
  Chapter 2284 Method

Chi Xuan’s hard work is naturally not really hard, he is a cultivator to cook some food It is true that you will not be tired, but in order to make the food taste better, Chi Xuan has also worked hard. So tired is not enough, but it is true that it takes a lot of time.

And this kitchen helper is mainly Xiao Guoguo and Pan Pan. Although Qingyun daoist also comes to help, most of the time he stays at home with his daughter-in-law and asks his son to work.

Every time Pan Pan washes vegetables or washes the dishes, he thinks, is this his father? Can my father treat my son like this?

However, Qingyun daoist's answer also left him speechless: "I have raised you for more than 30 years, and have cooked you food for more than 30 years. Isn't it worth your help for me? Besides, we're all gone. Who will accompany your mother?"

Pan Pan: "..." Well, where did the mother and Xiao senior chat?"

However, as a son, he really has nothing to say, and his father also said: "What's wrong with Chi Xuan Uncle? Think about it, his craftsmanship is so good. , You can learn two points, and your mother and I will be able to enjoy the blessing in the future."

Pan Pan: "..." Well, everything he said as a father is right!

So Pan Pan willingly followed to do the miscellaneous work, and the content of Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan's discussions was too profound, so Pan Pan didn't understand it, so they really followed the culinary arts wholeheartedly. Although he didn't have any innate talents, he wrote them all down and prepared to find opportunities to practice well in the future.

Chi Xuan can also see that Lu Shan actually feels better and better for him. Sometimes they can talk a few words, and the longer it takes, the more Lu Shan feels Chi Xuan is a nice guy.

So Lu Shan decided to test Chi Xuan. As long as this Chi Xuan passed his own test, he would completely admit him.

Chi Xuan also didn't expect that Lu Shan would play so many tricks. When he felt Lu Shan leave this underground cave, he followed without the slightest hesitation.

With Lu Shan’s current cultivation base, if he wants to leave, he won’t be discovered, but he just lets himself discover it, isn’t that intentional? Chi Xuan didn't want to bother about it, but was afraid that Lu Shan really had something to tell him, so he could only follow it quietly.

Xiao Guoguo did not feel Lu Shan leaving, nor did he feel Chi Xuan leaving. At this moment, Xiao Guoguo was completely trapped in the cultivation. He didn't know that Chi Xuan had already gone with Lu Shan.

Lu Shan walked fast in front, Chi Xuan followed at a moderate pace behind, Lu Shan was very depressed, found a forest and walked in, and waited for Chi Xuan for a long time. Just saw Chi Xuan arrive slowly.

"You are not at all curious about why I want you to come out with me?" Lu Shan asked, a little depressed.

"Naturally I am curious, otherwise I won't follow it." Chi Xuan said with a smile, he watched Lu Shan continue and said: "It's not okay for you to leave so suddenly, Guoguo will be worried. "

Lu Shan's heart is a little sour. During this period of time, he really has been eating dog food all the time, but he wants to see that Chi Xuan has several points of his Junior Sister sincerely.

"Naturally, I didn't really want to leave, but I wanted to ask you something, so that I called you out." Lu Shan said, Chi Xuan frowned and looked at him, what does this man mean? ?

"You can tell me something, but I will tell Guoguo and I won't hide it." Chi Xuan said.

Lu Shan: "..." Brother, there is no future for you to go on like this, so what's the point of listening to your daughter-in-law.

No, his daughter-in-law is his Junior Sister, so just spoil it. Junior Sister won't suffer anyway. It’s just that everybody will say something pretty. Who knows if he’s serious, he should try it out.

"If I want you to promise me, I absolutely can't tell Little Junior Sister? What if I say something about the future of Little Junior Sister?" Lu Shan asked.

"It's about her future? Naturally, I need to tell her, after all, her future is my future." Chi Xuan said, Lu Shan felt that his teeth were sour again.

"You guy... Forget it, let me tell you. This matter is actually about the force of nature. Do you know what is so strange about the force of nature? Why is Xue Lao? Must find this force of nature?" Lu Shan asked, Chi Xuan's heart moved, but he still shook his head. He wanted to hear what Lu Shan had to say.

"That's because the force of nature can help Xue Lao breakthrough Void Realm with just one thing." Lu Shan said, Chi Xuan really didn't expect.

"The force of nature is so powerful?" Chi Xuan is a little puzzled. If it is really so powerful, then why has Guoguo not been promoted to Void Realm over the years?

"Isn't it amazing? Little Junior Sister has the foundation of previous life, but it has only been a few hundred years before he has reached Wuwei. Isn't it amazing? This force of nature can help Void Realm's cultivator breakthrough Naturally, it can also help Wuwei’s cultivation base breakthrough, not only breakthrough Wuwei, but also direct access to Void Realm. Isn’t this benefit worth tempting?"

Lu Shan asked. Chi Xuan fell silent, if it was so, then it would indeed be coveted. But how did Lu Shan know this? Chi Xuan glanced at him suspiciously, with no euphemism at all.

"You don't have to doubt me, I always know something about him for so many years. He hasn't increased his cultivation base for so many years. That's because he has touched the bottleneck of this world. If you want to To break this bottleneck, he needs the help of nature."

As Lu Shan said, Chi Xuan felt that he understood a little more, but he was even more curious about this kind of thing, why Xue Laohui Tell Lu Shan?

"Is he so defenseless?" Chi Xuan asked.

"Naturally it is unprepared. We have had friendships for thousands of years." Lu Shan said this, with a bit of bitterness in his heart. If he is not Junior Sister's life and death enemy, then they might really be able to Be friends.

"Then what are you going to do?" Chi Xuan asked Lu Shan. Lu Shan looked at the sky outside and said: "What about the world, what does it matter to me? I just want to live well, I'm prepared for a while Time is leaving here. I hope you can persuade Junior Sister to stop her being so stubborn and find a place to live in seclusion.” Lu Shan said this, but saw Chi Xuan watch it. He glanced at him and said: "I won't persuade her. You should know her temper. She is not a regressive person."

"Chi Xuan, you should know, even you and Junior Together, Sister, you are not Xue Lao's opponents, why have you lost your life!" Lu Shan said, Chi Xuan was silent, he would support Xiao Guoguo's decision, no matter if the decision was right or wrong.

Although Lu Shan's idea is correct, he can be alone, but Chi Xuan can't do it. Xiao Guoguo is everything to him, he is impossible regardless of Xiao Guoguo, he does not want to influence her thoughts.

"If it really doesn't work, there is another way, which is to find a way to separate the natural force of Junior Sister. Anyway, what Xue Lao wants is the force of nature, not the life of Junior Sister, as long as Just give him the power of nature." Lu Shan said.

(End of this chapter)

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