
  Chapter 1932 Wake Up

Wenwen is gone, Xiao Guoguo is taken aback, she looks at Chi Xuan everything is well and relaxed in his heart. But Xiao Guoguo really didn't expect this guy to break through the bloodline again so soon.

Didn’t you say that you want to break the boundaries of Broken Bloodline together? Although Chi Xuan was happy after the breakthrough first, she was a little scared in her heart. She didn't stare at it with her own eyes. Wouldn't she be regretful if Chi Xuan failed to make the breakthrough.

But Xiao Guoguo was surprised when he saw Guardian Chi Xuan's Xiaoqi. Why is Xiaoqi here? And it seems that the state is not right! Xiao Guoguo thought in his heart, fearing that something would happen after Chi Xuan hit Broken Bloodline this time, and the worry in his heart has increased.

Xiao Guoguo really doesn't know how the Chi Xuan bloodline breakthrough is so easy, but his own is even more difficult. But she seems to have arrived at comprehend. The more difficult the breakthrough bloodline is, the greater the formidable power in the future, but this is also a matter of both pros and cons for her. After all, the breakthrough will be over if the breakthrough is not completed, and the risk is too high.

Chi Xuan opened his eyes slowly at this moment, as if he felt Xiao Guoguo's anxiety because of the communion. The two looked at each other with smiles on their faces. They both liked and cherished this avoided a catastrophe.

Others may not know the risk of their three consecutive Transcending Tribulation, but they understand in their hearts that if it is not for the support of a temperament that refuses to surrender at the end, I am afraid that they will really be unable to make it through. Now that I look at each other, I still feel scared. I don't understand where the courage came from, and I really dare to test the patience of the tribulation thunder so much.

"You are really getting more and more capable. After Transcending Tribulation, how come the Broken Bloodline boundary is broken, and I don't want to think about it too dangerous." After the tenderness and affection, Xiao Guoguo's complaint, she is a little bit Angry Chi Xuan is too reckless, just finished Transcending Tribulation!

"I don't want it either, but I have used the Bloodline Power stimulated by the tribulation thunder, and the power after Transcending Tribulation is too overbearing, and the stimulation of my bloodline boundary is direct breakthrough. I really didn't deliberately take the risk. Yes, don't be angry." Chi Xuan said gently, and gently held Xiao Guoguo's small hand in his hand.

"I also know that you must be unable to control it. It seems that we have gained a lot this time." Xiao Guoguo said with a smile, knowing that Chi Xuan is not too radical.

At this moment, Xiao Qi looked at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan with indescribable awkwardness. As expected, the two were together. As expected, the owner had already taken a fancy to them. But the master is now too lacking in manhood!

"Why did Xiao Qi come back?" Xiao Guoguo pointed his chin in the direction of Xiao Qi, watching fiery-red Small Fox staring at them with a tangled face.

"I don't know why. The moment I broke the Broken Bloodline boundary, I felt that I was connected with Xiaoqi again, so Xiaoqi appeared when I moved." Chi Xuan said. At that time, his face was also very calm. Although he hadn't wanted to understand these things until now, he felt that this was his new ability.

"Anyway, it's okay for Xiao Qi to come back to you. This guy doesn't know where he went all these years." Xiao Guoguo said and looked at Xiao Qi, and he saw Xiao Qi's face. Aggrieved answer: "I am in the monster beast world."

Monster beast world? This answer Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan both didn't expect, Xiao Qi was caught in the monster beast world.

Chi Xuan is very guilty. If it were not for his temporary negligence, Xiao Qi would not have lost contact with him. Had it not been for Baiye to plot against at the beginning, they would not have experienced so many things later.

"Master, you are now the cultivation base of Immortal Venerable. It is really very good. The master has been very uneasy in the monster beast world recently, and even wants to attack the cultivation world. Fortunately, you brought me back, otherwise I'm afraid I will be implicated."

Xiao Qi said this to make Chi Xuan feel guilty. After all, neither Xiao Guoguo nor Chi Xuan did it intentionally. It was later refused to come out in the monster beast world. , Not because it is inseparable, but also for its own reasons. It also wants to strengthen itself, and is a little lost.

If it wasn't for Chi Xuan to forcibly bring Xiaoqi over this time, maybe it would not leave the monster beast world yet. But after returning, it was a sincere acknowledgement allegiance to Chi Xuan, and there was no act of resistance.

"Are the monster beast world and the cultivation world not at peace? Didn't the old Ancestors of Sword Sect go to calm down?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Xiao Qi was surprised, really didn't Expect Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan unexpectedly knew such a thing.

"Sword Sect's senior is indeed gone, but there are so many monster beasts, so naturally it can't be solved all at once. It seems that the monster beast world has arrested people, and the forced Sword Sect has to retreat. Some. But how do you master Sword Sect? This Sword Sect is the Number One Great Sect of the cultivation world!"

Xiao Qi said this, looking at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan very curiously, The two were silent, it seemed that it was not going well.

However, they can't go yet. After all, Transcending Tribulation has only been completed, and for Xiao Guoguo, the matter of the spiritual family has not been resolved. This is the biggest problem.

Xiao Guoguo stood up, Xiao Qi looked at Chi Xuan and followed him, feeling very depressed, how could this master become less and less promising? He looked good before, but now he looks really obedient. .

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan entered the artificial space. They left Spirit Beast outside. Obviously, there is something to discuss.

And the Spirit Beasts soon became enthusiastic, and everyone asked about what happened to Xiao Qi in the past. After all, they suddenly separated from Xiao Qi, and they didn't know what happened to Xiao Qi later.

Xiao Qi also described the events of these years in detail. The audience of Spirit Beast was very upset. Only Wangcai, who had stayed in the monster beast world, knew Xiao Qi's mood. In fact, the monster beast world is very suitable for them, but it has to return to the owner's side anyway. Fortunately, Tsukiki Young Master was there to help at that time.

"I am going to leave with my spirit family this time." Xiao Guoguo told Chi Xuan this way, he had already made a decision.

"Where are you going to arrange them?" Chi Xuan asked, Xiao Guoguo thought for a while and said: "First arrange in Sword Sect, at least there are all my own people, not afraid to reveal the news. Besides. , We have to solve all the problems."

Xiao Guoguo said that Chi Xuan understood that Xiao Guoguo was talking about the person who was in charge of monitoring outside the village. This is not a problem. They are now The cultivation base teamed up to kill a Saint Realm, it was not a problem.

"I think it's time to let the other party know that we are great." Xiao Guoguo said, the stone in her heart has finally moved a bit, and every time she thinks of the enemy of the spirit family, she feels in her heart. Tight.

"Don't be afraid, I am here." Chi Xuan grasped Xiao Guoguo's palm and gave her speechless support.

"Well, I know." Xiao Guoguo was very sweet and warm in his heart.

Since he wanted to take away the Ling family, Xiao Guoguo naturally wanted to tell Ling Shu about this matter. When Ling Shu heard everything, her expression was shocked, and then she was very surprised.

"Really very good, very good, I always thought that there is no who in the spirit family, but I never thought that there are so many clansman." After the surprise, Ling Shu lay in Xiao Guoguo's arms. Cried.

(End of this chapter)

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