
  Chapter 1956 Beats him

The scene is a bit ugly, because at this moment all the demonic cultivators seem to have been killed Controlling the generality, he gave the demonic cultivator man the energy of his body continuously.

He stood in the air, no longer the embarrassment he had just been, just staring at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan in their eyes, with a killing intent.

"Haha, I am the Saint Realm cultivation base, how can I allow you to wait so impudent!" The demonic cultivator man said, just watching Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan staring at him, as if he didn't care very much. Look like.

The Great Elder seen in this scene is very anxious, and the worry-free old man patted his shoulder to signal him to don't be impatient. It's not worth it, they have seen more than this powerful character, a Saint Realm's demonic cultivator, not difficult to deal with.

"Does Sect Master really have a way to deal with it?" Great Elder knows that Xiao Guoguo is now cultivation base equivalent to Saint Realm, but this demonic cultivator is now clearly forcibly upgrading his own cultivation base. If so, Xiao Guoguo I don’t know if I can deal with Chi Xuan.

"Don't worry, don't you believe me?" The worry-free old man said with a serious face. Great Elder wanted to tell him that we are not familiar, but considering the cultivation of the worry-free old man base ……Trust it, you must trust it.

And at this moment, when tens of thousands of demonic cultivators were all absorbed by the man's life, Wen Wen mentioned the demonic cultivator woman and walked over. The woman fainted and was thrown directly at Yuemu by Wenwen. Yuemu was depressed. Why did he always end up such bad things?

Yuemu looked at Wenwen's side Spirit Beast ferret, and pushed the woman over the ferret. He is a clean man, and has a slight cleanliness, he doesn't want to mess with unfathomable mystery women. He completely forgot that the Beibei standing beside him was also a woman, as if he never treated him as a woman.

"This guy is Chulan, ready to make a big move?" Wenwen asked while looking at the demonic cultivator man.

"I think it should be. It looks like it is a life-saving move. Generally, such moves are released at a time, and then it is over. There will be backlash if it is not possible."

Xiao Guoguo finished the serious analysis. Looking at the expressions of everyone, everyone seemed to be waiting, waiting for him to accumulate strength to the top. Well, Xiao Guoguo admitted that she also thought of it, and waited for his energy to absorb until the last move to defeat the enemy, but everyone was so conscious of the tacit understanding that they wanted to give others a fatal blow, which surprised Xiao Guoguo.

"Boss, who will beat him up later." Wenwen is now concerned about this issue.

"Naturally it is me. I will go. I must beat him and he will not recognize himself!" Beibei was the first to jump out and said that she must complete the task perfectly. But Wenwen was unwilling, how could this opportunity be given to others.

So Wenwen looked at Xiao Guoguo, as if he meant to say, you decide for yourself, choose me or Beibei!

Xiao Guoguo looked at the eyes of the two staring at him, inexplicably feeling speechless, how old are these people, Wenwen is still a child... It looks like Beibei is bigger than Wenwen, can't be What child category is considered.

Xiao Guoguo looked at Wenwen and Beibei, and looked at the demonic cultivator man who was unlucky yet unknowingly. He sighed and said: "You two are in close combat, and Chi Xuan and I are attacking far. The rest Let's assist."

Everyone has a share, and I'm satisfied this time. The eyes of the demonic cultivator men are full of fighting spirit. Hurry up, the absorption is complete and reach the top.

When the demonic cultivator man opened his eyes, he was very proud, but when he looked at the people staring at him, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. Maybe the way he opened his eyes was wrong? Why not open it again and try it again?

This guy really closed his eyes and opened them again, but the few people were already in front of them, and they started to do it without saying a word. He was dumbfounded, he is now in the late Saint Realm, how could he be beaten by them, this is unrealistic.

"I'm a demonic cultivator..." The voice fell, and there was no reaction at all, and he was beaten even harder.

"I am Saint Realm..." No one bothered.

Xiao Guoguo looked at the demonic cultivator who was being beaten by someone who had begun to doubt his life, and felt a little sympathetic to him. This guy probably didn't expect to meet this group of people. The ability is not, and it can always give people surprises and warmth.

"We don't need to do it anymore." Xiao Guoguo said to Chi Xuan with a smile, Chi Xuan nodded, they said that they are responsible for the long-range attack, but now it seems that there is no place for them to start.

There are too many people on the opposite side, and you can’t see the shadow of the demonic cultivator. They are not easy to start.

"Don't worry, there will be results soon." Chi Xuan said. In the same way, the worry-free old man is also telling Great Elder, he said don't worry, this product is not their opponent.

Great Elder didn’t believe me before, but now I look at Saint Realm, who was beaten up and can’t get up. I feel that life is unreasonable. He couldn’t help asking the worry-free old man: "Where do you all come from? Why is the cultivation base so high?"

The worry-free old man wanted to tell Great Elder, but he was afraid of scaring him by telling the truth. This is nowhere. There is Saint Realm mechanical beast beside Xiao Guoguo, and the five-ethnic elder of Sea Clan beside Beibei.

"Everyone is adventurous and promoted in the cultivation base of seabed. This time we go to the seabed abyss and everyone has gained a great deal." The worry-free old man began to avoid the important and the light. Anyway, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan and Wenwen did indeed It is the cultivation base promoted in the seabed, and when it comes out, it will continue to Transcending Tribulation.

"It seems that the seabed abyss is really a good place for breakthrough."

Great Elder sighs so much, but he dare not let Sword Sect dísciple go to seabed and explore. The cultivator of the cultivation world will always One thing to remember is that there are dangers everywhere, and the greater the harvest, the greater the danger.

The demonic cultivator was tied up, and the person was in a coma. Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan temporarily put him down, and fed the growth water to the demonic cultivator who had absorbed the magic power and had no attack power at the moment. This was a rare good opportunity.

The scene changed all of a sudden. Before Sword Sect everyone was trapped and there was nothing to do, but now they suddenly became a demonic cultivator, without any excessive process, and it was a little unacceptable at once.

"Who the hell are you and what do you want to do!" The demonic cultivator man came over soberly and mumbled, and some wonder, why did he fall into the hands of these people?

"We should ask this, who on earth are you and what are you doing here!"

Xiao Guoguo walked out and looked at the man in front of him, the reason why he kept him , That is because he is still useful, if not, can he still live to the present?

"hmph, want to know who I am? Don't dream, I won't tell you when I die." The demonic cultivator man finished speaking, his face was devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence, no Die? When he was scared!

"Okay, I have the backbone. In that case, I will ask others." Xiao Guoguo changed his tone immediately without hesitation.

The man was stunned, why didn't he follow the routine? Isn't it time to torture a confession at this time? No matter how he gave up, he gave up. He didn't have any excuses to regret it.

"Do you think that this kind of big secret, ordinary people will know? Don't think that you have cracked the influence of the demonic cultivator seed, you are invincible in the whole world, you are still too young." Demonic cultivator man Speaking again, I saw Xiao Guoguo slowly turning around to look at him.

(End of this chapter)

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