
  Chapter 2271 Refusing to Leave

The man is also experienced and knowledgeable, he didn’t see anything After being there, he traveled north and south for so many years, Up Into the Heavens, Down into the Earth, Sea Clan then went several times. Naturally, he knew everything about Sea Clan very well.

However, in his memory, Sea Clan's clansman today can't make such a powerful mechanical beast. Then these mechanical beasts should be the handwriting of the old guys in Secret Realm. Could it be... they are finally willing to come out?

While thinking wildly, the man hid his silhouette. He found it more and more interesting, and naturally he couldn't show up easily. He wanted to see what the end result would be.

And the leaves standing underneath watching the game slightly raised the corners of their mouths. If they knew how powerful the Master was, they might scared Scared Witless away now, so they would dare to make any ideas.

Ye Zi is proud, and Pan Pan is always shocked. He has never seen a match of this level, and never knew that just a match can tell the winners and losers. I never thought that one person can overwhelm so many people, not to mention that there are experts on the opposite side. Is this a powerhouse?

"Is that mechanical beast so powerful?" Pan Pan asked, thinking that Xiao Guoguo was a mechanical beast from his interface for the first time when he met. His heart was a little warm, but he was so excited. Now, that's a mechanical beast!

Previously, he only knew that the mechanical beast was very handsome, but now it seems that it is very awesome!

"The level of the mechanical beast that Master gave you is two levels lower than this, so don’t expect too high. And your mechanical beast needs to be replaced with pink crystals before you can use it. If you take it out, If you are prestigious, your energy will be used up soon."

Ye Zi said that, and Pan Pan was speechless. Even though he said that, he still felt that the mechanical beast was very difficult to deal with!

"It's okay, I can learn slowly and learn to change energy. What is that?" Pan Pan asked, Ye Ye laughed and ignored him.

They looked at the crowd above, and the crowd above was all looking at Xiao Guoguo, this woman is too terrifying!

What kind of cultivation base is this, what is this weird thing, it just blocked the space of all of them in just one round, it is not a magic weapon, what is this thing on earth?

Everyone does not know the mechanical beasts, but they understand that Xiao Guoguo is not easy to deal with, they are not opponents of others, they simply do not have to make a move, they will lose.

"Let's go." Some people have already retreated. It is not easy for them to cultivation to this level, and no one wants to lose their lives.

"Treasure no more?!" There are people who are unwilling to do so, but they guarded it for half a year, and just left like this, it's so shameless!

But everyone didn't expect. When everyone was still considering and hesitating, the mechanical beast moved! The mechanical beast took a step forward, slowly opened its mouth again, and an energy ball spurted out again, slamming it directly at them.

Originally, this group of people, they stood together, and felt that there were many people and they could cause pressure on each other. But now, they dare not stand together, because they don't want to lose their lives, so they can only flee for their lives.

And the mechanical beast did not stop there, but continued to attack, making these people a little embarrassed. Of course, some people began to counterattack. They couldn't swallow this breath, and they always felt that the other party was bully intolerably.

But at this time, another mechanical beast appeared, and everyone's hearts seemed to be lifted up. They didn't expect Xiao Guoguo to have so many mechanical beasts by their side!

At this moment, most people choose to turn their heads and run, because they feel that there is no possibility of defeating the opponent.

And that man hiding in the crowd, looking at this scene with a smile on his mouth, is really interesting.

For such a mechanical beast, it is already incredible to get one, but it is too strange to get two! Even the retreat Old Guys are not willing to give this treasure to outsiders. What is their relationship with Sea Clan?

The man can’t figure it out, but at this moment someone really wanted to give it a try. Seven or eight people rushed forward together. However, these two mechanical beasts were so powerful that they were caught in just a few rounds. Lived, even because of the mechanical beast's counterattack, he was directly injured.

Those who are still on the sidelines see this situation, they have no other thoughts, wait for half a year, it is not a major event, forget it, life is the most important thing. But don't be aggressive.

But there are always some people who have different ideas. For example, this man hiding in the crowd is not for treasure. For example, some people think that this woman...no, although this expert looks fierce, but several shots didn't kill them, maybe there are any taboos?

For example, if she can't kill someone, can they stay and see if there is a chance? They don't have to get something back, they are just pure curiosity.

If you are not curious, you can't wait for half a year. They just want to see what is inside. Whether it is a cultivator or a monster beast, there must be a saying that it is not.

For this reason, they don't leave, they are willing to take the risk and wait.

If it really doesn't work, they will run, and they won't believe it, and they won't be able to run the other side if they run desperately. And what if someone keeps coming over? What if the other party can't hold it anymore?

Xiao Guoguo is very speechless if they don't leave. I can't beat this. What are you waiting for here? She didn't want their lives because it was not worth it.

It’s not a treasure, but Chi Xuan is absorbing spiritual power. What do they want to see and wait for?

But Xiao Guoguo really wanted to move when they saw that they weren't leaving, because the following were not only them, but also the ancestors of the spirit family, the big tree clan, which could not be discovered by anyone.

So this group of people who stayed didn't know that it was really dangerous for them to do so. Now Xiao Guoguo's life is between Xiao Guoguo's thoughts, just when she made up her mind.

A group of people didn’t take a step forward, and Xiao Guoguo didn’t do anything in the end, not because she couldn’t beat these people, nor was it hard to take their lives, but because she wanted to keep a low profile and didn’t want to make enemies. .

To know that these people can come to this cultivation base, which are sect Old Ancestor or expert in the family, if this is to slap a few to death, she is tantamount to enmity with these sects and the family.

Of course she is not afraid of these people, but it is troubled now. The hidden bad guy hasn't been found yet, she doesn't want to cause trouble. That's why I endured it, thinking about how to solve it.

"Boss, it's not the same thing if you stay in a stalemate like this." Wenwen persuaded her, but she didn't have so many worries.

"No, we can't get too much revenge right now. I'm afraid that someone will take the opportunity to start." Xiao Guoguo glanced at the man as he said that. He didn't know the identity of the man, and she was also afraid that if he made trouble now , When the time comes, it will become more difficult to clean up.

(End of this chapter)

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