
  Chapter 2133 Forced It flew upside down, and hit the rock all at once. The rocky mountain was cracked, like a spider web.

"It's a courting death!" said the spirit family Old Ancestor, Yuemu was reluctant.

Although he really doesn't like Chi Xuan, he can't watch him being bullied like this. Who is this, why is it so awesome!

"Who are you, don't get close to my boss!" Yuemu wanted to do it as he said that. Chi Xuan was beaten, and he felt uncomfortable.

Compared with Yuemu, Beibei was obviously more minded. She didn't even shout, but started directly. The speed and determination were really surprising. The five-ethnic elders think it is better for him to help, after all, this is the person he needs to take care of.

It's just that these three people attacked together. It seems that the battle is really big. After all, there are really not many people in the world who can withstand the blow of their three people. But in the next moment, they found out that they were wrong, because this one didn't know how deep the cultivation base was, but it didn't take much effort to deal with them.

The three of them simply couldn't get close to the old ancestor, who seemed to be a barrier beside him, so they shot them away. This kind of thing happened to Yuemu and Beibei, and it seemed very incredible.

Lingyue can't care about sadness and anger anymore. Xiao Guoguo is the future of the Ling Family. This Old Ancestor doesn't care about them. If Xiao Guoguo breaks here again, what should the Ling Family do!

"You can't hurt her, she is the hope of the Ling family!" Lingyue shouted, Lei Hao fiercely grabbed her, in fact, Lei Hao could see clearly that Lingyue was not taught, then Or because she is a spiritual family member, if you don't believe it, look at the four lying there, they are all injured.

"Ling Family? What does the quality of Ling Family have to do with me?" Old Ancestor said, with a look of indifferent expression, which made Ling Yue almost vomit blood again.

So this Old Ancestor, did you build the spiritual home for fun? Don't simply care about the development, and don't care about the lives of the disciplines? Why did they put on such an Old Ancestor!

Xiao Guoguo sees Lingyue's incredulous face, and sincerely feels a little sympathetic to her. Because this Old Ancestor's temperament is really weird, in fact, she is already psychologically prepared, so she is calmer than Lingyue when facing him.

And Lingyue's current anger is also useless. A person who is deeply troubled by Heart Demon, what use is it for you to reason with him? It's useless at all, it's just to trouble myself.

So Xiao Guoguo didn’t say anything. Instead, he slowly took out an object from the space. It was a statue about the same height as a human being. This woman was beautiful, with a gentle temperament. It's a good-tempered one.

"A Yuan, why are you here!" The spirit family Old Ancestor said so, and walked forward a few times, and everyone looked at their hearts and raised them. It's not sober!

"Stop! You made her fall, do you want to upset her? Linghao, how can you be so selfish!" Xiao Guoguo shouted, then The Lingjia Old Ancestor looked dumbfounded, looking at the stone statue as if he was very guilty. He felt that the stone statue in front of Xiao Guoguo at the moment was his wife, otherwise how could Xiao Guoguo know his name!

"A Yuan won't resent me, she likes me so much, she even lost her life for me, she won't, you lied to me!" said Old Ancestor, Xiao Guoguo is coldly smiled.

"She never resented you, but you hurt her spiritual family dísciple again and again, which really made her angry. Those are not only your descendants, but also her descendants!

Your sons are also her children, and your grandchildren are also her children! She likes children, why do you want to be so attached to her!"

Xiao Guoguo asked. At that time, a look of guilt appeared on the face of the old Ancestor of the spirit family. It seemed that he suddenly realized that if he did not discipline his children and grandchildren, his wife might be sad.

"A Yuan, I have been thinking of a way to save you for so many years, so I ignored them, but I promise you that from now on I will look at the spiritual family well and will not let Anyone plot against them! A Yuan, do you think it’s okay!" Xiao Guoguo thinks this old Ancestor is a bit pitiful, but this pitiful person also has something hateful. If nothing else, just Look at the three people lying on the ground, they are my friends.

"That is naturally the best, but you always want to change your destiny, always want to save me back, how can you care about the spiritual family. You are a person who has passed today and does not know what tomorrow will be like , How do I trust you?"

When Xiao Guoguo asked, Lingyue really sweated for her. Now she knows who she is talking to? This man seems to have some mental problems, don't give it any more stimulation.

"I promise you, it's the same as before, I promise that I can do it." The old Ancestor promised so much, Xiao Guoguo was nodded with satisfaction.

"Then you also have to make sure that you can't embarrass this little girl anymore!" When Xiao Guoguo said this, he was actually very bottomless. This would make the old Ancestor wake up. of.

"I promise, I promise you. You don't want to go, I regret that I accidentally hurt you." The spirit family Old Ancestor said, but this time I didn’t get a response. I couldn't control myself in an instant.

Xiao Guoguo retreated quickly, but the stone statue was still in place. In fact, everyone with a sober Divine Consciousness knows how this stone statue can speak, what Xiao Guoguo said just now. But this Old Ancestor thought it was true. His wife really came back, looking at the stone statue for answers, and the stone statue looked furious without speaking.

"You said, what's the matter, why did she stop talking!" That Lingjia Old Ancestor asked Xiao Guoguo, Xiao Guoguo just coldly smiled and said: "Because you didn't fulfill your promise Well, what you promised was not done at all."

"Is that the case? Do these things have to be done?" Old Ancestor of the spirit family thought, the whole People are full of fighting spirit.

"Then I will do all these things first!" Lingjia Old Ancestor finished speaking, looked at Xiao Guoguo, and then showed a very stiff smile.

Xiao Guoguo thought for a while, this should be the effect, this is really a crooked hit. Xiao Guoguo also slightly smiled to the Old Ancestor of the spirit family and asked: "I am actually really curious, why are you so sure that my bloodline is the best?"

When Xiao Guoguo asked this I really want to know the answer, so looking at the Old Ancestor of the spirit family, I did not retreat. If I change the question, I am afraid Xiao Guoguo will not ask it, but this question must naturally be figured out.

"I've always been in the spiritual house, but I changed my identity. All spiritual dísciples have to go through the bloodline test, so I am responsible for the test. Whose bloodline is good, in fact, I am the first to know . And although you never returned to the spirit home that year, your bloodline has still been tested. You may not know that your father and I can be considered confidants, but he left a bit too early."

(End of this chapter)

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