
  Chapter 2287 Quarrel

A Xuan is really depressed. She has guarded the Cloud City for so many years. It's the first time I have encountered such a hard player. All of them are who, let's try it first and play!

But she has always remembered her professional ethics. As a qualified and the only receptionist in Cloud City, she can't quarrel with these cultivators participating in the test? Otherwise they really turned away?

She always felt that if she turned her face, these two guys would really turn their heads and leave, without the slightest hesitation, don't ask why she knew.

"Let's go both of you." A Xuan said. Yuemu and Beibei really followed. They walked very slowly, enjoying the scenery as they walked.

"I know I shouldn't say something, but Beibei, do you think there is something wrong with this architectural style?" Yuemu said to Beibei.

A Xuan: "..." You know if you should say it!

"What's the problem?" Beibei didn't see the problem.

"This is the City in the Clouds. This is a city in the sky. Why is the architectural style so grounded? Shouldn't it be a little more atmospheric, a little more extraordinary?"

Yuemu said so, Beibei nodded continued: "It's like our Sea Clan palace, which is very integrated with the surrounding environment, and they are all ocean elements."

Yuemu is really overjoyed when Bei can draw inferences from one another in this way. This child has made progress recently.

"Yes, that's what it means. Even if this building doesn't fit the theme of cloud, it can't be so gold and jade in glorious splendor. It's a bit tacky, right?" Yuemu said so and saw Beibei nodded, indicating that Beibei also agrees with this idea.

"Axuan, have you seen it? Beibei thinks so too." When Yuemu said that, Axuan wanted to pretend that she didn't hear it, but she didn't expect Even if she pretended not to hear, Yuemu could find other things to sting her nerves.

"And there is no water here. Even if there is no mountain, there must be no running water. It's too unattractive." Yuemu didn't find A Xuan to express her emotions after she finished talking, but Started pure complaints.

"Yes, there is no good food here. You see that we have worked so hard to get here. As a result, we didn't have a bite to eat. This kind of hospitality is really insincere." Beibei Following the complaints, she also felt that this place was not good, it was still much worse than what she had expected.

So along the way, A Xuan is really brace oneself walking forward, this is all who, the mouth is too poisonous, are you here to eat? You are here to take the test!

Finally, after one hour away, they finally got to the front of the palace, so A Xuan said: "Please, please, the master of Cloud City is waiting for you."

After A Xuan kept smiling, she turned around and left, fearing that she would collapse if she stayed any longer.

"Have you noticed a problem?" Yuemu asked Beibei this way, and she saw Beibei's big eyes flickering at Yuemu and then shook her head.

"Isn't it supposed to be called Yunzhou Realm? Why does she always say Yunzhongcheng?" Yuemu asked, and Bei Bei suddenly realized: "It must be stimulated by you!"

Yuemu: "..." Can I still chat well?

"Should we be more careful? I always think it's weird here." Beibei said, and Yuemu said with a smile: "Didn't you say it. If it doesn't work, just hit it."

Beibei has a feeling of being indulged in causing trouble. Yeah, what I'm afraid of. If it is a trap, they will destroy the trap and it will be regarded as a harm to the people.

A door slowly opened in front of the two of them. The golden light inside the door was shining, and it was in keeping with the style outside. This was to prepare to go farther and farther on the road of local tyrant gold.

"Let's go, let's go in and see." Yuemu said so, and Bei Bei closely followed him, and the two of them took the golden light avenue out of ten thousand zhang. Feel.

The two people walked two steps, and they felt that the scenery in front of them had changed. The golden rays of light had disappeared completely, the door had disappeared, and the space in front had become black.

"I suspect it is a trap, but it's a trap." Beibei said, feeling that she had guessed right, and she felt at ease. Yuemu looked at her, the girl looked very happy, and she didn't know what she was happy about.

"Hahaha, welcome you to come here. From here is your test. Only those who pass the test can go out alive.

By the way, I have to remind you. Only one person can go out alive in each test, and you two can only go to the end from now on!"

A sharp and harsh voice came, and Yuemu didn't care, and waited until the other party's voice fell. , And don’t forget to take this opportunity to educate Beibei: "Look, how obvious is this sow discord, feel that you are the only one who can live to the end, just want to let us kill each other."

"I know, but I have a question for you." Beibei said so, and Yuemu was stunned, wondering what could be wrong at this time? Isn't it a strange problem? For example, choosing the color of clothes and hairstyle?

"What question do you say." Yuemu faced Beibei's question very cautiously, because he couldn't find the correct answer every time.

"If what she said is true, and only one of us can get out of here, then how would you choose?" Beibei finished asking, and looked at Yuemu very seriously.

"What do you mean by this?" Yuemu felt that he did not understand the content of this question.

"I mean, there is only one of you and me who can get out of here. Who do you want to get out alive." Bei Bei asked frankly.

"This is impossible, we must all be able to go out. She is deliberately mystifying, don't be afraid." Yuemu felt that Beibei might be afraid.

"I'm not afraid, I just want to know the answer."

"But such a problem simply won't happen, so why do you need to know the answer? There is simply no answer. ." Yuemu felt that she couldn't understand Beibei's thinking.

"I said it is a hypothesis!"

"This hypothesis does not exist."

Beibei: "..." She feels like she is My brain is broken, I actually like such a person!

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, let's go." Beibei walked straight forward, obviously angry.

Yuemu doesn't know where he did something wrong? Why are you so angry with unfathomable mystery every time? Is it necessary to discuss such issues? Such things will not really happen.

The other party is clearly provoking discord, why does Beibei ask herself that, is she believing it? Wouldn't it be so easy to be fooled? He felt that Beibei was not that stupid.

"Do you believe her? Don't be silly, this woman is lying to you." Yuemu felt that she should work hard, after all, every time Beibei gets angry, she feels uncomfortable with herself.

"I don't want to talk to you now." Beibei said.

(End of this chapter)

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