." Xiao Guoguo asked, Song Xing nodded and then said: "Not willingly, I suspect that Xue Lao is a subordinate of the Seven Palaces, and He can communicate with another world, and that must be the way someone left for him to come back here!"

Xiao Guoguo agrees with this very much. It seems that the Lord of the Deep has thought about it during this period of time. A lot of it.

"Then what are your plans now? Do you want to cut their back?" When Xiao Guoguo asked this, Song Xing thought carefully about the replied: "I think that is now My home is gone, no one can destroy it, and no one is qualified to destroy it. Moreover, since it is not good for them to stay here, why should they come back?"

Although this idea is a bit selfish, who doesn’t What about selfishness? Song Xing felt that his thoughts were okay, and he didn't need other people's affirmation. He looked at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, he didn't need their approval, he just needed their help.

"They said they really came back, will it really affect this world?" Xiao Guoguo asked again, asking this time more cautiously.

"There will indeed be, and it is very big. If someone has the ambition to rule the entire cultivation world, then your troubles will be even greater, because you two are now the role models of the cultivation world, and they will definitely deal with it first. you two.

And even if you two can run, what should the sect and family behind you do? They can’t run, just like the spiritual family, I just picked up some people casually, you don’t Did you walk right into a trap?"

Xiao Guoguo thinks what this guy said makes sense, this guy is okay, and teaches them a lesson with practical actions. Xiao Guoguo can still remain calm, but Lingyue has changed her face because she knows something in her heart. If she wants to catch Xiao Guoguo and the others, Lingjia and Sword Sect, they must be the other party's first choice.

"Guoguo, we have to find a way."

Xiao Guoguo naturally understands what Lingyue means. She wants to transfer all the disciplines and wants to find someone Can not find a place, and then put them all up.

But in fact, where is so easy to do, it is easy to find a hiding place, but it is not so easy to not be discovered. And not only is it a spiritual family, but there are other families as well as Sword Sect. What should we do with so many people?

"I can join hands with you to deal with Xue Lao, but I need you to guard the abyss of the deep sea. If there is any news in the future, I need to inform me in time."

Xiao Guoguo said so Song Xing naturally agreed, and they now have a common enemy.

But there is another problem. If it's just a Xue Laona, it's easier to deal with, they are not that absolutely does not have a chance of winning. However, if you add the entire Seven Palaces, I'm afraid they are also powerless.

"In addition to a few of us, we also need some helpers, so that everyone understands what terrifying results will be brought if the door to another world is opened."

When Xiao Guoguo said this, Song Xing was silent for a moment, and then he seriously replied: "If the door of another world is opened, then it is not just the Seven Palaces that will come back. Many powerhouses in another world may also take advantage of this opportunity. Come here, after all, these are two worlds connected to each other, and who is not curious about you."

Although all these are just his own guesses, Song Xing always feels that if there is no foresight, there must be closeness."

worry. And the more important point is that if the doors of the two worlds are really opened, it will cause the instability of the magnetic fields of the two worlds, and may even cause the collapse of the one by one plane.

And the deep sea is the first to bear the brunt. It is precisely because of this that Song Xing is probably the most opposed to the opening of the plane gate among all people. After judging that he was not someone's opponent, he turned around decisively and ran, just to leave himself a chance, he wanted to save his home.

Now, Xiao Guoguo nodded agreed, and Song Xing also sighed in relief. He finally found allies and hoped that they would not let himself down.

(End of this chapter)

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