
  Chapter 2278 Conditions

A month ago, the man finally saw a glimmer of hope. This black hole finally He opened a gap, and he could get out.

But when hope was right in front of my eyes, the black hole was suddenly repaired. It was repaired all at once, making him extremely annoyed.

How can you be like this? Otherwise, he would shoot early and stop him when he was about to go out. This was obviously intentional! He also advised himself not to be angry, don't be angry, or the other person will definitely be happier.

But he can't control it, and more importantly, he doesn't know how far the other party can do it, that is, how many times they can stop it! But there is no spiritual power here, but he really can't get out after a long time.

So this man is considering whether to charge ahead directly in a spurt of energy. But if it really reaches the level of either the fish dies or the net splits, then he himself will be injured.

In the last Thunder Tribulation, he was injured, and he will be recuperated at this moment. Now if he is injured again, he must be injured again, so the consequences are only a little bit worse. severe.

If there is no one in the place where he goes out, he can find a place to hide and heal his injuries. If it doesn't work, if Du Fuxing surrounds him outside, then it is really dangerous.

It is precisely because of this that he has been hesitating all the time, and this hesitation has turned around. When the entrance of the cave was really opened, he himself did not dare to go out. This would not be a trap.

But he doesn't want to go out, and people can't agree. The man only feels that the darkness in front of him has completely disappeared, and there is an open plane in front of him. The sudden light made him feel dazzling, but the man didn't dare to hesitate and ran fast.

He felt that if someone really set a trap, then it must be right to escape now.

The people who watched the man rushing away: "..." What is this trouble?

They wanted to talk to this guy, but they didn't think they were sincere, but they simply didn't think so, so they just ran away. But the next moment, everyone was stunned again.

Because a barrier appeared in front of the man, and the barrier was directly hit, the man stopped, never opened his eyes, but used Divine Consciousness to watch all around.

This barrier is familiar! This barrier was clearly set by the man! So the man froze for a moment, and saw Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, it was them! This thing pitted him once, do you want to pit him a second time? Who is going to Transcending Tribulation again this time!

Thinking of this possibility in the man's heart, the whole person is depressed. It's not like this.

"When did you set up the barrier?" Xiao Guoguo was all curious, obviously he didn't see Chi Xuan doing these things.

"When he came out just now and ran wildly." Chi Xuan replied, Wenwen curled her lips, she didn't believe it, she just fooled the boss, and established her own image of a gentleman.

Xiao Guoguo believes in Chi Xuan, but Wenwen doesn’t believe it. She has long thought this guy has a lot of mind. In fact, he set up a barrier when they came in, but he just ran wildly at the man. It's only triggered when it's time.

Forget it, she won't expose this guy.

"What the hell are you going to do!" The man angry roar, the anger that has been detained these months is obviously very great.

Xiao Guoguo is speechless. It is them who should ask this question. This man doesn't know who it is, but what is certain is that he must be ill-intentioned!

"I was just about to ask you, what are you doing! You have been hiding in the crowd for so long, is it just to see us Transcending Tribulation?" Xiao Guoguo asked, the man was speechless Yes, but he has a thick skin, so he said directly: "I'm just curious, who is such a non-human person, who can even absorb the energy of interstellar!"

"He scolds you." The laughed person said to Chi Xuan, Chi Xuan nodded, he heard it.

"Thank you for reminding.

"You're welcome. ”

Qingyun daoist look at these two people and think about the vinegar that the daughter-in-law has eaten these years. Just for a Xiao Guoguo, these two people are different from the aura. When is this? Why are you making trouble.

"You don't need to say that, you hide your cultivation base and eat Yi Rong Dan just for curiosity? Do you think I will believe it? "Xiao Guoguo asked, and saw the man startled for a while and then said: "I don't know who you are believing or not, but that's the truth!" "

Xiao Guoguo looked at this man, really didn't expect, he still looked like he would not admit it. But Xiao Guoguo stabilized his emotions, and then said: "Since you said that, then I I believe you for the time being. I just ask you, if we let you go today, would you come back for revenge? "

The man was stunned. Are they going to let themselves go? Really or fake?

However, he doesn’t care if it’s true or not, just in case it is real. It’s not a fool if he doesn’t go. So he nodded vigorously: "As long as you are willing to let us go, then whether the previous things are right or wrong, I will leave the blame, and I will not come back for revenge. "

"Never let other people come back for revenge, and don't let the news that we are here pass on." Can't tell anyone, can't tell anyone in any way! "

Xiao Guoguo said that, the man hesitated a bit. If people really let him go, can he really do it? Of course not. The person you are looking for is right in front of you. If you say it, sooner or later will be a big trouble.

"I promise not to say it! "The man is a serious promise.

"You say that, I definitely can't believe it, unless you take the Heart Demon oath. "Xiao Guoguo asked so, the man is stupid, Heart Demon vowed that it won't work!

"Why, don't you dare?" That is to say, all the promises just mentioned are deceptive. Are you a lie to me as the boss? "Wen Wen asked, the man took a look at Wen Wen.

I don’t know why, the man was sure at a glance. It was this guy who locked himself up! This guy is simply too bad, the point Patching loopholes at all times is obviously intentional, in order to hit him and make him uncomfortable.

"It's you, I remember you! "The man said angrily, but Wenwen is who, is she someone to be afraid of?

"Yes, it's me, we can fight if we are not convinced." "Wenwen said so, but the man looked at her very carefully, because he was worried that Wenwen would be happy, so he locked him up.

"I'm such a man who doesn't fight with women!" "The man said so, Xiao Guoguo said with a smile: "You have also seen, the four of us, you alone, must not be able to beat us, if you are willing to tell the truth, there may be a chance to leave. "

Xiao Guoguo said that, the man realized again that the situation is very unfavorable to him now, and this is why he has been enduring it. Group of guys.

"What do you want to know? "The man asked, in fact, he can't say many things, the key is whether he is willing or not.

(End of this chapter)

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