
  Chapter 2139 Whose Responsibility

Everyone is staring at it, the lady of the soul is already standing Rising up, she is a cultivator after all, and she doesn't fear the demonized Old Ancestor.

"Husband, but didn't find the culprit back then?" The Ling family's wife asked this kindly, but this time the Ling family Old Ancestor didn't even react at all.

Xiao Guoguo knows after seeing the situation, it must be bad. This man is too deeply enchanted and can still find home. It seems that he misses home very much in his heart, otherwise I am afraid that he will not come back. Up.

"Kill, kill!" Old Ancestor of the Lingjia muttered to himself. It was these two words that made Mrs. Lingjia's face pale instantly and she was shocked. Look like.

"Husband." Mrs. Lingjia wanted to cry, but knew that crying would not solve any problems. This was not the first time this happened, and every time it was worse than last time.

But no matter what the lady of the spirit family, the spirit family Old Ancestor seems to be immersed in his own world within the realm, and he keeps hitting the protective barrier, seeing that the barrier is really about to break.

At this moment, Old Ancestor, the spiritual family in the air, looked at this scene, his fists were clenched, and he was a little scared. If it was really like this back then, what face does he still have to see his spiritual wife.

"Madam, what should we do!" The little maid was so frightened that she was holding the child in her arms.

"Don't be afraid, you take Xiaosan to find Eldest Young Master, tell them, leave here first, and come back later in some time."

The lady of the spirit family said that he would child He hugged in his arms, and touched the child's forehead lightly, very reluctant. But in the end the child was handed over to the maid.

"Madam, you also go hurry up." The little maid wanted to let Mrs. Lingjia go with her, and she was also scared.

"Hurry up, let everyone go, otherwise it will be too late." The Lingjia wife fiercely pushed and let the little maid out directly.

There was movement in the yard, and it was obvious that everyone wanted to come in, but Mrs. Lingjia still had the highest cultivation base among these people, and she blocked the yard directly. No one was able to come in, they were very anxious outside, and the yard was shaking for a while, not knowing what was going on inside.

Xiao Guoguo and the Old Ancestor of the spirit family can see clearly that the lady of the spirit family has removed the barrier, although the barrier is almost broken. The Old Ancestor seemed to know that this was his relatives, and did not do anything, but the old lady of the Spirit directly trapped the Old Ancestor with spiritual power, and then gave her own cultivation base to the other party.

Xiao Guoguo understands that this lady of the spirit family wants to use her own cultivation base to force the other party's demonic energy out. But at this time, the demonic energy started to attack the Lingjia Madam, and her side was surrounded by demonic energy.

Now things are very clear. She wants to save her Old Ancestor, the Husband family, but because the cultivation base is not high enough, the demonic energy not only cannot be dispelled, but she also seriously injured the old Ancestor. .

"Now, go." Xiao Guoguo said. The Old Ancestor rushed out, and he cut off the spiritual power transmitted by the lady of the spirit family.

The wife of Lingjia who was already trapped looked up at Old Ancestor of Lingjia, and was a little dazed for a moment. Who is this and why does it feel so familiar?

"A Yuan, are you okay." The spirit family Old Ancestor felt anxious and painful in his heart, but he didn't know what to do and how to let A Yuan understand that he didn't mean it.

"Who are you?" The Lingjia lady asked, looking at the person who suddenly appeared in a panic. At the same time, Xiao Guoguo had already given a medicine pill to the Lingjia Old Ancestor.

Looking at his young self, Old Ancestor was unwilling to save him, but he couldn't think about it. If this were the case, then he would not be able to come back to find Mrs. Ling.

"He's okay, the demonic energy is a bit heavier, but it will be better after taking medicine pill." Xiao Guoguo said, Mrs. Lingjia didn't know whether to believe them or not. These people appeared too unfathomable mystery too.

"Who the hell are you!" said Mrs. Lingjia, she stood up and protected the Old Ancestor of Lingjia behind her back.

Xiao Guoguo take a look at the Old Ancestor of Lingjia, this is your own business, please make it clear by yourself. In fact, it is difficult to say clearly about this kind of thing, even if he is the Old Ancestor of the spiritual family, this is his wife, what should I say about this matter!

Xiao Guoguo didn’t feel embarrassed at all. He stood there and wanted to hear how this spiritual family Old Ancestor explained and how to say these things. It’s also a thing that makes people feel Things that feel good.

"A Yuan, this matter is a long story." The spirit family Old Ancestor said a long story, so he said two hours.

"What! You mean who you are!" Madam Lingjia couldn't believe it, this thing was too unimaginable.

"I am your Husband." Old Ancestor said.

"I don't believe it!" Although the spirit family Old Ancestor said it was reasonable and well-founded, they just didn't believe it.

Xiao Guoguo really wants to laughed heartily, let you do it, let you make trouble, it's fine now, the explanation is not clear. This is also, who suddenly came out to you and said, I am your Husband, I am when he is old, it is good not to be photographed to death.

"I have a token." Lingjia Old Ancestor finished speaking, and took out two jade pendants from his storage bag.

Mrs. Lingjia was dumbfounded when she saw two pieces of jade pendant, and took out one piece from her storage bag. It turned out to be exactly the same. Then I found a piece from the young spiritual family Old Ancestor, which was a pair with my own.

These two jade pendants are their love objects. They were carved together back then. Every pattern can be clearly remembered, and the jade quality is also special.

The only difference between these two pairs of jade pendants is that they don’t have a long time in his hands. The jade pendants seem to have experienced baptism over time, and they are definitely not counterfeit.

"You guys are really...no, it's impossible!" After Mrs. Lingjia finished speaking, she took two steps back, feeling incredible. She might die to save Husband today, but she was impossible to go with someone she didn't know.

"A Yuan, there are some more private things, I will tell you personally." The spirit family Old Ancestor said so. Looking at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, they didn't have any eyesight at all. I don't even know to avoid one or two.

Forget it, you can only set the barrier yourself. So Xiao Guoguo watched the Old Ancestor set up the barrier, and she also looked at Chi Xuan, thinking that the guy was so stingy.

And Chi Xuan just smiled faintly. He thinks that maybe people are talking about the private affairs between husband and wife, so naturally they can't let them hear. Chi Xuan thinks so, Xiao Guoguo's face is a little red. , How did she didn't expect it just now.

After a quarter of an hour, I saw Old Ancestor and his wife come out. They looked at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, and they seemed to be sorry. And the lady looked at her Husband again, there was no demonic energy on her body.

"Is this all right?" Madam Lingjia felt extremely surprised.

"My medicine pill contains dao fruit and many medicine ingredients that can restrain demonic energy. A medicine pill can be saved by a demonic cultivator that has been cultivating for many years. Thanks to speaking of which. What about you Old Ancestor."

(End of this chapter)

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