
  Chapter 2331 Answers

Elder Wu also knows that his cultivation base is not as good as Xiao Guoguo, but he didn’t expect The difference is so much, but only a quarter of an hour, his meridian has been completely abandoned.

"He, he is not Elder Wu!" Uncle Wu cry out in surprise. After Elder Wu's meridian was damaged, his spiritual power could no longer be supported, and he finally showed what he was.

"How is this possible!" Sect Leader Li was also stunned. Although he doesn't often see Elder Wu, he doesn't know him, how could he not be the same person.

"Anything is possible. This person estimates that he has been Elder Wu for many years, he should have been used to it, I am afraid that he has forgotten who he is."

Xiao Guoguo said so, and Elder Wu felt like a slap on the face. Sometimes he really forgets who he is, and even has to remind himself that the task is the first.

"no! We Wu Family does not have such a person, he is not a member of our family." Uncle Wu at this moment is very determined, he will never admit that this person is a member of their family.

This person uses their entire family as a tool. He has no feelings for the family and doesn't care about their safety at all. Even if Uncle Wu admired Elder Wu very much, but now everything has changed, the trust and admiration in his heart collapsed suddenly, and there is no possibility of recovery.

"What's your name." Xiao Guoguo asked. Then Elder Wu looked at Xiao Guoguo. Now he has lost the pride and arrogance he had just started, and now he is only embarrassed.

"My name is Zhou Xuan." Elder Wu, no, it should be said that Zhou Xuan has remembered his identity, he is no longer Wu Family Elder, because from today he can restore his previous identity , But no one knows whether his life will continue.

"Zhou Xuan, it sounds like a good name, so you can continue with this name in the future." Xiao Guoguo said, then turned around and left, doing nothing at all.

Zhou Xuan, who was originally trembling with fear, was stunned for a moment. He didn't know what happened or why Xiao Guoguo didn't kill him. At that moment, he originally thought Xiao Guoguo would kill him, but Xiao Guoguo did not, which made Zhou Xuan's heart hang again.

Chi Xuan stood up. He knew it was time for him to make a decision. Although Xiao Guoguo and Yuemu were involved in this matter, the person who really should make the decision is himself.

Because Xiao Guoguo is too sturdy, Zhou Xuan even forgets that the person who really has the right to call the shots here is actually not Xiao Guoguo, but Chi Xuan.

"I won't kill you. Your master Xue Lao is like a stray dog ​​now. You can't wait for his help, and I won't give you this opportunity."

Chi Xuan said so, he slapped it with a palm. With this palm, he thought of his relatives and the hardship he had suffered. The bit of hatred in his heart completely dissipated.

Sect Leader Li saw with his own eyes that even though Zhou Xuan was so powerful, he was killed by Chi Xuan. This was the first time he saw the killer under Chi Xuan.

However, this is not over. Chi Xuan took out a silver metal ball. The metal ball was lightly opened, but it turned out to be a cage, very delicate. Chi Xuan tapped his finger and saw Zhou Xuan's Divine Soul was forcibly taken out.

Zhou Xuan's eyes have lost his body, but he doesn't want Divine Soul to be broken, and even more do not want to be trapped in a cage and suffer.

"Please, I beg your forgiveness." Zhou Xuan said.

"If there is such a day, I really forgive you, then your Divine Soul will be completely dissipated." Chi Xuan replied, Zhou Xuan was desperate.

After handling all this, Chi Xuan did not anger Wu Family, nor did he hold him accountable, and none of them were implicated. This is actually not easy, and Sect Leader Li admires it very much.

And Xiao Guoguo finally understood what happened, and it was a bit of grievances. Perhaps the person who was most affected by this incident was not Chi Xuan but Uncle Wu, who suddenly grew older.

But fortunately, after Uncle Wu knew this was the case, he finally let go of his mind, the family is safe and sound, and he has nothing to ask for.

Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo went back, and now they know the enemy they can find, and it is impossible to find them all.

Of course, Xiao Guoguo also feels that it is completely unnecessary, because they will find Xue Lao, because only he is the person they should really look for.

At this moment, Xue Lao is in a bad situation. His cultivation base fell very difficult to deal with. Before this, it was the late stage of Void Realm, but this time was the middle stage of Void Realm.

Although Mr. Xue knows very well that after a period of cultivation, his cultivation base can be restored, but he also has to have this opportunity.

Old Xue is getting older day by day, and he is getting anxious day by day, even in this peaceful mountain village.

But he can't wait any longer. This is the hiding place he has chosen before, but he is not here to provide for the elderly, nor is he going to bury himself here.

This is just in case, he actually doesn't like tranquility at all, and he doesn't like being willing to be ordinary at all. He always wants Peak. Because of this, Xue Lao decided to give it a go.

Elder Xue has left, no one knows when he left, and where did you go. After all, it's just an outsider, and no one cares about anyone who has no relatives or reasons.

However, Xue Lao reached the edge of the abyss. He never waited for the spaceship to go to the deep sea, and went directly into the deep sea. He knows that there are people guarding here, but he wants to ask for help, and the person he is looking for is here.

No one knows the arrival of Xue Lao, and no one knows that he directly then went to the Abyss of the Deep Sea. This is the place of the Lord of the Deep Sea. No one dared to make trouble here. But Old Xue didn't care, he went directly to the source of the deep sea and looked at the source of the deep sea.

The Lord of the Deep opened his eyes. He knew everything here clearly, and the more important thing was that the other party didn't mean to hide his footprints. He even took the initiative to provoke.

But seeing the person who came, the Lord of the Deep became tense, and his hairs stood up. He didn't understand why this person appeared again.

"Why are you here again." The Lord of the Deep asked. Old Xue, who was opposite, just glanced at him, and then said: "Of course something came."

The Lord of the Deep heard this but did not refute it, because he knew very well in his heart that he was not an opponent of others, and he did not want to lose his life, so it was best not to provoke him.

This is not the first time they met. When they first met, he was not the host here, and he didn't even know who he was. This person actually walked out from the opposite side.

Everyone only knew that it was the source of the sea, but they didn't know what was on the other side. That was the first time he became curious about the deep sea.

At that time, I was young and energetic, and I always felt that there was nothing I could not deal with, but I was taught by fiercely.

Since then, he has understood a truth, no one is undefeated, there is always someone better than you. It's just that they haven't met again since then, this is the second time they have met.

(End of this chapter)

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