
  Chapter 2311 Past

Xiao Guoguo looked at Zhou Zhou, and then nodded and said: "Since I am a student At that place, I naturally have to go back and have a look. I want to find some clues."

Xiao Guoguo said so, Zhou Zhou was silent for a while and then said: "I have heard of that place. Yes, I also went to the peripheral zone to see it, but I never went in.

At that time, Demon Venerable had been removed, and the once famous Seven Palaces were not just a destination, and that place was no longer suitable for cultivation. Even the cultivator is rarely visited."

Everyone looked at Zhou Zhou, and to be honest, they were shocked. Sure enough, this is not a simple character, and they did not know something that they did not know.

"Zhou Zhou, you said that Demon Venerable have you ever heard of it?" Xiao Guoguo curiously asked, did she not show up at that time?

"I heard it, I heard it when I was young, but Demon Venerable was destroyed at that time! Said they are the representatives of the cream of the crop in our Human Race, and they are the cultivation technique of cultivation. It was also the two planes that gradually spread.

It was just because Demon Venerable wanted to dominate, and people were very cruel. Then the Seven Palaces brought thousands of cultivators to fight against him, and finally Demon Venerable fell. The Seven Palaces didn’t know where they went, so there were fewer legends about them later.

Speaking of which, that was also the decline of the Human Race cultivator, because the battle with the high level cultivator resulted in a lot of casualties, and the rest were also I lived in seclusion, and the outside plane cultivators were low-level, so I didn’t participate in it.

When I was able to leave the plane and go out, there were few legends about Demon Race and Seven Palaces. I will go to the Fallen Zone to take a look. It’s a coincidence."

After hearing this, Xiao Guoguo realized that the Seven Palaces and Demon Venerable existed for a longer period of time compared to the last time I went back. To the point in time in the past, we still have to go forward.

At that time, the first life of self had fallen!

Then she might have heard some rumors at that time, but she didn't take it to heart. Xiao Guoguo thought about it and looked at Zhou Zhou and asked: "Then you know about the force of nature?"

"This is also a rumor I heard. I don't know if it is true, but I didn't know. 't expect to hear it again in hundreds of thousands of years, and I almost forgot it." Zhou Zhou said with a smile, looking at Xiao Guoguo, he thought maybe this was fate, but he could not explain it but it made sense.

"What's that? How did it come?" Yuemu asked curiously, and they had never understood the matter of the force of nature.

"Legend has it that there used to be a big tree whose fruit was given to the Human Race, and the Human Race that absorbed the fruit can obtain the power of nature. Although the power of nature is not as pure as spiritual power, it is It is inclusive, whether it is the power absorbed by the Human Race, the tree clan or the monster beast clan, the force of nature can absorb it.

Therefore, a cultivator with the force of nature must have a better future than others. It’s far, easy to walk. But at the time I thought it was just a legend, after all, the existence of the big tree clan is too mysterious."

After Zhou Zhou finished saying that, Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan because of the big The tree clan, they have really seen it.

"I think we should take a look at the Fallen Belt. Maybe there are some clues." Chi Xuan said. He also felt that the sooner Xiao Guoguo's secrets were unlocked, the better.

Although the discussion has been completed, they still can't leave because Xiao Guoguo's Spirit Beast is going to Transcending Tribulation. After absorbing the rain of strength of Thunder and spiritual power this time, the cultivation base of prosperity was improved, and the Transcending Tribulation was once again.

Spirit Beast Transcending Tribulation, Xiao Guoguo naturally needs to watch, and Mo Yu is also very happy. The two small partners have improved their abilities, which is definitely a good thing for Xiao Guoguo.

For this reason, Fatty is still very depressed, because it is still a little short of the cultivation base breakthrough. It feels that it can't compete with Moyu, even if it loses to Wangcai, which is too embarrassing.

When the Wangcai Transcending Tribulation is completed, it is already two months later, everyone will go to the Falling Zone.

If it is the past of one plane and one plane, then it will take at least half a year to reach the Falling Zone, but if there is a text, it doesn’t need to be so complicated. Just use space to shuttle directly. Three days later, They reached the edge of the fall zone.

I say that this is the edge of the fall zone, because there are many meteorites here, which are not so huge, but no one dares to come here for fear of being injured by mistake.

And the plane closest to this zone is also unmanned. Of course, more than 100,000 years ago, there were people and monster beasts on these planes, but later because of the fall zone, they all left here.

Faced with the destruction of a plane, no one dares to say that they can bear it, so the people here can only leave, and those who cannot leave also fall here.

But Xiao Guoguo Divine Consciousness swept over, and some people were here, as if they were also for treasure hunting, but there were not many people, there were only a few teams.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan ignored this. They looked at the peripheral zone and there were a few people guarding them. They didn't know if they were in comprehend or if they wanted to break in and try their luck, they seemed to be meditating.

They did not communicate with each other, as if in order to avoid conflict, each person occupies a corner and guards each other without angering each other.

It was originally a kind of balance, but Xiao Guoguo and the others came to break this balance. They had a large number of them, and their cultivation base was very high. They didn’t even look at them one by one. Walked over.

Xiao Guoguo several people directly entered the fall zone, which surprised several people who were resting here and waiting for the opportunity. I don’t know where these people came from? It's so rampant.

But they only dared to complain silently in the heart, and they didn't dare to really follow or make insults, because they knew in their hearts that those who dared to enter the fall zone directly would be either stupid or full of confidence, cultivation base Strong, they absolutely cannot afford to offend.

A few people wanted to wait and see to see what the result of this team entering the Falling Zone, but who would have thought that they were gone in a blink of an eye.

"Wenwen, don't be too far, we just need to be near the second zone." Xiao Guoguo said. With a light touch of Wenwen's finger, they crossed the surrounding gravel belt.

Although no one came to the end of this fall zone, everyone divided it into three zones according to their own ideas.

The top one is the gravel belt. They are all small stones with limited lethality, but ordinary people don’t dare to come in because the speed and power of these stones are about the same as a powerful magic attack. .

If the cultivation base is not enough, you can't avoid it, and you are hit by hundreds of stones, and you can imagine the result. So although some people have come in the gravel belt, they can only get here, and there is no way to go further.

According to the people who came out, there is a completely different zone behind the gravel belt, where each meteorite is very large, and only one impact can be fatal, so even if it is a high level cultivator, they dare not Go rashly.

Of course, the so-called core zone is purely imagined, and simply no one has successfully reached it.

(End of this chapter)

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