
  Chapter 2156 Meeting

It’s just a moment’s effort. This person has thought about so much, and his heart Make up my mind, no matter what, let me take a look first.

"Go and call them to come in, I'll see you in person." Venerable said so, and then City Lord Yang took his orders.

Yang City Lord is even more excited at this moment, thinking that he has made a great contribution. From then on, he will be higher than others by his side. This has been his pursuit for many years.

And Xiao Guoguo naturally felt the Divine Consciousness swept away from him. This Divine Consciousness is very strong, but it is not so high that it will not be discovered. Xiao Guoguo is very calm. He has come to this step and came here. Today, the local Venerable, they will definitely meet. The difference is whether the other party takes the initiative to meet them or they enter.

Xiao Guoguo will achieve his goal as long as he finds a place. They are not here for tea and chat, but for revenge. In front of the enemy, they are naturally able to do it.

"You are very good luck today. The master wants to see you in person, but I have something to make it clear that I can't be impudent after entering. The master has a bad temper and lost his life. I can't control it."

What City Lord Yang said, this statement is completely different from when they were asked to come before. Xiao Guoguo was just a faint laughed, and did not mean to reveal the other party, but followed Yang City Lord behind and walked in.

The great hall is very big. At the moment, the great hall is empty and there is no one. Xiao Guoguo never looked around, but stood in the middle, behind Yang City Lord.

Sure enough, after a while, I heard footsteps, and then a slightly older man walked out with gray hair and a coarse cloth shirt. His face was a little pale, his expression calm, and his figure a little thin.

From the look of this man, he looks like an ordinary scholar, with a strong scholarly flavor, and his cultivation base seems to be because of wearing magic weapons, and he can’t see the cultivation base. .

"Master, these people have brought it here. They have the treasure of Xiyuezhong on them!" Said Yang City Lord, Xiao Guoguo still stood still after hearing this, which made Yang City Lord A little anxious.

Xiao Guoguo didn't seem to have reacted until this time, so he lightly said: "This Fellow Daoist is you wanting to receive the Xiyue Bell?"

Xiao Guoguo did not sit on top The place was Venerable salute, and Luo Zhen looked calm, but he kept sweating in his heart! This is the legendary Venerable! No one can resist the cultivation base of inaction. Even though he has been here for so many years, this one has a reputation.

And he actually saw it today. He was not excited but afraid, because they appeared as enemies of others at this moment. But even if he is afraid, he absolutely cannot show it, because if he is timid, Xiao Guoguo's identities will be doubted.

Luo Zhen doesn’t know, he actually thinks too much, because he knows that what he doesn’t know will be sooner or later. Xiao Guoguo is here to settle accounts today, but it’s still uncertain. Who is it? Is it Venerable?

"Do you have Xiyue Bell in your hands?" Venerable asked with excitement, and he saw Xiao Guoguo nodded on the opposite side.

She took a storage bag from her body, then slowly opened the storage bag, and took out a palm-size Xiyue clock from it.

"This is?" Dixing Venerable doesn't seem to believe that this is Xi Yuezhong, after all, it is too small, and it seems completely different from the memory.

"Don't worry, look at the following." Xiao Guoguo said and threw that Xiyue clock into the air, and then saw that Xiyue clock little by little has grown bigger, the speed is that It's extremely fast.

"There is such a change!" The local Venerable stood up, looking like he couldn't wait to see clearly.

And that Xiyue Clock is indeed eye-catching. Not only does the rays of light shine, but it also changes the surrounding scenery when it runs.

There were originally many plants in the house as bonsai, but now as soon as Xiyuezhong appeared, the plants in this house grew rapidly, as if they had been accelerated.

Xiao Guoguo seems to have taken out this treasure for the first time, but it is not well controlled, Xi Yuezhong shook for a while, changed back to its original size, and landed on her palm.

"Let you all laugh, I got this treasure halfway, I can't control it, so I wanted to find a buyer to sell it. If you are interested in Venerable, I can count this treasure It’s cheaper.” Xiao Guoguo said. The local Venerable considered for a while and asked: “How much does it need?”

“I and Yang City Lord once said that we need 10 million high grade Spirit Stone. , And there are some other rewards, you can talk about it later."

According to Xiao Guoguo's meaning, 10 million high grade Spirit Stone, if the other party can make an idea, then this person is probably true Yes, as for other rewards, simply don't exist.

"This is not a small sum." The Venerable on the other side only said this and stopped talking.

Xiao Guoguo can only say again after seeing this: "If you think ten million is too much, you can still discuss it, not less."

And that place is Venerable Still not determined, he didn't even ask to take another look at Xi Yuezhong.

Xiao Guoguo didn't say anything when he saw this sinking in his heart, but waited quietly, as if she had made a concession with great sincerity. But Venerable seemed very tangled, and then Xiao Guoguo stood up abruptly.

"If you are really not interested, even if we do it for nothing, after all, it is a business to pay attention to what you want, not really strong buy."

Xiao Guoguo said that the Venerable of the local line was about to come out, but at this time, a silhouette fell from the top of the great hall.

Xiao Guoguo several people took a few steps back quickly when they saw this, they all felt a little throb in their hearts when they looked at the person in front of them.

The appearance of this person is exactly the same as that of the Venerable on the seat. What else do you not understand now? The one that came out in the front must be a stand-in and a guard, and the one in the back is the real one.

Xiao Guoguo sneered in his heart when he saw this, but his face showed proper surprise and shock. At this moment, a huge pressure moved towards them, preventing them from moving a bit.

Xiao Guoguo looked at the Venerable, which was getting closer and closer to him, and quickly recognized in his heart, he saw him slowly stretch out his hand and said: "Let me see!"

Xiao Guoguo didn't hesitate at all and took Xi Yuezhong directly in his hand, as if he didn't care much about this treasure.

But the real Venerable can no longer take care of this. He held Xiyuezhong in his hand and looked at it continuously, as if he had noticed every detail, to see if it was true!

"This turned out to be true! It turned out to be true! Where did you get it from!" When Venerable asked, Xiao Guoguo looked like he was remembering.

"This is a long story. On that day, we ran into a spiritualist dísciple. He was conspired by someone, and we were hiding by the side. The opponent was too strong and we didn't dare to go out. "Xiao Guoguo said, this story was only thought of by her on the way here.

(End of this chapter)

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