
  Chapter 2149 Inquiring about news

So now, Luo Zhen can be released, he is true When he was content, he didn't dare to ask what those powerful monster beasts were, he didn't even dare to ask, where is the place where he was closed.

"Everyone, now that the place you are looking for is here, can I go?" Luo Zhen followed Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan along the way, and gained a lot of benefits.

According to the truth, he should be grateful to these people and follow them forever, but who is not afraid of death! Walking along the way, Luo Zhen could see that it was dangerous to follow these people, too dangerous.

"I'm afraid it won't work, we still have a place to go." Xiao Guoguo said, because she felt it was very important to lead the way in the local area. They were already familiar with each other. It's much better to change to a stranger.

Xiao Guoguo has such a firm attitude. Luo Zhen has a thousand reasons and he doesn't want to say it. He can see that Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan can't afford to offend each of them.

"If you have to follow me, can you stop me in that strange place next time? I'm afraid of the monster beast inside."

Luo When Zhen said that, Xiao Guoguo was dumbfounded, and at this moment he understood why Luo Zhen refused to follow them when he said anything. Xiaobai and Wangcai must be curious to see them!

Also, I'm afraid it's not just two of them. The salamander and Qicai, they are not safe. Xiao Guoguo looked at Luo Zhen a little sorry and said, "Those are my Spirit Beast, don't be afraid, they are curious about you."

Xiao Guoguo said that, Luo Zhen is actually sighed in relief, anyway, this Spirit Beast is always better than monster beast.

"Go ahead and there is a bigger city, let's go there to find out the news." Luo Zhen immediately began to assume the role of his own tour guide...No, it should be a leader.

They walked fast along the road, and they hide their silhouette and breath, just don't want to cause any trouble on the road. Many monster beasts and cultivators simply couldn't find them. A gust of wind blew them, and they only complained about this strange place. This strange weather was still very calm and mild the moment before, and the next moment there was a strong wind.

So after flying for two hours, they stopped in front of the bigger city. This city is very lively where people are coming, people going, and there are many street performers.

The street art here is naturally unusual. Some people are showing their Pill Refinement Technique, some are showing their Artifact Refining Technique, some are showing their Controlling Beast Technique, and some people are showing their own technique. .

This is really a cultivation world. There is no breath of mortal life at all. Those who come and go are all cultivators. The owner of the simplest noodle restaurant also has a cultivation base.

"Everyone, what do you want to eat! We have monster beast meat that can improve the cultivation base!" The shopkeeper said, looking at the entire group, one person only eats a bowl of noodles. That's not a small gain.

"Pick up the best of you here, it's not bad for money." Xiao Guoguo said so and walked in and went directly to the private room.

Everyone was silent, and Chi Xuan was even more straightforward. He threw the Spirit Stone on the table and said to the shopkeeper: "It must be delicious, otherwise we will not pay for the meal. ."

Yuemu is also served, the boss is so stingy, he is not stingy in eating. And this Chi Xuan is the same. I don't know how to restrain the boss, but he is so spoiled.

But think about it, they have eaten the cultivation world too, so why should he say anything? They will follow along anyway.

"You have more Spirit Stones, you can't use so many." The shopkeeper said quickly. Chi Xuan felt that this shopkeeper was still good, at least not a mere eye for money.

"Okay, the meal we want is not one serving, we want three servings!" Chi Xuan said. Luo Zhen was very shocked. Is it enough to eat three servings?

But he can't ask this question, because he is not the person who pays for the meal, so he is not qualified to speak. Just think about it yourself and just eat, and don't care about the rest, anyway, they are not bad for money.

And Luo Zhen was still too naive. After the food was served, Xiao Guoguo didn't call anyone else, but released his Spirit Beast.

These guys have also been cultivation during this time and haven't had any good food. Although today's food is definitely not as good as Chi Xuan's food, but at any rate, there are many kinds of Spirit Beasts and they are also very happy to eat.

Xiao Guoguo entire group has eaten and drank enough, and it is almost time to inquire about the news. Why do they come here? Naturally, there is a reason.

That’s because this is a restaurant that enters the city. The to-and-fro people here are well-informed. Some people just like to show off what they know, so here is always Some exciting news can be heard.

Xiao Guoguo sat there, listening to the people outside, except for those useless, but he really heard some useful news.

But Xiao Guoguo did not leave in a hurry, but continued to rest in this restaurant. At night, the entire group left. The shopkeeper looked at the plate, and it was eaten cleanly. I was very surprised that these people can really eat it!

In the evening, they found the best Inn to rest. Xiao Guoguo said the same thing, we are not bad for money.

At the same time Xiao Guoguo called Na Luo Zhen over. She had something to ask him to find out. Luo Zhen got the task and refused to even rest at night and went straight out.

It's still very lively outside. After all, cultivators don't need to rest or sleep. They don't feel much about coming here every day.

Of course, people here seem to like to show themselves, and Xiao Guoguo also discovered after observing that these shows seem to earn them Spirit Stone, so there are many people showing their talents, Xiao Guoguo I think this is really a very interesting city.

"Senior, I have heard the news." When Luo Zhen came back, with rays of light on his face, he seemed to feel very proud.

"Let's talk." On the contrary, Xiao Guoguo calmed down. In fact, when Luo Zhen was asked to inquire about the news, Xiao Guoguo had already figured out how to do the next step, but for the sake of stability, let Luo Zhen Go and find out.

"This City Lord likes all kinds of weird things, so there are so many people showing off on the street, and this City Lord also invites people to perform in the city every month.

These people are naturally talented people who have been selected. They can get a lot of rewards every time they go. Over time, this performance at City Lord's Mansion has become a good way to become famous in one fell swoop.

"Are we going too? Luo Zhen asked Xiao Guoguo, and Xiao Guoguo glanced at him lightly and said, "Do you think there is any chance to become famous faster than this?" "

"But, what do we make famous?" "Then Luo Zhen still doesn't quite understand.

"Naturally, I am waiting for a big fish to be hooked." Someone is looking for us, and now we can't find him, then we might as well wait for others to find us. ”

(End of this chapter)

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