
  Chapter 2087 Potential

When a Master naturally understands his own discipline, the talent of this discipline... It's not too smart, but people are still lively. Of course, the cultivation is also hardworking, otherwise...this discipline should really be expelled from sect.

But master and disciple have been around for more than ten years. After all, they have real feelings. Although other dísciples are already in their ascension period, this discipline is still in the Divine Transformation Stage. If you are the Master of others, you can't leave it alone.

Therefore, other disciplines are tested once a year, and this small discipline is tested once a month.

"Master today will test your ability to control a few spells! Your Fire Element has the strongest attack power. Now let’s use Fire Element attack spells to show one or two."

The middle-aged man knows that his own discipline aptitude is not good. There is a Fire Spiritual Root and a Wood Spirit Root. It is not a single spirit root, and even more so that it is not a Mutated Spiritual Root. However, he still loves his own discipline. No matter how good someone else’s is other's.

"Okay Master." Xiao Guoguo didn't think it was difficult, she saw a lot of Fire Element spell attacks in her dream. It was one of her Spirit Pet salamanders, which was also from Fire Element... Xiao Guoguo was taken aback for a moment. Why did she always remember those things, as if that was the real thing.

"Disciple, are you brewing this? Attack!" The middle-aged man is helpless, and this discipline is too unconcerned. How can he expect the discipline to give him a face in the future? It's not bad that it's not ashamed.

"Oh, right now." Xiao Guoguo withdrew his thoughts and hit a Fireball directly. This was the most basic Fire Element attack.

"Well, yes, this Fireball is... big, round, and good." Masters can’t beat their own discipline too much, so praise it, although it’s just a basic technique, who Let this be my own discipline.

However, the next Xiao Guoguo's performance made this Master didn't expect anyhow. It was not easy for Xiao Guoguo to be able to attack the three Fire Element spells in his impression. The first Fireball Technique, the second Fire Snake Technique, and the third Fire Chain Attack.

Then there is no more. This is still under his careful guidance and supervision over and over again for so many years. They are all remote attack skills, because remote attack can guarantee their own safety, and there is no group attack, because the spiritual power required for group attack is too much, and their own discipline simply can't do it.

But what is going on today? Disciple has launched eight or nine Fire Element spells in a row. In addition to the three mentioned above, it also has group attack skills. People feel that there is nowhere to escape.

There are even more powerful fire prison techniques and fire sea techniques for eating, but they require a lot of spiritual power and cannot be interrupted to perform calligraphy. This is even better than group attack skills. What is this girl? How did you do it? !

"Is this... gone?" The middle-aged man asked Xiao Guoguo, Xiao Guoguo thought for a while and replied: "Actually, there are still, but I am afraid that I cannot support the use of this spell. "

Xiao Guoguo replied like this. The middle-aged man looked surprised and gave her a piece of high grade Spirit Stone, and then said: "Absorb this Spirit Stone, and then I will use it for a look."

If you say what he said before, he will not believe in his discipline. But now, he believes it! Of course, you have to ask clearly at the end, where did these spells come from!

"Okay." Xiao Guoguo also felt strange. He knew what level he was before, but now it seems that everything has changed.

Xiao Guoguo patiently absorbed a piece of Spirit Stone and felt that the spiritual power had been fully restored, and she thought of the scene in the dreamland again. Her dantian is very special, able to store a lot of spiritual power, as if today's dantian can't do it at all.

"Master, you stay away, I'm going to show off!" Xiao Guoguo finished. As his Master, he really didn't want to take down the platform, so he took two steps back, always thinking about the feelings of the discipline what.

"Master, a little further away!" Xiao Guoguo said, when the Master moved back again. He thinks he is really a good Master.

Xiao Guoguo felt that this was almost the case, so he mobilized all the spiritual power in his body, and then looked at the sky, only fist sized Fireballs fell down, like falling meteorites piercing the sky

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Huh? She actually knew what a meteorite was.

"You, you!" When the Master was stunned, he didn't expect Xiao Guoguo to have this ability. This is not only a group attack array, but also very terrifying.

The flint fell one by one, and a piece of fire sea appeared on the ground instantly, and the Master was no longer in the mood to watch this effect, so he hurriedly set up a barrier to prevent it from affecting the outside.

The cave is constantly trembling, and everyone feels strange, what is this Yunxiang Daoist doing? What new spells are being researched? Still in pill concocting, how did you make such a big movement?

Several senior brothers and senior sisters of Xiao Guoguo also stared at the test cave in shock. This is Junior Sister being too stubborn and irritating the Master. Is the Master angry?

But Master is a hard-talked person, he is angry at most, and won't really hit Junior Sister.

Don’t ask how they knew it, if the Master has been able to take care of Junior Sister in these years, Junior Sister will not be just a Divine Transformation Stage cultivator now. So yes, they are not worried about Junior Sister, not worried about them, will the poor Master vomit blood with anger.

"I press Master this time to make Junior Sister think about it!" Eldest Senior Brother said so, threw a bag of Spirit Stone out, this is their favorite daily entertainment.

"I don't think the Master will do this. Now that he has finished his anger, he will definitely not punish Junior Sister anymore. At most, he just yelled twice." Second Senior Sister also threw a bag. The Spirit Stone came out.

"I think, Junior Sister is so cute, so Master will not only not punish her, but also give her a lot of good things!" The Second Senior Brother smiled and loved Junior Sister and he was one of them. .

"Junior Brother, this is an unprincipled speculation. Forget it, you can come out with the Spirit Stone, and don’t feel distressed if you turn your head back." Second Senior Sister grabbed a bag from Second Junior Brother The Spirit Stone came out.

The three of them stared at the entrance of the cave, wondering when Master can comfort themselves and not let Little Junior Sister get angry!

They don't know that at this moment their Master Yunxiang daoist is indeed comforting themselves and comforting their hurting heart. For so many years, his teaching time and time again did not work, this girl actually said that she learned it from others in a dream, and she will learn it soon?

This makes him a Master. Where do you put your face? The point is that there is another man in the dream who is very handsome. He taught him? Yunxiang Daoist now understands what it means to stay in a female college. Although he is a Master, this Xiao Guoguo was picked up from a young age and he was raised as a child.

"Guoguo, have you recently taken the wrong medicine pill and have hallucinations?" Yunxiang Daoist asked with a worried expression on his face.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." This is really a pro-Master.

(End of this chapter)

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