
  Chapter 2096 Chi Xuan

Xiao Guoguo is about to leave, the most reluctant person is naturally Yunxiang daoist , He thought for a while, it’s most appropriate to go with him, but he has become the Sect Master of sect now, this a small sect can’t be thrown away.

"Master, do you have Why don’t you worry about it? I’m going to travel sooner or later, and sooner or later I have to marry.” Xiao Guoguo said, Yunxiang Daoist was taken aback, and then asked excitedly: “Could it be that you already have someone to marry? Is the other party willing to marry you? When will you come to propose marriage?"

Xiao Guoguo: "..." This master is completely worried that he will not be able to marry, which is really annoying.

"Not yet." Although Xiao Guoguo is going to find Chi Xuan's past life, but who knows when he will find it, it is not good to make Master happy when the time comes.

"Forget it, forget it, if you really can't get married, you don't have to wrong yourself, you won't be disgusted with being a Sect Master for the rest of your life." After Yunxiang Daoist finished, Xiao Guoguo was quite moved. There is no feeling of being disgusted when gnawing the old.

"Master, after the apprentice is gone, the Master must take care of his body and don't work too hard for the sect. Leave the matters in the sect to the Senior Brother and Senior Sister. They can do very well. Master just like to live the life he likes before."

Xiao Guoguo's words moved Yunxiang daoist. The discipline has done so much, one is to save him, and the other is that he knows it too. , I want to make myself feel comfortable. Who would have thought that in the end he actually expected to live a good life on the discipline.

"Okay, I will listen to you, let you Senior Brother, they will work harder, I also have a good cultivation, I can't even beat the discipline now, it's embarrassing to say too much." Yunxiang Daoist responded seriously, and Xiao Guoguo felt relieved, and took out a few bottles of medicine pills and gave them to him.

"This is?"

"This is the medicine pill that I refined during this period of time. There are some that improve the cultivation base, some are healing, and there are life-saving ones! Master, everyone Don’t give it, or I’ll be angry. Senior Brother, they all have it."

Xiao Guoguo planned for him so wholeheartedly, how could this Yunxiang Daoist refuse, naturally he agreed with it all. And if you think about it, no one will give it to you. Otherwise, he really couldn't bear the thoughts of the discipline.

"No matter where you go, remember to report your safety to the Master." Yunxiang daoist knew that Xiao Guoguo would leave after saying goodbye. It seemed that he wanted to say a lot, but couldn't remember it.

"Yes, Master obeys Master's orders!" After Xiao Guoguo finished speaking, he gave a big gift to Yunxiang daoist, and raised his head: "Master, my disciple is gone. When the disciple returns, Master will definitely be proud and proud ."

"Go, life is the heaviest, Master does not expect you to become famous, but only hopes that you are safe." Yunxiang daoist's eyes are hot, afraid that he will be embarrassed by crying, so he can only control it.

"Disciple, please." Xiao Guoguo said.

"Tui'er also obeyed." Lu Shan said so too.

Seriously, this is also a discipline, but the atmosphere of the farewell is different. His discipline must be fake. But looking at the appearance of Master and Junior Sister, don't say sour words, he also felt reluctant to give up.

Eventually Xiao Guoguo and Lu Shan left. They want to grow up. There is no reason to stop him as the father of Master, but everyone knows that Sect Master is in a bad mood, don't dare provoke.

And Xiao Guoguo returned to the main city with a hundred cultivators. The City Lord watched Xiao Guoguo return as promised, and knew that there was sect behind her as a backer, but there was no other idea.

And Xiao Guoguo and Lu Shan lived here for three years. Three years does not seem to be a long time for the cultivator, but it is not short for Xiao Guoguo.

She is a person who has taken a shortcut, and the cultivation base can be improved very quickly. When she left, she was already a Level 2 fairy cultivation base. One level upgrade in three years, the City Lord can only envy when he knows it.

Such a person can either be killed in order to avoid future troubles, then they can only have a good relationship. Fortunately, there was no contradiction between them over the years, and he was very good to these two people, otherwise he really didn't dare to let them go.

"City Lord, do you really let them go? After they are gone, what about this medicine pill?" City Lord's counselor said so, City Lord only glanced at him and laughed.

"What is medicine pill? It's the same when looking for someone else to buy it. She can surprise us more than that! We now know their sect, so we are not afraid that they will not come back."

The City Lord said that, the counselor still doesn’t quite understand. In fact, a genius like Xiao Guoguo, they generally don’t have any evil, but this woman is a Pill Refining Master. This is the value of several geniuses, the main city If you want to make the most profit, then the best way is to leave people behind and control them in your own hands.

But it's very strange. I don't know what the woman said and let the City Lord let her go. Is the City Lord confused by this woman? But the appearance is really bad.

Xiao Guoguo of this life is not very outstanding, otherwise the Yunxiang Daoist doesn't have to worry that she can't find someone to marry. Although it is not a shocking beauty, it is still delicate and pretty, very cute. It's just that in the past few years, the imposing manner on her body has become stronger and stronger, and everyone is almost ignoring her appearance.

And the City Lord will let Xiao Guoguo leave, naturally not because of her beauty, but because of her promise. Avatar Dan, the medicine pill who can realize the Avatar Technique, she went to look for it.

If you find the medicine ingredient that can be refined, then you will give him one. If you can’t find...you don’t lose money if you don’t find him. The life-saving medicine pill back then, he has always been with him. Take it with you.

Xiao Guoguo is gone, and went very smoothly, which made Lu Shan also didn't expect. Because he felt that the City Lord would not let them go so easily, the result was that Junior Sister was still great, but just after meeting, people changed their minds.

"Junior Sister, where are we going now?" Lu Shan asked, Xiao Guoguo looked at the Transmission Formation and said another Level 2 plane.

"Junior Sister, why are we going there?" Lu Shan puzzled.

"Naturally, it is for experience." Xiao Guoguo replied, but he thought in his heart, along with it, to find someone.

She only looked for the cultivation plane, only the Level 2 and Level 1 planes, because she felt that if Chi Xuan was really there, he would definitely not mix in the Low Plane.

At this moment, in the dungeon of a certain sect, the man slowly opened his eyes. He has been locked here for a year. During this year, he has been recovering his cultivation base. No one cares about cultivation.

Who would have thought that one day he would run into the same sect slaughter one another scene. The Senior Brother who once loved him so much now wronged him for his position as Elder.

If it had been before, he would have to fight them to death, but I don’t know why. Since entering this, he has a lot of memories in his mind. It seems that he has seen another person's life.

So he doesn't want to do this anymore. He thinks he might be able to change his lifestyle, so why bother with such a group of people.

(End of this chapter)

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