
  Chapter 1962 Suspicion

Yuemu looked at the man on the opposite side, and at this time he suddenly became suspicious. One thing, is this my father?

I said that I was my father. I have used them as chess pieces for so many years.

If you say it’s not your own father, how do you explain that it will transform? But it is also strange that he has transformed, not like a monster beast, but with wings, which are still metal.

Yuemu had transformed once before, but that time... was influenced by medicine, so he only saw his sharp nails and huge body, and he didn't remember anything else. Thinking about it now, I don't even know what I have become.

After that, he was very sensitive to the two words "monster beast", and he was extremely unwilling to change his shape. He didn't figure out what he was like. If you say that he is really a half-demon... It should be impossible, Yuemu gets rid of the thought in his heart, definitely not!

The fight is not fierce, because here the monster beast king has fought, and over there, the one hundred thousand cultivator and seventy or eighty thousand monster beast have also fought together. In order to control the situation, Xiao Guoguo didn't hide it at all, and directly released his hundreds of golden mechanical beasts.

"What is this...what is it!" The two monster beast kings who are fighting are angry. Isn't this cheating? Isn't this pitting them?

The monster beasts are dumbfounded. They are monster beasts. They have strong bodies. How many Human Race cultivators have been bullied by this one for so many years. But who would have thought that one day I would meet these weird looking guys, they turned out to be metal bodies, making them monster beasts also feel toothache.

The mechanical beasts are all in the shape of the Sea Beast. The monster beasts naturally don’t understand, but they found out in a pair of battles. These big guys are not only defensive against powerful attacks, but also very powerful, making them feel unprecedented fear .

When monster beasts were fighting human cultivators, they never thought that one day they might be abused so badly by others, and now the mechanical beasts have told the truth about monster beasts.

"Boss, leave this guy to me." Yuemu said that Xiao Guoguo naturally didn't disagree. Looking at Yuemu's expression, Xiao Guoguo can guess the same.

Yuemu has been in the monster beast world for so many years since Yuemu disappeared. Although Yuemu didn't mention what happened that year, they also had some guesses about what happened before. Looking at the last of the three monster beast kings, I wanted to come to this guy who had a grudge against Yuemu.

"You are really alive." The monster beast king said so, really didn't expect that this one he let go was the best.

"I am still alive naturally, how dare I die easily if you are still alive." Yuemu looked at the person in front of him, and the hatred anger ignited again. I haven't felt this feeling for many years, and didn't expect to see him until he couldn't control it.

"You should understand, I am your father, I have nothing to apologize for you, but you betrayed us!" said the monster beast king.

When Xiao Guoguo and Wenwen heard this, there was a murderous aura in their eyes. It seemed that this guy was the culprit who forced the Golden Retriever into what it is now. Although the golden retriever back then was unreliable and indifferent, it was not exactly what it is today.

Now Yuemu is full of anger and hatred, and his temperament has become more and more elusive.

"Betrayal? It's not a betrayal, because I want your life from start to finish. You said you know my mother's whereabouts, so that I can see her by showing me well, I want to use one Non-existent people control me. Actually, I never believed you from the very beginning. Now I finally understand that I may simply not be your bloodline."

Yuemu said that monster beast. Wang was obviously uncomfortable, his eyes looked at Yuemu with cold light.

"I didn't lie to you. You are indeed my bloodline, but your mother is indeed not Human Race. Those are all lies. Your mother is from the monster beast clan, but you were born like the ordinary Monster beasts are different. I told you that your mother is not from the monster beast clan, but to protect you.” The monster beast king felt that Yuemu would be out of his control, or that he had been out of control, but he just found out now, always wanting Save it.

"Save me? I was thrown into a low-level plane since I was a child to fend for myself, where were you at that time! Oh, I remembered, as long as your bloodline is subject to extraordinary They are all thrown into different Low Planes, they are all trained to be cold blooded and emotionless guys. This is your protection, I really doubt that maybe they are not your bloodline!"

After Yuemu finished speaking, I saw the eyes of the monster beast king, who had been calm, shrank sharply. Although this movement was very subtle, it was still caught by Yuemu.

He smiled, smiled and looked at the other person and asked: "Qingyi Monster King, it seems we really have nothing to do with you!"

Look at that Qingyi Monster King Looking at Yuemu, with murderous intention in his eyes, he was just an immortal, and he dared to compete with himself. He tried his best to hide his identity, but he was discovered, and this guy couldn't stay.

At this moment, there are two young masters beside Qingyi Monster King. They are the two Young Masters who survived under Yuemu. They also think that Yuemu is impossible to say, but they don't know how, there is a voice in their hearts telling them that all this may be true, otherwise why let them kill each other!

"Yuemu, since you refuse to recognize me, then I will kill you personally!" Qingyi Monster King said directly, and the two Young Masters could only brace when they looked at each other. oneself follow.

The most powerful person in their eyes is Qingyi Monster King, and no one else should be afraid. However, they didn't know that Yuemu was no longer who he used to be, and there was a right-hand man beside Yuemu who was Anjiu.

Danjiu has been waiting for Yuemu to return. Although he can't beat the monster beast king, he still has no problem dealing with a Young Master. At the same time, it is natural that Beibei helps together.

Beibei knew that she was not the daughter of Boss Zhou, but in any case, Boss Zhou was sincere to her. But looking at Yuemu like this, obviously this guy is not treating him badly. Since he wants to avenge himself personally, Beibei will not intervene, but she will help with those who get in the way.

So Beibei stood there alone. All of the Qingyi Monster King’s subordinates and the Shadow Guard were not allowed to get close. Beibei dealt with seven of them alone, and these seven people hadn’t even fought back. Ability, this is the real horror.

Qingyi Monster King originally thought that dealing with Yuemu can't be considered any major event. No matter how powerful it is, Yuemu is just a fairy, or Level 1 Early-Stage. As for him, he is already in the late stage of Level 3 Immortal Venerable, distance to breakthrough Saint Realm is just one step away, one step away, only a perfect inner core.

Actually, what Yuemu said was right. These Young Masters really had nothing to do with him. They were all searched for. It’s just that each of these guys has its own uniqueness. That is to say, no matter which one of them eventually becomes a high-level monster beast, it is the one that finally makes a profit, and it can get one that can improve the cultivation base. Perfect inner core.

It now appears that Yuemu is the one who is waiting for the ultimate success.

(End of this chapter)

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