
  Chapter 1936 Li Wei

Xiao Guoguo's calmness is based on his trust in Wenwen Wenwen’s ability Xiao Guoguo knows that she firmly believes that Wenwen has no plans for what she wants to do.

Of course, Xiao Guoguo can see clearly that Wenwen is now absorbing the energy in the pool. This is absolutely beneficial to Wenwen, and they only have to stare at nothing. The question will do.

Wenwen has benefited from this side, and Heart Demon is naturally uncomfortable. Wenwen is standing opposite her and is constantly absorbing energy. Seeing Wenwen getting stronger and stronger, Heart Demon felt pierced. She wanted to stop it, but a defensive golden carp stood between the two, and she didn't even have a chance to start.

"hmph, what's the use of helping people like this? People don't want to return to the body, and want to count on her to expel me. I think you have waited."

Heart Demon couldn't help but started to sow discord. As long as the golden carp is distracted, she will continue to attack. It's a pity that this time, Golden Carp simply ignored her and didn't even reply. Instead, he concentrated on Guardian text, thinking that Heart Demon was really funny. Is it useful to sow discord here? It doesn't believe in Wenwen, can it still believe in her?

And Wenwen felt a magical power slowly entering and transforming her body. This power made her stronger, and at the same time, it added a lot of memories in her mind, and this memory All belong to the Lord of Time and Space.

Wenwen originally thought this was the illusion that she had seen so many of the Lord of Time and Space, but in the end she was surprised to find that she had extra memories that she hadn’t seen, and it’s deeper Memory! Moreover, these memories entered their own Sea of ​​Consciousness along with Divine Consciousness!

This made Wenwen feel very flustered, but fortunately, these Divine Consciousness with memories are very gentle and not offensive. In her Sea of ​​Consciousness, there has been no attack or devouring her Divine Consciousness. Instead, she seemed to be seeking her approval.

Wenwen measured it for a while, but decided to take a risk. She finally accepted these Divine Consciousness. Since then, more and more memories and Divine Consciousness have been transmitted from her ontology, and Wenwen's surprise discovery followed that she became stronger and stronger, and the ontology that affected her became weaker and weaker.

This should be considered a good thing for her, Wenwen comforts herself in the heart.

After three months, Wenwen felt that her cultivation base was about to break through. She wanted to suppress it, but found that the cultivation base had increased too quickly, and simply couldn’t suppress it, because Wenwen was very flustered. . She is in a coma now, why Transcending Tribulation! Moreover, this Transcending Tribulation is coming too soon!

And at this time, a silhouette of her Sea of ​​Consciousness appeared. Wenwen looked at each other, this illusory shadow was the same as the Heart Demon I saw before, except that the Heart Demon looked fake, and this one should be the master, with a gentle expression on his face.

"Hello Wenwen, I am Li Wei, the lord of time and space, which is the body in your heart." The woman said so, Wenwen looked at her, but still didn't say a word.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." Li Wei smiled harmlessly, but Wenwen said coldly: "That's what Heart Demon said back then."

Wenwen is not polite at all, she doesn't understand, how could a dignified master of time and space give birth to Heart Demon, making them both so embarrassed.

"Hehe, that guy is my Heart Demon. Naturally very difficult to deal with, sorry makes you suffer. I have actually realized the emergence of Heart Demon, but at that time I didn't expect it to be serious. To such a degree, I let myself fall asleep, thinking that Heart Demon will fade over time.

Where did I think that Heart Demon was getting stronger and stronger, and began to steal my Divine Consciousness quietly. It's late. Also from that time, I look forward to your return, because you are my last hope."

Li Wei looked at Wenwen, and she saw Wenwen shook her head and said: "Although you produced Heart Demon, I also sympathize, but I will not return to the ontology. I have my own life, and I am not you." Wenwen doesn't like being stared at by the ontology. She felt that defensiveness was indispensable. This gentle body seemed to be a good person, who can guarantee it.

"No, I think you have misunderstood. I don't want you to return to the body. Heart Demon has taken root in my body. I can only fight her for the last time. But before that , I want to leave part of my Divine Soul and energy to you, because you exist, I will survive."

As Li Wei said, Wenwen is still dissatisfied, which is not equal to himself. Is it affected by this ontology? But think about it, it seems that there is no better way, she can't move now, simply is passively accepting these.

"Relax, just let you inherit my abilities and part of my memory, it will not affect your life. If I can continue to exist, then we may become the best sisters in the future." Li Wei Speaking indifferent expression.

"Well, I promised you." Wenwen finally agreed, and Li Wei felt that she would feel relieved.

More memories, more energy, and more Divine Soul rushed to Wenwen. The input of these energy at the same time made Wenwen feel a headache, but she persisted. Because this is the only thing she can do for the ontology.

For three months, Xiao Guoguo and Qingyun daoist guarded Wenwen together, and they saw that the water in the pool seemed to be reduced. And Wenwen's breath became stronger and stronger, and the tribulation thunder outside began to fall.

Yes, Wenwen never wakes up, but the tribulation thunder is here. Although there is no one on Wenwen, it makes them feel anxious. Such Transcending Tribulation is really unimaginable.

Xiao Guoguo naturally hopes that Wenwen will become stronger, but now such a rapid improvement still makes her very worried. She was not worried about anything else, but was afraid that Wenwen's mood could not keep up with the cultivation base, which would be a hidden danger.

And after such a tribulation thunder, Wenwen will become an immortal, just like them, will leap to a new realm.

The tribulation thunder reappears in the holy pond, which has become a hot topic of discussion in Juli clansman recently. Looking at the holy pond, the old king only felt that he had broken his heart in these short months.

But there was no news coming from the holy pond. The people he sent to inquire about the news were also very close. I don't know who set the barrier on the periphery.

This barrier is very strong, they simply couldn't get rid of it, but this time when the tribulation thunder fell, they could clearly see that they were all stopped by the barrier, but there was no real fall. Therefore, the old king is more entangled and worried, what is going on in the end! I don't know if Wenwen is safe and sound.

The tribulation thunder keeps falling, but Wenwen simply doesn't know that she is absorbing the memory and energy from the body, and naturally has the skills of the body.

(End of this chapter)

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