
  Chapter 2280 Third Senior Brother

The man sighed in relief, but fortunately someone stopped it.

When he watched Xiao Guoguo put forward this opinion, these people seemed to agree with each other and felt toothache. This is too blind to trust each other!

Fortunately, fortunately, one person stopped him. The man seemed to be quite high, and the woman seemed a little embarrassed in one sentence.

"We will discuss this later." Xiao Guoguo feels that this is not the time to talk about it.

"No, you have to promise me that you will not do such a dangerous thing." Chi Xuan asked so, Xiao Guoguo felt very helpless, but looking at Chi Xuan's look, I also know that if he doesn't agree today , This guy will not let go.

"Okay, I promise I won't do this."

Although Xiao Guoguo knows that such an easy compromise is not a good thing, she really doesn't want Chi Xuan to be sad. There are not many people who care about themselves in this world, and Chi Xuan is one of them.

Chi Xuan laughed at these words, and then slowly let go of Xiao Guoguo's hand. It doesn’t matter what the world is like, no matter how the world’s cultivator is, only the peace of Xiao Guoguo is in him. Your heart is the most important.

He believes that he can make her safe for a lifetime and make her happy for a lifetime, and he will surely do it.

The man was heart startled by Chi Xuan's eyes. This man looked at him with murderous aura in his eyes. This is really... he was obviously kind, okay, he didn't mean it, he also advised this woman not to do this.

"I told you everything. Can you let me go? I promise I won't tell you about seeing you. If I think about it, I can't help it. , After all, I betrayed him."

The man told the truth this time. He betrayed others by himself, and then told their whereabouts. Isn’t that boring? So the man is telling the truth.

Wenwen: "..." This person can't easily believe it.

"I can let you go, but I still have a question." Xiao Guoguo said. The man was frowned, and he agreed to think about it.

Anyway, he has already said so much, and he doesn't care to say a few more words. If he thinks he can tell them, just tell them. Let's leave here first.

"You ask."

"Who are you?"

Xiao Guoguo finished asking, the man was dumbfounded for a moment, he didn't The last question of expect Xiao Guoguo is this. How should he get back? Who is he? It seems that no one has asked him.

"Why do you ask?" The man hesitated for a while before looking at Xiao Guoguo.

"Because I always think you may be someone I know, I always think you are very familiar. Whose dísciple are you, who are you?" Xiao Guoguo asked, the man didn't t expect turned out to be the answer.

He feels that the other party is familiar, and the other party also feels that he is familiar. Impossible is really someone he knows.

"My sect, it was famous thousands of years ago, but after thousands of years, nobody knows it. As for me, there are not many people who can know me now. Come on."

The man said so sadly, looking at Xiao Guoguo, and then faintly smiled. He always felt that this woman was familiar, but since she was definitely not more than a thousand years old, how could he know her. He has been in retreat for a thousand years, and he hasn't even come out. How could he know such a youngster?

"What's your name?"

Xiao Guoguo just asked persistently. The man glanced at her and said with a smile: "What if I tell you! My surname is Lu, My name is Lu Shan!"

The man said so. Everyone is frowned. They really haven't heard of this person's name. Wouldn't this person just think of a name to lie to them?

But Xiao Guoguo felt that all the effects in her memory had appeared. She searched for her Divine Consciousness, but did not find this man, because this man did not exist in her Divine Consciousness. , But exists in the mind of another Xiao Guoguo.

"Third Senior Brother." Xiao Guoguo said. Lu Shan was stunned. He looked at Xiao Guoguo and couldn't be sure. There was only one person in the world calling him that way.

"Third Senior Brother! I am your Little Junior Sister." Xiao Guoguo said so, tears flickered in her eyes, and she said why she thinks this person is familiar, because it is in her own memory. The person in the depths,

"You are Little Junior Sister! This is impossible. My Little Junior Sister has fallen a few years ago. This is impossible." Lu Shan said this as he went to Going forward, he didn't expect anything. After looking for Divine Soul of Little Junior Sister for so many years, he appeared here, and it was another person.

"Third Senior Brother, hurry up and take the antidote, you Yi Rong Dan made me not recognize you!" Xiao Guoguo said, Lu Shan just remembered it now, by the way, take it yourself Yi Rongdan.

"Okay, I'll take it now!" Lu Shan no longer doubted, and hurriedly swallowed the medicine. Everyone saw that this person's appearance changed little by little, and his appearance changed completely. Variety.

Previously, his appearance was very ordinary, even if he was thrown into the crowd, he would not be conspicuous. Now... Wenwen feels that speaking of conscience is still very ordinary, but there are some changes in temperament. It seems a lot more refined.

"Third Senior Brother, why have you become so old!" Xiao Guoguo said, somewhat unwilling to believe that this is the young, a little stupid Third Senior Brother.

"Hehe, people will get old. It will not be easy for me to persist for so many years to live." Lu Shan said, but he still accepts that this person is his own Little Junior Sister. .

"Senior Brother, do you remember the word on the palm of my hand?" Xiao Guoguo asked. Lu Shan was taken aback. No one knew about this except for the four masters and disciples. of.

"The Master thought those two characters were Xiaoyue, but they were actually spiritual characters." Xiao Guoguo said with a smile, but the smile was very bitter.

"Junior Sister, it's really you, how did you survive!" Lu Shan tears down. He has been searching for so many years, but he has found Little Junior Sister.

"Senior Brother, are you okay? How are you all these years?" Xiao Guoguo cautiously asked. She once inquired about her previous sect, but the sect has disappeared, she Naturally, I can't find the Third Senior Brother of that year.

If this sect hadn’t really existed, Xiao Guoguo might even think that all of this was fictional, but she knew that these all were really happened, and these people also existed, they They all seem to be her relatives.

"I'm fine, but you suddenly fell back then, and I always feel unwilling in my heart. I tried my best to cultivate and search for your Divine Consciousness. But this cultivation world is so big, I have looked for it. But I don’t see your Divine Soul.

I’m about to give up. Fortunately, I didn’t give up, otherwise how could I see you again! This is very good, you’re okay and very very good."

Lu Shan feels that the rock that has been pressing in his heart for so many years has finally been removed. He has found Little Junior Sister. He is worthy of the Master, and worthy of the Senior Brother and Senior Sister! He was finally relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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