
  Chapter 2102 Crisis

And at this moment, I heard the sound of communication from afar, It is Xiao Family from one of the Three Great Families. Xiao Guoguo knows that Xiao Family had also prospered thousands of years ago, but it just got worse and worse.

Now that I see Xiao Family people, Xiao Guoguo doesn't feel so kind. After all, she really doesn't know any of these people, even in her memory, she has never seen one.

In the past few years, she has also quietly inquired about Xiao Family’s news. Unfortunately, Master Xiao Ying hasn’t appeared yet. After all, the Sect Master of Sword Sect hasn’t appeared yet, and there is no Sword Sect. Where did she come from? Where's Xiao Ying here?

So from that moment on, Xiao Guoguo knew that she was too anxious, it was too early, and it was not too late for Sword Sect to appear!

Xiao Guoguo thought so, he just glanced at Xiao Family, and then turned his attention away, instead observing the crowd silently.

Lu Shan is even more confused when he sees this. He originally thought that Junior Sister was here to find someone, so the person who was looking for was probably the Xiao Family person. You must know that she was adopted by the Master. Now she is the most powerful. If the powerful Xiao Family is the Junior Sister's family... it seems that there is no difference.

After all, his own Junior Sister is already powerful by himself, even having this family is just icing on the cake, if not, it will have no effect at all.

So if the target of Junior Sister is not the family, who will it be? Is Junior Sister looking for who? But after so many years, he has only heard of one name, and that is Chi Xuan.

Although Lu Shan simply doesn’t know who this Chi Xuan is and has never seen him before, Junior Sister has been looking for him, making Lu Shan want to see if this is How can you be a stranger.

But Lu Shan didn't know anything about Chi Xuan. Even if he was in the crowd, he would not be able to recognize him, so he could only wait patiently for Xiao Guoguo to reveal the answer.

The arrival of Xiao Family makes everyone feel very excited, because if Three Great Families are willing to take the lead, things will go smoothly this time. And according to Three Great Families's style, it is very likely that they will not care about these messy things, just express their opinions.

Then when the time comes, if which sect is affirmed by these three families, it should be the last number one sect.

Today they are not only competing for the position of the leading sect, they are also competing for the position of the number one sect.

After Xiao Family, another family, Zhou Family, arrived. Zhou Family is what people now call one of the Three Great Families, but Xiao Guoguo has no impression of this family anymore.

Speaking of which cultivation world changes too fast, a Great Family inheritance may be thousands or tens of thousands of years, or it may disappear completely within a hundred years.

How mighty the spirit family was back then, but what happened in the end? Xiao Guoguo thought of this, he heard the pass, and the spiritual family came.

Lu Shan discovered that Junior Sister became a little nervous after the news of the arrival of the spirit family. Her hands trembled slightly, her eyes kept staring at the door. Lu Shan was very curious, whether this spiritual family has a who, which affects Junior Sister's mind.

A group of people walked in from the spirit house, but the leader who walked first was a woman. Xiao Guoguo face changed, looking at the woman's eyes, there was a trace of excitement that was hard to find by others.

Lingyue, it's really her!

What does this show! This shows that over the years, everything she said she saw and knew was true! She had doubted that she had been shaken, if it weren't because these skills were too powerful, it wasn't because this thing was too magical, she might really doubt herself.

Now she doesn’t have to doubt, the first deceased has appeared! No, it's not right, the current Lingyue shouldn't know herself yet, and the current Lingyue doesn't even know who Lei Hao is.

Lingyue became famous as a teenager, which is naturally a bit worse than her big brother, but now she is still a guest in front of these people.

"It's really an honor for me to wait for the arrival of the Lord Lingyue!" Someone said, Lingyue is now the cultivation base of the Lord.

But from this time on, until she closed her memory, she was the Lord before she fell asleep, which means that the time left for them should not be much.

And Xiao Guoguo also saw it, the Spirit Beast standing next to Lingyue...It's obviously not Baiye!

It's just that the white leaves at this time still look very weak. At this time, the white leaves have not been overbearing and unreasonable afterwards. They look very harmless, just like a pure-minded Spirit Beast.

But who knows, under this appearance, the black-belly of this product is not light. And now he wasn't necessarily a soft-hearted person, just to prevent Ling Yue from disgusting, he deliberately suppressed his own nature.

Bai Ye seemed to feel that someone was observing it. As soon as he looked up, he saw Xiao Guoguo. He was very surprised. Then he looked at Xiao Guoguo and studied it for a while, and found that this woman had indeed never seen it. , This diverted his attention. It's just that in the next moment it stared at itself again, as if it could find something like this.

Xiao Guoguo thinks it is funny to see Bai Ye so much. This guy is really smart, but no matter how smart he is, he will not think that he inherited a memory and saw the future and Lingyue. The unimaginable thing is that it can't believe it if it knows it.

"Since everyone has arrived, then today's competition has officially begun!" The person yelled, only to hear a sound from the mountain gate, and everyone was slightly taken aback.

This is weird, someone dares to come later than Three Great Families! Who the hell is this, such a big shelf!

Everyone borrowed this dimension to hold this grand event. They had to choose a number one Sect. The invited sects were already prepared, and some even half a month in advance. almost there.

It is the Three Great Families. Their status is so high that they came slowly and finally came out. But who would have thought that someone would come later than them. Isn't this not giving them face?

The representative of Three Great Families looked outside the mountain gate and really couldn't think of which sect had the courage.

"The Royal Beast Sect is here!" With a shout, everyone fell silent.

Really, they told the Royal Beast Sect! How can they tell Royal Beast Sect! Can we happily choose a number one Sect together?

Because of the monster beast forest, the current Royal Beast Sect, even if it is not infamous, is not popular with everyone. Everyone has a lot of opinions on the Royal Beast Sect.

Although you can buy a great monster beast, but because the recent expansion of the Royal Beast Sect is so fast, it has already occupied dozens of planes, and hundreds of these planes have been acquired. sect is very passive.

I didn't dare to have a Spirit Beast at the level of the cultivation base, but now it is fine. Most of the Spirit Beast is in the hands of the high level cultivator. And now Spirit Beast has a backstage. Their backstage is the Royal Beast Sect. If they dare to treat their Spirit Beast badly, the Royal Beast Sect will punish them.

Thinking about it this way, finding a Spirit Beast is really not so good. It feels like finding a master for yourself!

And this is all the fault of the Royal Beast Sect. If it weren't for their intervention, if it wasn't for their money, how could they be like this? How could they be so passive! So everyone did not approve of their coming, and simply didn't give them an invitation.

(End of this chapter)

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