
  Chapter 2130 Selection

If he can’t see it, it doesn’t mean there is no problem. Xiao Guoguo looks at this stone statue , The old man also looked at this stone statue.

"This carving technique is already very difficult to deal with. This carving skill is much higher than mine. I have always suspected that this part of the stone statues should be made by the owner of the array. "Do you feel anything?" Xiao Guoguo asked with a smile. The old man felt very shameless, why he couldn't feel it anymore, he was not stupid.

"Naturally feel it, I feel his yearning for a happy life. I also feel his love for this woman." The old man said so, Xiao Guoguo nodded.

All of these things are reasonable, but these are not the reasons for her choosing this stone statue. The woman carved by the stone statue is the wife of the spiritual family Old Ancestor, and the person who cares most about the spiritual family Old Ancestor in her life. .

But the object that the woman stepped on was the reason she chose this stone statue, because it was Xi Yuezhong who stepped on the woman's foot.

Xiao Guoguo didn't know why, but always felt that if she wanted to go out, she had to look for clues from the stone statue. She used Divine Consciousness to scan the stone statue, but found nothing.

"Is it really necessary to smash this stone statue?" Xiao Guoguo said to herself, she didn't want to, but now it seems that everything must be tried.

But this is a stone statue of Old Ancestor after all. So she felt unbearable in her heart, so she dragged the stone statue directly with spiritual power. The stone statue left the place, but the array still remained unchanged. Xiao Guoguo looked at it and could only use spiritual power little by little to crush Xiyuezhong.

Only at this moment, the old man saw a bustling gleam, and he was very shocked. It was true or false, so it's okay!

He has been here for so many years, and he has explored the stone statue countless times, but he has never found any problems. Where did he think that the key lies in the stone statue. Why is this?

Xiao Guoguo will not answer for him, the array has been cracked, and she can go out now. And the old man also wanted to walk out of this light, but found a force to attract him, and he went out from another exit.

When the old man has arrived in the outside world, he still feels that it is not true. It is his good luck. He was saved by others. Compared to those who were trapped inside and couldn't get out, he was lucky.

"Haha, I'm out, I'm finally out!"

The old man yelled and looked at all around quickly, but Xiao Guoguo's silhouette was missing. He was very righteous. People saved him. He really left like this. He waited for a month and didn't see Xiao Guoguo coming out. Only then was it confirmed that they might not really be in the same plane before leaving the original place. land.

Of course, none of these Xiao Guoguo knew. She looked at the scenery in front of her, and then at the crowd, her heart felt relieved.

"Why did you disappear suddenly? We are really worried!" Lingyue said, they were moving forward, Xiao Guoguo suddenly disappeared, and Chi Xuan suddenly lost his previous confidence , Began to panic.

It has been like this for more than a month. They didn't see Xiao Guoguo's silhouette, they just made sure that this person was still alive. They thought about it carefully, maybe she really is the destined person, otherwise why in this array, they have not disappeared, but Xiao Guoguo temporarily disappeared.

Now she suddenly came back, which made everyone relaxed, especially when Xiao Guoguo mentioned the formation within formation, everyone felt even more exquisite.

What is the origin of this old Ancestor? How can it be so powerful! formation within formation Ah, can that be done by ordinary people?

Chi Xuan's heart finally settled down, Xiao Guoguo simply couldn't break the formation without showing up, and he still felt powerless. It turned out that there was really a human being, and his ability to break the array was in front of him. When it comes to formation within formation, the drama is not enough to watch.

"Now let's continue to go outside." Xiao Guoguo said. She believes that they will definitely be able to enter the ancestral land, because the Old Ancestor may have been waiting for her to come here.

Sure enough, this time was much smoother. It took them three days to come out. Chi Xuan himself was also shocked, because he clearly felt that since Xiao Guoguo went from there Out of the array, the big array outside of them becomes simple.

Because of this, Chi Xuan wants to know what Xiao Guoguo saw or did in this small array? But Xiao Guoguo never took the initiative to mention it, he was curious and hard to ask.

"Guoguo, what is in that small array?" Lingyue couldn't help asking, she was really curious now.

"There are many stone statues in the array. The Old Ancestor let us see his life through the stone statues, and he also expressed his thoughts through the stone statues."

Xiao Guoguo said that, Ling Yue thought about the scene for a while, and really wanted to say that their Old Ancestor was really weird.

But no matter how strange it is, she doesn't have the qualifications she said, let alone despised, only faintly smiled, it is understood. She had never seen such a scene, and could not understand how much Xiao Guoguo contained in these three words.

Xiao Guoguo didn't want to explain anything either. Some things were not explained clearly. When they really got out of this array, they saw the ancestral land of the spirit family.

"This is really great generosity." Xiao Guoguo exclaimed. Although he is a descendant of the spiritual family, he doesn't have this self-consciousness.

"What is that? Spirit stone mountain?" Yuemu also sighed, suddenly felt that the spirit family really has a foundation and family property.

"Yes, that is Fabaoshan. Look at this magic weapon, this is called piled up like a mountain!" Beibei also sighed.

Xiao Guoguo knows what they said is right, because what you see is the Ling Stone Mountain and the real Fabao Mountain. Prior to this, Xiao Guoguo had a certain understanding of this Old Ancestor. He was considered a high-level trainer Master. Even Xiao Ying, his own Master with relatively innate talent, did not have this kind of demeanor back then.

Xiao Guoguo remembered her own space. Master Xiao Ying left her with a lot of good things, but now it seems that there is no way to compare it with here.

"Is this left by the ancestors of the Ling family to your descendants?" Lei Hao was extremely surprised. Now he is not guilty of guilt, but is very happy to be with Lingyue, naturally Dare to speak.

"I always think it is not. The spirit family was very downcast back then, but never heard of these things staying. Later, the big brother found it here and said that the spirit family had an ancestral land. Exist, the hope of our spiritual family's revitalization is here.

But have we really got anything from here? No, we never really got anything from our ancestors, on the contrary, we worked hard to revitalize The spiritual house.

If it weren’t for the strong enemy that the spiritual house has encountered now, and the big brother is gone, maybe I wouldn’t have taken such a big risk to come here. I don’t think this ancestral land is anything. Left by the ancestors, it looks more like...I can’t tell."

(End of this chapter)

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