
鈥冣€僀hapter 2295 Return

She has been locked here for thousands of years, and she wants to go out. She didn't want to be trapped here in the end, that was not her way.

"Okay." Xiao Guoguo agreed.

"Boss." Yuemu looked at Xiao Guoguo blankly, the boss agreed so easily.

"You can't let her out, she is a bad person! It's bad!" A Xuan said, Xiao Guoguo glanced at her and asked, "Is it a good person or a bad person, what does it matter to me? . I only want my people to live."

Xiao Guoguo said that, A Xuan has nothing to say, as if it really has nothing to do with others! But it鈥檚 not so good. Aren鈥檛 you afraid that this woman will foul wind and bloody rain in the cultivation world after she goes out?

"Haha, okay, I believe you!" The woman said so, and threw a small bottle over and said: "Smear it for her."

Xiao Guoguo is also welcome , Took the small bottle directly, sniffed it carefully, and confirmed that it was not poison. Her antidote was actually Xiao Guoguo could figure it out if he had time, but they didn't have the time.

Xiao Guoguo cautiously applied the ointment to Beibei, and Yuemu watched without blinking, and the sober Beibei blushed.

"Babe, you're all right!" Yuemu asked, and looked at Beibei up and down.

"I'm okay, I'm really okay. You fool, you jumped in after knowing that it was a trap." Beibei said, but I don鈥檛 know why, sweet in my heart, knowing that this is wrong. , But Yuemu really did this, she still felt very happy.

"I can't let you take the risk alone, how can I rest assured." Yuemu gently touched Beibei's face with his hand.

Wenwen: "..." It's so acidic.

Chi Xuan: "..." The love rival has been dealt with, which is gratifying.

"You two are fine." Xiao Guoguo can't stand them anymore. He didn't expect to be able to eat dog food from Yuemufa one day. This is how he used to be. Beibei likes him.

"Thank you, boss." Beibei said so, thanking her sincerely, because if it wasn't for Xiao Guoguo, they came in time. This time she not only harmed herself, but also Yuemu.

"You're welcome, we are all friends." Xiao Guoguo said, Beibei's heart is not warm anymore, and her status is finally as high as Yuemu.

"Okay, people are fine, what you promised me should be fulfilled, right?" Qi Li said, Xiao Guoguo stretched out his hand and Qi Li was caught by her.

"There is also a bottle of antidote." Xiao Guoguo said. Qi Li's face turned pale, impossible, how did she know it.

"I am Alchemist Great Grandmaster, don't play such tricks in front of me." Xiao Guoguo said so, Qi Li didn't dare to hide any more, but took another bottle of medicine pill. Came out.

"This is taken internally. Three pills are divided into three days." Qi Li finished saying that. Xiao Guoguo took a look at the medicine pill next time. There were four pills in it, and obviously there were leftovers.

"That one is my sincerity. Since you are the Alchemist Great Grandmaster, you can obviously see if the medicine pill is real." Qi Li said, Xiao Guoguo took the medicine pill in his hand Smell it, and then gave it to Beibei.

Qi Li: "..." Is it so awesome? Just smell it.

"Eat it." Xiao Guoguo said, Beibei ate without the slightest hesitation, and Xiao Guoguo let go of Qi Li.

"Let her go." Xiao Guoguo said, but A Xuan said nothing.

"Why, don't you listen to me?" Xiao Guoguo asked. A Xuan didn't know what was wrong, she seemed to be afraid of Xiao Guoguo.

"I'm not disobedient, I feel that I have suffered a loss. When she came in, she was just a cultivation base for immortals. Now she is in the realm of Wuwei. I can't really lose money!"

A Xuan said so, Xiao Guoguo glanced at it, and it turns out that the word loss is used like this!

"Then what do you want?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and everyone looked at A Xuan. What do you want to do?

Qi Li is also very nervous. Although she knows Xiao Guoguo is great, she is not sure whether this woman can save her out. If this Axuan disagrees, then this woman seems to be nothing. Good way.

"Just return the cultivation base." A Xuan said, Qi Li immediately refused: "No!"

"If it doesn't work, don't go out. I don't know what to do. "Axuan said so, Xiao Guoguo looked at Qi Li, it all depends on her own choice, anyway, what she promised has already been done, it depends on how she chooses herself.

"You promised to let me out." Qi Li looked at Xiao Guoguo and said, Xiao Guoguo nodded replied: "I promised to let you out, but I didn't promise when to let you out, otherwise Are you waiting for thousands of years?"

Qi Li: "..." Can it be like this?

In fact, Qi Li doesn't need to think for too long. She knows what is the best choice for her, and she just feels unwilling! Why! She has been trapped here for so many years and suffers.

But the woman couldn't hold on, because everyone was waiting to see her being left here. If Beibei hadn't agreed to this woman because Xiao Guoguo, she would have to take revenge.

"Okay, I promise you!" The woman yelled. There is no way, but she can preserve her cultivation base. After all, although she is now in Wuwei, she went out to Thunder Tribulation... ...That's also a big trouble!

Xiao Guoguo looked at A Xuan and saw that A Xuan did it herself. The woman was trapped in the array again. So it's not that A Xuan can't control this woman, she simply doesn't want to control it.

Also, as an Artifact Spirit, it has been alone for so many years, except for these people who are locked up, there is nothing fun to do. Perhaps these people who are locked up here are in the eyes of A Xuan , Is also a companion.

Qi Li felt a panic. After being trapped by this array for so many years, she was really a little scared, but she couldn't get rid of the array by herself, so she could only wait. The cultivation base was quickly absorbed. gone.

This cultivation base is not so easy to upgrade, but it only takes a few days to be absorbed. That is a powerful ability, even if this space wants to absorb it by itself, it will take a long time.

Because Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan watched at first, then they closed their eyes and waited while cultivation. Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are like this, but Beibei and Yuemu don't have this idea anymore. They both took the food, and they ate while talking coldly, knowing that this woman has pitted them miserably.

"How many days will it take?" Beibei asked, eating Spirit Fruit. This time she was poisoned, so she had to make up for it.

"This seems to be half a month, you think, that is a lot of energy, and it fell from inaction to Xianzun all of a sudden. Oh, I feel distressed even thinking about it. "Yuemu said, gnawing on the ribs, looking at Qi Li in the array.

Qi Li: "..." These two bastards, taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, just forget it, why don't they keep her eating he he! Let's have dinner!

(End of this chapter)

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