
  Chapter 1946 agrees

At this moment, Beibei is standing in front of Zhou’s boss, looking guilty and aggrieved. , Still holding on to Yuemu tightly in his hand, refusing to let go, letting Yuemu bathe under the violent pressure of Boss Zhou.

"Tell me why you must go out! Why!" Every word that Boss Zhou said seemed to be bitten out of his teeth.

Shi Ran and Mu Sen wanted to persuade them, but when they thought about what Beibei did, they really couldn't persuade them. This child is so sad that he dare not leave.

"I don't want to fight with you or make you sad, but I have to go with them." Beibei said and raised her head. Although there were tears in her eyes, she was very Of firmness.

"Is it because of this smelly brat!" Zhou Boss fiercely stared at Yuemu, with murderous intention in his eyes.

Yuemu: "..." You can eat rice indiscriminately, so you can't talk about that.

What matters has something to do with him, he is clearly the handle of this girl! They don’t even have a dime relationship!

"No, it's not." Yuemu shook his hands and refused, but Zhou Boss simply didn't want to listen to him.

"Shut up, there is no place for you to speak!" Boss Zhou clenched his fists and looked at Yuemu, as if his baby was about to be taken away by this little bastard, naturally unhappy.

Yuemu: "..." This one really has an unreasonable temper.

Yuemu has no choice but to continue to enjoy the coercion of Boss Zhou without pretending that he does not exist.

"Why?" Boss Zhou looked at Beibei, and asked again after he controlled his anger.

"I saw a lot of things in the pool of the source of the deep sea. At that time, the lord of the deep sea asked me, but he wanted to remember who he was? He wanted to help me, but I refused , I’ll check my own identity, he’s not qualified to intervene!" After Beibei finished saying that, the boss of Zhou took a deep breath, what he heard, he heard that Beibei was going to check himself His identity means that all his lies have been exposed.

"Do you know that I am not your father?" Boss Zhou asked a little bit decadently, and Beibei smiled and replied: "Naturally not, I know that I came out of a big egg. And you’re Sea Clan, I’m Human Race."

Beibei is not stupid, but she didn’t want to think deeply about these things in the past. The only father in her heart is Boss Zhou. If that’s the case, why bother Where did you come from?

But this time in Deep Sea Abyss, this has changed. She has to find her own identity and her own memory. She vaguely felt that it was very important.

"Then you will come back later?" Boss Zhou asked Beibei, letting go of Yuemu, hugging his neck and said: "This is nature, my home is here, and you are here. , I will come back naturally, you will always be my father."

After hearing these words, the heart of Zhou Boss was relieved. Anyway, this is still my child. . There are certain things that should always be faced and cannot be avoided.

"This, you take it." A transparent stone in the hands of Boss Zhou, with a very complicated pattern on it, looks very simple and mysterious.

"What is this?" Beibei held the stone in her hand, but she could feel a familiar and warm feeling.

"When I found you, I found it by your side. At that time, you were too small and I never put it on you. Later, I was reluctant. I kept hiding it for fear that someone would recognize you back. Now I hope it can be helpful to you." Boss Zhou said with some shame.

After all, it’s his own selfishness. He doesn’t want Beibei to leave him, just like his biological daughter. He even thought about finding a good man for her to marry in the future, but that’s what he felt. Good talents.

Boss Zhou thought about this and glanced at Yuemu, it was not like that anyway.

The contempt in Boss Zhou’s eyes is too direct. Yuemu wants to pretend that he can’t see it. What does this mean? Is there any misunderstanding between them!

"Father, I will quickly go and quickly return. I will come back to accompany you when I find what I want." Beibei said, holding Boss Zhou's arm, and Boss Zhou patted her. Head, feel reluctant, but let go after all.

"Come on, let's take a little bit more with this life-saving thing." When Boss Zhou wanted to understand, he began to prepare things for Beibei. Yuemu saw the weakness of Powerhouse, like Boss Zhou, this weakness. It's Beibei.

He has countless treasures on his body. At this moment, he picked and subtracted the ones that felt inappropriate. In the end, he even asked for a lot from the seniors of Shiran and Musson, and they got a lot of them. One hundred pieces let Beibei take it off.

Yuemu doesn't know if she should be jealous or jealous. Who said that cultivation won't fight for father? There is a father like this, and he can't fight it in this life! By the way, I wonder if the boss of Zhou still lacks a son? He has an urge to hug his thigh.

"Father, this is too much." Beibei is sorry for herself, which is too much.

"I don't know how long you will be outside, so naturally you have to prepare more. Besides, you don't know that the cultivator of Human Race is treacherous and cunning. They are all deliberate. You must be extremely careful. That's right."

Boss Zhou said so and gave Yuemu a fiercely look. This glance showed Yuemu even more speechless, he was from the monster beast clan, good or not, he was not from Human Race, good or not!

Although he thought so in his mind, Yuemu actually didn't know if he was a monster beast clan. After all... he hadn't changed the monster beast's body. But he didn't seem to be a complete Human Race, which made Yuemu's expression a little gloomy, but no one noticed that his mood was very depressed at the moment.

"Father, I know, you can rest assured." Beibei smiled and promised that she had seen so much from the growth water, how could she be stupid, now if someone dares to plot against She, the unlucky one must be someone else.

"Go, go early and return early." Boss Zhou said after clearing up his mood, and then watched Beibei hug him fiercely again, turned around and grabbed Yuemu and left.

At this moment, Boss Zhou felt that his nose was really sour, but in the end he still held on and did not let the tears fall. Ishiran and Musson admired it very much. They deserved to be their own boss. Hold it all the time.

"The child always has to go out and wander when he is old!" Mu Sen comforted him, watching Shiran and Beibei go further and further, feeling a lot.

"Yes." Boss Zhou followed.

"Moreover, the road ahead is hers, and you can't always help to remove obstacles, so you should relax, boss. Besides, Beibei’s cultivation base is so high that people who can plot against her, It's really not much."

Mu Sen continued to persuade him, only to see that Boss Zhou had taken care of his sad expression, but faintly smiled.

This laugh made Mu Sen feel that something is wrong. This is a few meanings, and the feeling is still crying. How can this change in a blink of an eye!

(End of this chapter)

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