
  Chapter 1941 patriarch

The villagers moved fast, fast and very fast, and the whole village was quiet After they came down, when they were ready, the village head drained the growth water. One bite per person is enough.

And the worry-free old man came back with the spaceship. Above the spaceship is the clansman, the spiritual family. They have already drunk the water of growth, and can leave with them only after everyone has gathered.

They don't know if they can leave successfully this time, but they always have to give it a try. No matter what, they can't give up such a good opportunity.

When the two village chiefs met, they patted each other's shoulders very enthusiastically, and thousands of clansman looked at the two village chiefs, as if they would leave here and attack each other as long as they said a word. barrier.

"Worry-free old man, take everyone into the artificial space, and I will take care of the rest." Xiao Guoguo said, the worry-free old man is nodded, and the village chief hesitated for a moment.

"Girl, that person should be a Saint Realm powerhouse. You guys, can you really do it?" The village chief has lived long enough. He actually did not hesitate his life. He was content to let the villagers leave, and he was willing to fight hard.

"No, we are enough." Xiao Guoguo said, and the two Saint Realm mechanical beasts were released directly, which looked scary enough.

"Okay, then I will trouble you." The village chief always felt that something was wrong, because Xiao Guoguo and the others were really helpful, but he felt sorry for the stranger to help so much.

"Don't be guilty, I am also a descendant of the spiritual family." Xiao Guoguo said with a smile, the village chief was taken aback, is she a descendant of the spiritual family?

When the village chief looked at the worry-free old man, he saw the worry-free old man nodded. The village chief was shocked that it turned out to be true.

But anyway, it’s a good thing to have someone help now. The Ling family had such outstanding descendants, and he was also pleasantly surprised. It seemed that they were really turning around.

"Thank you." The village chief's voice fell, and Xiao Guoguo had been included in the artificial space. At the same time, the people in the cave who were closing their doors suddenly opened their eyes.

No, it doesn't feel right, how suddenly all the people in the village disappeared! As the Saint Realm powerhouse, he was naturally able to sense the changes in the village. He shrouded a ray of Divine Consciousness all around the village. No matter who disappeared, he would know clearly.

Now suddenly all the people in a village disappeared completely, which made the black clothed old man stand up and walked out of the cave slowly. He looked at the direction of the village and left quickly.

Not only the people in the village have disappeared, but what is even more shocking is that now there are a few more people in the village, and he knows the identities of these people. It is the people who have been here before. That group.

Although he has been monitoring the village, he never wanted to be discovered by outsiders. After all, this is the edge of the abyss. There are usually too many experts, and he doesn't want to cause trouble for himself. Therefore, in these years, as long as these outsiders don't take away the people from the village, he will not pay attention to them.

These people have gone and returned, and he didn't put too much in the heart, no one thought that something went wrong.

But it's really strange, these few are just the cultivation base of immortals, they dare to be so bold! On the contrary, it was the worry-free elder who had made him more cautious, the Saint Realm businessman had disappeared, which was really abnormal.

Xiao Guoguo stood by the bonfire and looked at the black clothed old man who was walking. The imposing manner on his body was very powerful, and the eyes staring at them were sharp.

"Who in the world are you!" the old man asked, Xiao Guoguo watched him replied faintly: "Who you are? Why do you want to be an enemy of the spirit family?"

Xiao Guoguo After uttering the word Lingjia, the old man's face changed. He stared at Xiao Guoguo and asked: "What is your relationship with Lingjia?"

"You haven't answered my question yet, you Who is it?" Xiao Guoguo looked very indifferent, the old man was a little annoyed, but he was forced to replied: "I am Feng Xiao Shengzun!"

"Then do you know the Chaos Lord?" Xiao Guoguo Continue to ask, see Feng Xiao Shengzun's complexion changed, and the faces of Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan became more cautious.

"It seems that we know each other. Courage is not small. There is even collusion with the Earth Demon clan!" Xiao Guoguo said so, and I don't know whose courage is not small.

She took a step forward, and Life and Death Sword was surrounded by her quickly, as if she was ready to obey Xiao Guoguo's orders at any time to kill Feng Xiao Shengzun!

"Who the hell are you!" Feng Xiao Shengzun didn't expect, Xiao Guoguo unexpectedly knew the Lord of Disorder. What was even more surprising was that she actually knew about the relationship between the Lord of Disorder and the Earth Demon clan. This knowledge made him feel terrified. These people are too strange!

"Now, tell me everything you know, and I will spare your life, how about it?" Xiao Guoguo continued to ask, but Feng Xiao Shengzun didn't think it was arrogant.

"Don't think about it!" Feng Xiao Shengzun is a Saint Realm no matter how bad he is. He doesn't think he can't beat Xiao Guoguo, and even if he really can't beat the outnumbered, he can still run. As long as they return to the master, the master must not spare them!

"Hehe, let's take a look!" Xiao Guoguo side Life and Death Sword came out quickly, and Chi Xuan's Life and Death Sword also attacked at the same time.

Thousands of sword qi appeared at the same time. Under the leadership of Life and Death Sword, these sword qi seemed to be a huge net, and Feng Xiao Shengzun was the prey in the net, simply Can't escape.

Feng Xiao Shengzun also didn't expect. Although Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are the cultivation bases of Xianzun, their Sword Art is so powerful, coupled with the attack power of this Life and Death Sword, made him feel A lot of pressure. He was still able to evade at first, but gradually he couldn't support it. The sword qi of one after another left a wound on his body.

"Who the hell are you!" Feng Xiao Shengzun asked, when he saw the woman faintly smiled outside, she was distracted and replied: "I am the patriarch you have been looking for."


Xiao Guoguo's answer was good enough, so that the opposite saint was stunned in an instant.

And this one was stunned, leaving a severe wound on his body, almost breaking his arm. He clutched his injured arm and no longer dared to fight hard, but threw a magic weapon out in his hand, and an array instantly protected him, which seemed to be a life-saving treasure.

"You are the patriarch of the spiritual family!" Feng Xiao Shengzun didn't even have time to swallow the healing medicine pill for himself. He just wanted to ask this question clearly.

"Yes, I am the current patriarch of Lingjia." Xiao Guoguo felt that he must let the other party know this, otherwise he would not use all the means.

They have chased the Ling Family for so many years, for what is it? Naturally, it is Xi Yuezhong. Xiao Guoguo understands the importance of Xi Yuezhong. Now that she has a clue, this person must want to go back and report it.

If so, he will definitely run away desperately, and all she wants is his panic, so that she can tell the truth!

"Hehe, the spirit family is really in decline. I actually want a little girl to be a patriarch." Feng Xiao said this laughed heartily, but it has several points of contempt in it, Xiao Guoguo doesn't. Thinking of it, just staring at him.

(End of this chapter)

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