
  Chapter 2111 Fate

Xiao Guoguo has only figured it out after so many years, her way is actually Xiyue Zhong told her, no matter what, she didn't escape the fall in the end, and her Divine Soul became another woman, Xiao Guoguo later.

After she wanted to understand these, Fiercely was depressed for a while, but think about it, which cultivator is not going to fall in the end, but she doesn't know how long or how much time she has.

So before that, she wanted to take a good look at this cultivation world, and see more for Xiao Guoguo in the future, so that she could know more things.

Therefore, in recent years, she has not settled down to cultivation, but constantly traveled, walked to various planes, saw a lot of interesting things, and went to a lot of sects to see what they were doing. It is very interesting to build and grow.

After a long time, she felt that this was also good. This kind of life was exactly what she wanted. There was nothing wrong with it. She quickly became happy and raised her cultivation base.

As for Chi Xuan, if they have fate in this life, then they can be together without being matched or deliberately looking for it. If they have no fate, then forget it. She doesn't care much anyway. She cares about many things, and Chi Xuan is just one of them.

"Junior Sister, where are we going this time?" Lu Shan asked curiously. Following Xiao Guoguo, his cultivation base improved very quickly, but it was a lot slower than Junior Sister.

"Let’s see if a small sect has appeared." Xiao Guoguo said, taking Lushan Mountain across the plane, and now they want to cross the plane, they only need to tear apart the void. .

Lu Shan looked at the sect in the heart in front of him and judged that this place does not seem to be Great Sect. The name of the sect is also very peculiar, called the Panshan School. This is not a Great Sect, but a small Sect.

"It already has." Xiao Guoguo said with a smile, and went into sect.

"This Fellow Daoist, I don't know what's coming to my sect?" There is a small dísciple standing outside sect, looking at the age of thirteen-fourteen, this cultivation base is also pitifully weak.

"I came to find someone." Xiao Guoguo said.

"I don't know who you are looking for? I can pass it on my behalf." The little fellow was clever.

"He is on that mountain at the moment, I just need to see him." Xiao Guoguo said so, flew away, and disappeared in the eyes of little dísciple in an instant.

"Aiya, this Fellow Daoist is such a great cultivation base, I have to go to Sect Master." The little dísciple is not guarding the gate, anyway, there are almost no one in them normally here.

Xiao Guoguo looked at the man who was sorting out medicine ingredients. He really couldn't imagine that a generation of Old Ancestor used to be like this. He seemed to be at home.

"Two people, aren't people in my sect?" The Old Ancestor of a generation looked up at Xiao Guoguo and Lu Shan. These two people are so strange, they arrived suddenly and stared at him like this. Even if his cultivation base is not high, this is not good, right?

"Not the person you sect." Xiao Guoguo replied, smiling as if he was in a good mood.

"Then why are you here?" A generation of Old Ancestor continued to ask, how could he think that this is the future sect disciple.

"What's your name?" Xiao Guoguo asked again, the first generation of Old Ancestor is very helpless, I don't know what his name is, and what do you want to do with him?

At this moment, Lu Shan is also surprised. It doesn't seem to be something Junior Sister can do. Junior Sister is not such a foolish person. Who is this man in front of me? Why did Junior Sister lose self-control so much?

"I am surnamed Zhang." The generation of Old Ancestor is still a bit defensive after all.

"Then Fellow Daoist Zhang, I met Fellow Daoist at first sight, I want to be here for a few days, don’t know if I can?" Xiao Guoguo asked, the opposite generation Old Ancestor is not good. .

Is this your beauty? But he is already married! Although Chen Family is not very good to him, the lady is still good to him.

"Sect Master, these are the few who hurried up the mountain." The little cultivator who led the way said, panting, he was already running fast.

"Why did the two Fellow Daoists come to me to sect and find our dísciple?" The Sect Master looked at Xiao Guoguo and Lu Shan and asked like this. They always felt that they were deep and unmeasurable, for fear they were. Come to seek revenge.

"I have some fate with Fellow Daoist Zhang, so I came here to help him." Xiao Guoguo said so, and Sect Master naturally couldn't agree. After all, I don't know what the other party came from, and it is even more impossible. Let them walk around the sect at will.

But people don't walk around the sect, just help people wholeheartedly. They live on this mountain and gave him ten bottles of medicine pill for cultivation.

Of course, he is not a person who sells dísciple for ten bottles of medicine pill. He thinks that these two people are indeed deep and unmeasurable, so he is willing to let them help dísciple here. This is his Sect Master. What to do.

The generation of Old Ancestor also didn’t expect, Xiao Guoguo’s few bottles of medicine pill made the whole family treat them very well. He has not had the treatment in sect for so many years, Xiao Guoguo all enjoy Up.

The lady in my family seems to have gained some benefits, but she also thinks that these two people are good people, so she took the initiative to move out. This is a big blow to the Old Ancestor.

"You comprehend well, I think you will find your own way." Xiao Guoguo always said to a generation of Old Ancestor, making him extremely suspicious, really?

However, with the passage of one year, the generation of Old Ancestor has become more and more unable to understand these two people, they are really willing to stay here with him for fifty years!

In fifty years, he really comprehend out Sword Art, but it was too shocking for a generation of Old Ancestor. This is completely different from the previous cultivation method, not a magic method. , It combines the spell and body cultivator!

By the way, the method of body refinement was given by these two people. He contacted body refinement for fifty years. Only then did he study in addition to word dao and serious speaking of which, and the two really helped.

Since then, he has worked harder, comprehend a set of Sword Art after another, while Xiao Guoguo and Lu Shan watched by and never said much.

Until ten years later, of course, after the small town of Sword Dao, they were suddenly leaving. After getting along for several decades, they were like friends and relatives. Naturally, he didn't want them to go, but he also knew that they had a long way to go, and he had just begun, and they were destined to not be able to move forward together.

"You Sword Art has been Small Accomplishment, I have a gift for you here." Xiao Guoguo said directly, and then took out a sword.

This was refined by her hands. It was refined a long time ago and will be taken out when we parting today. And that generation of Old Ancestor is even more grateful, he really needs a good sword now.

"I really want to leave, I won't stop you, I just want to ask, where can I find you?" A generation of Old Ancestor asked, but saw Xiao Guoguo shook his head, as if he didn't agree with it. talk.

"If you don't want to find us, our fate only ends here. If you can meet again after that, it is a fate, and it is normal if you can't meet."

(End of this chapter)

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