
  Chapter 1926, talk about

The Source of the Deep Sea Fairness, success depends entirely on oneself.

Looking at the appearance of Qingyun Daoist and worry-free elderly now, although it is not a success, there are gains. Especially for the worry-free elderly, Boss Zhou took a look, this time I am afraid I can directly Transcending Tribulation.

"Yes, old man, your harvest seems to be not small." Song Xing said so, and the worry-free old man saluted Song Xing. Now he is not only Song Xing, he is also the lord of the deep sea.

"Many thanks for your gift." Wuyou old man said so modestly. Although he didn't need to worry about life essence this time, he was very excited, but he didn't show it. It was all Song Awake and generous.

"You don't have to be so polite." Song Xing really likes a few people, so that's how generous to them.

Afterwards, people came up one by one, and in the end only Xiao Guoguo and Beibei were left. Wenwen and Yuemu looked at the pond. They didn't expect Xiao Guoguo who didn't come up in the end. And Beibei.

And Chi Xuan sat on the spot with a calm expression, no one knew what Chi Xuan was thinking.

It seems that after a long time, or just a moment, Xiao Guoguo slowly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with determination, as if nothing could beat her.

When Xiao Guoguo was sober, the mist of the surrounding growth water disappeared, Xiao Guoguo hurriedly took out the bottle and filled it with the growth water. This growth water filled a bottle, but Xiao Guoguo did not stop but continued, until all the bottles on his body were filled with growth water, Xiao Guoguo stopped, and thought for a while, is it a little bit filled? too much.

Xiao Guoguo hehe smiled, stood up, and the scene changed abruptly. She saw the people outside, slightly smiled, this was coming out. Xiao Guoguo naturally felt everyone's changes, and it seemed that everyone was rewarded. She looked at Chi Xuan, and the smile at the corner of Chi Xuan's mouth made her feel very warm.

It seems that they haven't seen each other for a long time, Xiao Guoguo doesn't know how long it has passed, but seeing Chi Xuan again, only feels that the last trace of insecurity in his heart has disappeared. The whole person rushed and plunged into Chi Xuan's arms. When everyone looked at the two, they felt very envious, while Yuemu was silent, faintly smiled, as if relieved.

"Is there anyone else who hasn't come out?" Xiao Guoguo looked at everyone around him, but Beibei was missing.

"Baibei hasn't come up yet." Wenwen replied. Xiao Guoguo looked at the source of the deep sea a little worried, is Beibei okay? Her predicament is already unbearable enough for her. What is Beibei's situation like?

However, this time is another two hours, Xiao Guoguo is very surprised, which means that Beibei has stayed there for another two months. But even the anxious Boss Zhou knew that this was the source of the deep sea. Everyone was just one person after entering. They couldn't find Beibei and could only wait for her to appear.

Boss Zhou looked at Song Xing and saw that his expression was normal. Boss Zhou could only comfort himself in the heart. It should be all right, otherwise the Lord of the Deep will also speak.

In this way, after waiting for another two hours, everyone felt that the surface of the pool had changed. Beibei was standing on the white pool water. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at all around. Yawned.

"You all came out? Am I the last one?" Beibei said and walked over. Boss Zhou held Beibei very excitedly and looked up and down.

"Why are you coming out now? I'm so worried." Boss Zhou revealed his true feelings. His father was a confidant. He suffered the most when Beibei did not come out.

"Father, I'm fine, I just went in and slept." Beibei said, soothing the back of the patted boss Zhou.

Boss Zhou is a bit sorry, especially seeing the expressions of Shiran and Mu Sen. The way these two people looked at him made Boss Zhou understand that this is the biggest person lost in so many years. But he didn't care, Beibei came back safely, this is the most important thing.

"Bebe, talk to me." Song Xing said suddenly, everyone was very surprised.

Song Xing is familiar with them, but the Lord of the Deep Sea is really unfamiliar with them. Although they seem to be alone, none of them will feel stupid that this is Song Xing they know.

So when the Lord of the Deep said such a sentence, Boss Zhou instantly increased his vigilance, why this person has been curious about Beibei!

"What are you talking about?" Beibei asked, staring at Song Xing.

"You should know, I think you should have seen a lot of things in Deep Sea Source this time, right?" Song Xing asked Beibei, but Beibei smiled.

"I have forgotten everything. I can forget the things I don't want to remember thoroughly." Beibei said, looking at Song Xing provocatively, but Song Xing shook his head.

"I didn't tell you that other things can be forgotten. The things that the source of the deep sea wants you to remember cannot be forgotten." Song Xing's voice fell, and everyone saw Beibei disappear suddenly. At the same place, Boss Zhou stretched out his hand and didn't catch it. When Bei Bei came to Song Xing's, his fists were stretched out.

Song Xing slightly turned his head and avoided his fist. To-and-fro several times, Xiao Guoguo saw that Song Xing was unharmed and Beibei insisted on beating him. Really... Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

"Babe, stop!" Boss Zhou also panicked. His cultivation base dared to straighten his waist to support Beibei, but here, he really couldn't beat others!

Beibei really stopped, because she couldn’t hit Song Xing, she didn’t think it was interesting, coldly snorted and said: "Find a place, let’s talk about it."

To vent the grievances in her heart, Beibei was really willing to stop and talk, Xiao Guoguo didn't say anything, she felt that something seemed a bit wrong. Song Xing is not a person who is not calm, and his tolerance for Beibei is too high, what is Beibei's identity?

"Okay." Song Xing agreed, and disappeared in front of everyone with Beibei. Boss Zhou was worried, but helpless, thinking about seeing Beibei the first time.

It was an egg, a huge egg, he said when Song Xing asked, because he knew that he couldn't hide it. At that time, he knew that this was not an ordinary Human Race child, but since the child arrived in front of him, it showed that they had fate.

He has never had a child, Beibei became his daughter, and he has regarded this child as his own for so many years. Who would have thought that nothing could be hidden from the Lord of the Deep Sea.

He only hopes that Beibei's identity will not be too special, and that he can be a father who can hold up a piece of sky for her. Boss Zhou was distraught, but Beibei heard a long story that was similar to what she had seen in the source of the deep sea.

"You have sealed your memory, do you want me to remove it for you?" Song Xing asked in a gentle manner, and Beibei rolled his eyes.

"Why should I do this? I am having a great time now, why should I break this happy? Tell you, don't even think about it." Beibei said and stood up.

"Okay, but you should know that some things can't be avoided." Song Xing said, Beibei turned away, listening to him speaks to give him face, but she will not press They do what they said.

(End of this chapter)

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