
  Chapter 2135 Request

"That, can’t you really help me? Let’s talk about you first What do you want. You have to remember that there is nothing in this world that I can't do."

Lingjia Old Ancestor said, Xiao Guoguo looked at him, and then nodded: "I believe this. Ah, after all, you have lived for so many years and you have seen more things than we do. But I really don’t need anything now, so I don’t need to make a deal. If you are confident, you can follow me until I think of what I need. It's all right."

"What! That's too young, no, no!" Old Ancestor of the spirit family immediately wanted to refuse.

"But having said that, you have been waiting for so many years, do you care if you wait for a few more years?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and Old Ancestor didn't know how to answer.

After all, he has rarely used his brains with people in recent years. What he wants and what he wants to do can be done simply without hindrance in his current status.

But Xiao Guoguo is the only possibility for him to realize his wishes, so even if Xiao Guoguo is so difficult for him, he still has to follow them.

"Okay, then I will follow you until you think about it!" Old Ancestor of the spirit family agreed, but didn't expect Xiao Guoguo to have more demands.

"You can follow me! But I have a request."

"You still have a request! Okay, I promise you, I don't believe it, what else can you have I can't ask for it!" Old Ancestor, the spiritual family, said with a confident look.

"You can't hurt anyone around me. This hurt includes verbal damage and direct attacks. Can you agree? If you can't agree, then forget it."

Xiao Guoguo said that, Ling Old Ancestor wants to grit his teeth, who is all this! Why is it so unreasonable!

In the mind of Old Ancestor, Xiao Guoguo's request is a bit too much, it is simply unreasonable. The basis of fair trade is limited to the two of them. Why join the others as a condition now!

Unreasonable, unreasonable at all!

But in the end, Old Ancestor still followed Xiao Guoguo, the reason is very simple, because he does not have any right to choose. For the first time in so many years, I feel so passive.

"When on earth can you agree?" Lingjia Old Ancestor almost always asks once, Xiao Guoguo feels that this is not the way to go, so he finds something to do.

The Old Ancestor of the spirit family does not understand, what does this help him have to do with the forging magic weapons!

But he didn't dare to ask. Every time he asked, Xiao Guoguo would always be the same. For such a simple question, you still have to ask my expression. He didn't want to admit that he was stupid, so he really started to refine.

This didn't stop at the beginning. For three full years, everyday all was in the refining tool. That's it, only 300 magic weapons were refined.

He doesn't hate refining tools. After all, he was able to refine Xiyuezhong in the first place. It was not entirely because he wanted to save people. Naturally, he had a high innate talent.

But now, Xiao Guoguo's mouth is three thousand magic weapons, and it is a top magic weapon. This is simply impossible! At least in the short term, it is impossible, so the Old Ancestor of Lingjia is a little anxious.

"Here are a hundred magic weapons!" Three years have passed since Old Ancestor, the spiritual family, said so. Three years have a hundred magic weapons. This is already impossible.

But Xiao Guoguo only took a faint glance and said: "There are still two thousand nine hundred pieces!"

Xiao Guoguo said that, Old Ancestor of the spirit family is crazy, but After that, he never asked Xiao Guoguo if he could help him. Since it was three thousand, then three thousand magic weapons would be good.

"We need a place for a good cultivation." Xiao Guoguo said. Old Ancestor, the silent spiritualist, said: "I know a good place to ensure that your cultivation base can be improved rapidly."


Xiao Guoguo wanted to ignore it automatically after hearing this, or Chi Xuan then asked: "Where did you say?"

But what did Chi Xuan ask, Lingjia Old Ancestor As if he hadn't heard it, in his eyes, Chi Xuan was nothing but a useless person. Or to put it another way, he dared not see anyone here, and Xiao Guoguo was the only one who could really speak.

"Where is such a good place?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and the Old Ancestor faintly smiled: "If you want to go, just follow me. I have been there for cultivation for so many years. "

The Old Ancestor of the spirit family walked in the forefront, everyone you look at me, I look at you, some hesitate. Especially Lingyue is really depressed. This Ling family is so disappointing. Now when I see him, I will think of Lingyue and her big brother, so Lingyue simply doesn't want to look at him.

But Xiao Guoguo feels that if the spirit family Old Ancestor had already killed them, why wait until now! So Xiao Guoguo took the lead, and everyone followed.

This path seems to be very long, and it is underground, but each step is personally walked by them, and no magic is used, which makes everyone very puzzled, but they have to follow it.

After walking like this for three days, they didn't stop until their eyes widened and they saw the white underground river.

"That's it." The spirit family Old Ancestor said in a casual tone, but everyone was helpless, can't you explain a few words?

"Where is this place?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and he saw Old Ancestor who was very arrogant just now and ignored the old Ancestor suddenly turned around and said: "Here, when you come, you must be sure I saw that the forest is the site of those big trees!"

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Hehe, you really know everything.

"The site of the big tree?" Xiao Guoguo couldn't believe it.

"It's really the site of the big tree, but now it's under the area where the big tree is. I didn't say, how smart I am, can the place chosen by the big tree be a good place? It's not here Only the spiritual power of one place is gathered, but the spiritual power of many planes are gathered here!

Of course, I dare not really blatantly grab territory and spiritual power from the big trees. But below this, that's not their place, so I built this Spirit Gathering Array a little further away here, just dipping into the light.

The big trees don’t care, of course, they exist. After a long time, the knowledge is not comparable to ours. Anyway, I have been here for so long, and this big tree didn’t settle accounts with me."

So said, Xiao Guoguo knew it. This turned out to be a Spirit Gathering Array secretly. This is simply a rogue!

"Can you cultivation here?" asked the Old Ancestor of the spirit family.

"Okay!" Xiao Guoguo thought it was a good place. Since Dashu didn't ask him to settle the account, he shouldn't pay attention to them.

Besides, Xiao Guoguo can see that the spiritual power here is abundant, which is not as good as many places she has been to.

"Let's go here, I'm going to refining." Old Ancestor said naturally. He helped choose a place for cultivation, and the rest has nothing to do with him.

(End of this chapter)

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