
  Chapter 2094 Sword cultivator

Yunxiang Daoist is very depressed, he almost vomited blood because of the idiot's discipline. , Is it time to be jealous? Is it time to compare him with more heartfelt love for someone?

Of course, his most distressed discipline is Xiao Guoguo. That's right, that is the smallest discipline and the weakest cultivation base, so that's why. Yunxiang Daoist doesn't feel that he is so partial, only that as it should be by rights.

"What the hell is going on with your Junior Sister! Don't hurry up and tell me!" Yunxiang Daoist is really worried.

"Master, don’t worry, Junior Sister... It’s really not the previous Junior Sister anymore. We are here to rescue you." Lu Shan said, but it’s useless, Yunxiang Daoist Just know that his little discipline is outside.

Before Lu Shan had time to explain, Yunxiang’s daoist ran out, and it became clear that he was still being abused, unable to walk, and expecting someone to come and save him. Why this moment Just changed the style.

"Master, Master, please slow down!" Lu Shan chased after him, really afraid that Master had a problem, then Junior Sister would definitely not be able to get around him.

No, he is a filial discipline. He is thinking of the Master. The Master’s Detoxification Pill has not been taken yet! The Master had forgotten that he was poisoned and couldn't fly, and even ran out.

Of course, the Yunxiang Daoist who ran was not able to run the flying Lu Shan. He was forcibly fed a Detoxification Pill, and under the leadership of Lu Shan, he hid in a corner and watched the battle in the air.

Xiao Guoguo is playing against Sect Master! This makes the eyes of Yunxiang Daoist look hot, my dear disciple! This must be a pro-disciple!

Of course, apart from the touch in my heart, pride and worry are the most common. What is proud of? Naturally, my own discipline can be on par with Sect Master, but what are the concerns? Naturally, the time of Xiao Guoguo cultivation was too short, and the cultivation base could not be matched by others. Now I can maintain it, as if because of the strange tricks.

Yunxiang Daoist saw the true meaning of this battle at a glance, and Xiao Guoguo did have a unique trick, because her cultivation base is not comparable to this Sect Master, she is now a fairy, and Sect Master is already Great Immortal Master, there is too much difference in the middle, so you can't fight hard.

But the sword cultivator...sword cultivator can skip grades to challenge. She is not an ordinary sword cultivator. She used to be the master of life and death. She knows the most powerful Sword Art in the world!

Originally, Xiao Guoguo was able to ask the expert for help. Seventy percent of the 100 individuals are Immortal Masters. Among them, there are ten Great Immortal Masters. Even if their cultivation base is not as high as Sect Master, ten Each one is more than enough.

However, Xiao Guoguo didn't have this choice, instead he played against him in person. Because only in this way, the hatred in Xiao Guoguo's heart can be calmed down, and Lu Shan can have a chance to save the finished apprenticeship father. And only in this way can Master take the position of Sect Master in the future.

That Sect Master didn't expect Xiao Guoguo to be so powerful, his cultivation base is higher than hers, but several attacks have been passed by the opponent, and the silhouette is almost inconceivable. This is impossible. It is Yunxiang’s dísciple, which is impossible!

The battle between Sect Master and Xiao Guoguo has attracted more and more attention. The dísciple underneath has stopped, and they don’t want to use their lives as a price. If Sect Master wins, then this Fight has no meaning to continue, and people like them will naturally retreat.

If Sect Master really loses... Then why are they so desperate? After all, Xiao Guoguo is also a sect disciple, isn't it? She will never kill to the last one. With this in mind, all the disciplines began to wait one by one, waiting for a result.

"Master, Junior Sister will definitely win." Lu Shan said this not to comfort Yunxiang Daoist, but he really thinks so.

Since following Xiao Guoguo, Lu Shan has understood a truth, that is, no one should underestimate Junior Sister, she can always make people completely unprepared...No, it should be said to be overjoyed!

At this moment, the Sect Master is also in a hurry. He didn't expect Xiao Guoguo to have such a capability, and he was tied. If this continues, morale will eventually be lost, he must do it quickly.

Thinking like this in his mind, he mobilized the spiritual power of his whole body, and he didn't believe it, and he might not be able to beat a small dísciple. If he can't beat Xiao Guoguo, then what else would he say to compete with Yunxiang, even if he can't beat other people's disciplines, where can he still face the challenge of other people's Master?

Xiao Guoguo is relieved to see Lu Shan and Yunxiang daoist, they come out, then she can give it a go. Xiao Guoguo looked at the wind blade who assaults the senses on the opposite side, the sword in his hand dropped out, and the sword qi appeared next to that sword.

Prior to this, Xiao Guoguo had never let the sword qi appear even though he was fighting. This one after another sword qi shining with rays of light made everyone unable to open their eyes. What did they see? What are those?

Don't say that the sect disciples are not knowledgeable enough. The more than one hundred cultivators who followed have never seen such a strange sight. They are quite sure that it is not a magic attack, and it is also impossible to be a magic weapon, but after all, no one can see clearly or understand it!

"This woman really didn't show up early, I'm afraid that more than one Pill Refinement Master's identity is as simple as that." The leader said that everyone felt very complicated, and their City Lord seemed to be used by others. Up.

And Xiao Guoguo has been able to condense a thousand sword qi, this thousand sword qi is unusual, it is like the effect of a thousand swords attacking at the same time, Xiao Guoguo looks at the wind The blade shattered piece by piece, and then the protective magic weapon on Sect Master's body shattered, leaving scars one after another by the sword qi.

No one didn't expect, and their Sect Master fell from in midair. Because it happened so suddenly, no one picked it up, and it just fell directly to the ground.

"Sect Master, Sect Master, are you all right!" someone asked worriedly.

"Master! Master, are you okay?!" The disciplines also gathered around, but they didn't ignore it because of fear.

"I, I'm fine!" The Sect Master said so, but he knew in his heart that he was seriously injured. Before that, several sword qis had ruined his dantian.

Such a vicious mind, he didn't even leave him a trail. But he is also very clear in his heart, always winner is the king, loser is the villain, if he wins today, he will not leave a way out for the opponent.

"Sect Master? I'm afraid you are not worthy of the position of Sect Master!" Xiao Guoguo said so and walked over. Everyone was very angry. They didn't understand why Xiao Guoguo became so powerful? But they know that as a dísciple, they should not hurt their Sect Master!

"What else do you want to do?! You still want to deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors!" People pointed to Xiao Guoguo and asked.

They know that they can't beat Xiao Guoguo, but now the people who are still willing to protect Sect Master are the other party's people, and they are not willing to back down. Xiao Guoguo needs someone to help if he wants to end this matter quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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