
  Chapter 2309 Lin Lang leaves

Xiao Guoguo is very grateful to these people for leaving their lives back then , Whether it is to use her to threaten the Demon Venerable, or simply feel that she is pitiful. If it weren't for them to show mercy, without cutting weeds and eliminating the roots, where would she go now to call her injustice.

It is precisely because of her first life that she was able to cultivation and condense Divine Soul, and then she had Xiao Guoguo of second life, and now Xiao Guoguo.

Although she only remembers Lu senior brother Shan and them, and only Chi Xuan and Wen Wen, she can't deny that even if these people have a purpose towards themselves, they still saved her at the last minute.

Otherwise, the Demon Venerable will not use her, and at the same time will be trapped by these seven palaces plot against.

Yes, Xiao Guoguo may not have seen it before, but how can he not understand now, this Demon Venerable would use her if it weren't for seeing them treat themselves well?

If they really care about her so much, then why can they trap Demon Venerable instead? In fact, they had already prepared, maybe they were also prepared and carefully prepared for her being used back then.

It’s just that no one thought that she believed Demon Venerable so stupidly, and no one thought that she would choose to burn both jade and stone.

Therefore, Xiao Guoguo felt that the grievances in the first life should disappear with his death at that time.

It's just my own later various things, and now it seems to be related to the Seven Palaces. Are they reluctant to let go of themselves? They still feel uneasy, she is the bloodline of Demon Venerable that year!

"I just give it to you, don't say such unfeeling words!" Lin Lang said so, after all, he still didn't want the child he brought up to hate him.

"Are you willing to give it to me? Aren't you afraid of being punished?" Xiao Guoguo asked, a smiling face that was very cold at the moment.

"hmph, who can punish me! I'm not that good to bully! Girl, I know your heart is injustice, and I also know that someone had moved their hands and feet in the past, although I didn't find out who it was. , But I have nothing to do with them now.

The seven of us used to be Life and Death Friends, and we don’t have much contact now. You have to believe me, if it’s the people from the Seven Palaces that really harmed you Yes, I can't spare that person!" Lin Lang said loudly, but Xiao Guoguo just asked faintly smiled: "Can you beat them?"

Lin Lang: "..." this Girl is not cute at all when he grows up!

"I can't fight, and you Zhao Ting big brother, the two of us must be towards you!" Lin Lang said, Xiao Guoguo looked at him for a while and showed Lin Lang His scalp is numb, which is to believe him.

"Give me things, I should also go, they will be worried after a long time in it." Xiao Guoguo said, Lin Lang was a little sad.

This girl has grown up, has her own friends, and never clings to them anymore. I'm really jealous when I think about it this way!

"Girl, do you have someone you like!" Lin Lang suddenly thought of this possibility, and felt very surprised. In his impression, Xiao Guoguo was still a little sensible girl. Too long, many things have changed.

"I'm all this old, isn't it normal to have someone I like?" Xiao Guoguo asked questions like this, and looked at Lin Lang's grieving woman's face, really speechless.

"I really have someone I like! No way, we haven't seen it yet. I don't know if the other person is good or bad!" Lin Lang said anxiously, Xiao Guoguo glanced at him: " The person I like is not the one you like. What use do you think he is good for? I think good is really good."

Lin Lang: "..." !

"And people on my side think he is good, you can rest assured, maybe next time I meet, my child can make soy sauce." Xiao Guoguo said with a smile, Lin Lang thought about it. The scene is really...not bad.

When the time comes, he can still look at the children of the girl's house, and he can still play with them! Thinking about it this way has several points of anticipation.

"Don't say anything else, if the girl bullies you, don't be afraid, we will support you and promise to kill!" Lin Lang said, Xiao Guoguo really didn't want to answer, and killed Chi Xuan , He really dared to think about it.

"Don't bother you anymore, if he bullies me, I will deal with it myself." Xiao Guoguo said. Lin Lang was relieved when he saw Xiao Guoguo knowing it well.

Yes, it is said that the girl’s cultivation base should be very high, so she won’t suffer. That man must not have a high cultivation base as a girl.

Xiao Guoguo didn't expect In Lin Lang's heart, she was like this. Holding the jade slip data in his hand, I read it carefully, and I was shocked.

Each of the seven people on the seven palaces is amazing. It stands to reason that such people should exist in the legend.

Of course, Xiao Guoguo also thought about Demon Venerable, who was a headache for the Seven Palaces, what kind of person he should be! No wonder they have been guarding themselves, this is scary.

"Girl, I should go back. My array will not last long. This array contains some of the energy I have collected for so many years. You can absorb it. It is good for your cultivation base. "

Lin Lang said this, but Xiao Guoguo shook his head and said: "I already owe your love. I can't ask for more. If you take this energy away, I won't want it. It would only be a waste to put it here."

"Girl, don't be so stubborn, don't be angry with me." Lin Lang still earnest and well-meant advised persuasion. But Xiao Guoguo simply didn't listen. No matter what Lin Lang said, she didn't want it. Lin Lang couldn't help it, and was able to take away the energy he had collected over the years.

"Girl, take care of yourself, I'll wait for you in another world." Lin Lang finished saying that, and the silhouette slowly dissipated.

Xiao Guoguo looked at Lin Lang's disappearance and felt a little melancholy, but then again, this array has been in her Sea of ​​Consciousness memory for so many years, and it is not easy to finally trigger it now.

Thinking like this, Xiao Guoguo opened his eyes and looked at Chi Xuan in front of him, said with a smile: "I seem to know who I am."

" It doesn't matter who you are, it's enough for you to be by my side." Chi Xuan replied, holding Xiao Guoguo in his arms.

Although Xiao Guoguo feels that it has only been a month, Chi Xuan has been waiting for a year. Although he knows that Dao Heart is a terrible calamity, Chi Xuan's passing this year is really frightening.

Yuemu looked at Wenwen, Wenwen looked at Yuemu and Beibei, the three of them left quietly, not wanting to disturb them. They also know that Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan must have a lot to say.

Of course, Yuemu is also very curious, who is the boss! Why do you want to say such a thing!

It's a pity, if Chi Xuan hadn't come up and hugged the boss, he could still ask a few questions, and now he can only wait for them both to come over.

"Wenwen, what do you mean by the boss just now? She knows who she is!" Yuemu asked.

"It means that you remember something." Wenwen replied, looking at the distance, this kind of life is actually quite good, friends and family are around, who likes to fight.

At this moment, Lin Lang also slowly opened his eyes, his face was very happy, and finally the girl arrived at Void Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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