
  Chapter 2085 Inquiry

Xiao Guoguo's look is not very good, everyone can naturally see it, but no When people talk, they all know why Xiao Guoguo feels ill at ease, and only Chi Xuan can make Xiao Guoguo so.

Everyone did not rush to the next level this time, but to fix one or two. After all, someone was injured, and no one knows what the next level will be. So everyone is adjusting, and Chi Xuan faced Xiao Guoguo and wondered how he should explain.

He can feel that Xiao Guoguo is not angry, but why is he not angry? This makes people feel more perturbed.

"You are worried." Chi Xuan said with certainty. Although I don't know why Xiao Guoguo is not angry, Chi Xuan can feel that Xiao Guoguo is worried, very worried.

"Don’t you think it’s weird? Yuemu and Beibei, plus Wenwen, and Song Xing before, are experts so worthless and full of the world? Why do they all appear by my side , You are the same." Xiao Guoguo said so, Chi Xuan frowned thoughtfully, yes, the wife said it makes sense.

"I thought you were angry with me." Chi Xuan said somewhat sorry.

"Why? Why should I be angry with you?" Xiao Guoguo thinks Chi Xuan's idea is very problematic.

"Well...because I remembered the past, I didn't immediately tell you." Chi Xuan said, Xiao Guoguo was taken aback, what did this mean?

"Didn't you just remember the past today?" Xiao Guoguo asked seriously.

Chi Xuan: "..." Did he dig a hole for himself?

Chi Xuan only now feels that Xiao Guoguo is angry this time. Although he is not very angry, he is really angry. Well, this reaction is right.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you, I'm just afraid that you despise me. After all, if I really count it, I will have lived for ten thousand years." Chi Xuan said, Xiao Guoguo was slightly taken aback, it was true Did not think about the problem from this perspective.

"Wait a minute, you are the child of your father and mother. Isn't that right? Would you still recover one's youthful vigor?" Xiao Guoguo asked curiously, she realized that she was not. I want to immediately ask Chi Xuan when he remembered the past, but ask him if this body... is it a descendant of the Chi family?

"Why did I fall back then, in fact, I don't know, but when I woke up, I was already in the mother's belly. At that time, I didn't realize that I was a Divine who had been sleeping for a long time. Soul.

After all, my Divine Soul was not completely awake at that time, so I only remember some vague things, and it’s time for me to have memories again.

Actually Guoguo, now My Divine Soul is no longer the me I used to be. My Divine Soul has been fused with the Divine Soul of the body. My previous Divine Soul has been absorbed by the Divine Soul of the body. In other words, the previous Lord of the Earth has cultivated the current Chi Xuan, and what he left me is a memory, as well as the opportunity now."

Xiao Guoguo understands, he is not so much the Lord of the earth, it is better to say that he is Chi Xuan. Only the memory of the Lord of the Earth has been added, and now he has become the new Lord of the Earth.

"So when will you recover your previous memory?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Chi Xuan smiled and replied: "Last time before the battle with the Earth Demon clan. Only then I was scared by myself. Not light, for fear that you will dislike me and dare not tell you.

Until this time, I finally determined my identity. I remembered 70% to 80% of the previous events before I had the confidence to tell you. Do you think you can accept me?"

"I can accept Yuemu and Wenwen, and naturally I can accept you. What's to worry about?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Chi Xuan a little nervous He shook his head and said: "It's not the same, they are your friends, no matter what they become, they are still your friends. And I am your lover, who wants to live with you all my life, I think you have the right to consider carefully Click."

As Chi Xuan said that, Xiao Guoguo smiled and stretched out his hand to hug him. This was speechless comfort and encouragement. Chi Xuan seemed to be inspired, and the restless heart finally settled down. He tried his best to hold the person in his arms, and his heart was very satisfied.

"You are you, you have always been you, this is the same, I am not afraid." Xiao Guoguo said, Chi Xuan smiled, and that is enough.

"But I'm very curious, Yuemu and Wenwen, in other words, are also an Avatar and an ontology. How come you are left with Divine Soul? It's too miserable." Xiao Guoguo said. , Chi Xuan was speechless.

"This, I really didn't think of it. I'm sure I will remember it later." Chi Xuan said this, feeling a little distressed in his heart. Who killed him back then?

Speaking of which Chi Xuan is really worried about this. I didn’t know who made the move. If that person is still alive, he can’t do anything with his current cultivation base.

"This question, I think we might be able to know the answer here." Xiao Guoguo looked into the distance, and Chi Xuan instantly understood what she meant.

"You mean these big trees, they might know the answer." Chi Xuan immediately thought of it, Xiao Guoguo nodded.

The place where they are now is very mysterious. Back then, an ancestor of the spiritual family who did not know the name and cultivation base once visited here and set up the ancestral land of the spiritual family here.

So it can be seen that the ancestral land of the spirit family must be unusual, and the big trees here have existed for hundreds of thousands of years. Their identities and stories, if you say that others don’t know they can understand, but The big trees must know... even if they don't know all of them, they must know part of them.

So, Xiao Guoguo has made up his mind, this time he must ask from the mouth of the next big tree what happened in the end, why did the Lord of the Earth and the Lord of Space appear like this? big change.

In fact, Xiao Guoguo thought that Wenwen's body was accidental and too lonely, so Heart Demon was born, but now that she thinks about it, she thinks simple.

Why the Lord of Space can produce Heart Demon, the unfathomable mystery of the Lord of the Earth is dead, and why so many capable people are by her side, she is gold, everyone like.

Xiao Guoguo smelled a scent of conspiracy, but she really couldn't think of who it was with such a big hand, such a precise plot against, could do this step.

Xiao Guoguo once again remembered the scene she saw at the beginning. At the source of the water of growth, she saw the future, a bleak future. She always tried her best to change the ending, could all this really happen?

And she now faintly feels that even if all of this may happen, it must be inextricably linked to the past. So to change the future is not to start from the present, but from the past. They have to understand the past and make all of this clear.

"Let's ask the next big tree, we will always find the truth." Chi Xuan also said, feeling hopeful in his heart, as long as the wife doesn't dislike him, then nothing is a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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