
  Chapter 1924 Test

Everyone saw this growing water, although it was a lot, but it was demonic outside. I don’t know how many people are affected by cultivator seeds. It’s hard to say if these are enough.

"Isn't it enough?" Seeing Xiao Guoguo and the crowd, Song Xing asked. Xiao Guoguo was taken aback, and it was true that Song Xing was still so good at guessing people's hearts.

"I don't know, there are many people affected by the demonic cultivator seeds, and we are not sure if they are enough." Xiao Guoguo replied, and Song Xing smiled: "Then take more. The growth water in this pond is not what you seem to be."

Song Xing's words can be said to have no meaning. Xiao Guoguo looked at him, and Song Xing said slowly: "I If you don’t file a lawsuit with you, here I am the root of the entire deep sea. So what do you think is the root of the deep sea? Is it me?" Xiao Guoguo shook his head quickly, although Song Xing He is the lord of the deep sea, but Xiao Guoguo does not believe that the existence of this deep sea is because of him. Then there must be something unique to this deep sea, and it is also the reason why this deep sea exists.

Looking at the growing water in the pond, Xiao Guoguo understood.

"You mean these growing waters? It is the root of the deep sea!" Xiao Guoguo said, Song Xing slightly smiled.

"Yes, this water of growth is very magical, it has a powerful force, and I am just the one who discovered it. How much do you want to take, and you have to ask the meaning of the source of the deep sea, You have to ask yourself." Song Xing said very cautiously. Xiao Guoguo looked at the pond. It turned out that this is the source of the deep sea. This pond and the growing water in it are the source of the deep sea. . They actually came into contact with the source of the deep sea, which is really exciting.

"What do you ask." Chi Xuan blunt asked Song Xing, they must take away the water of growth, so no matter what test the source of the deep sea is given, they must continue.

"Go on, the source of the deep sea will tell you the answer. But I want to remind you that the power of the source of the deep sea is powerful, and no one knows what will happen after you enter. Do you want to go down? Think clearly.

However, this source of the deep sea is equivalent to everyone. Everyone is qualified to enter. I will not stop you. Whether or not to enter is up to your own choice."

Song Xing finished saying that, Zhou Boss stood up and saluted Song Xing: "Thanks to Senior’s guidance back then, the three of us wouldn’t be able to break through cultivation if we didn’t have the opportunity to enter the source of the deep sea. The base becomes Wuwei."

Boss Zhou expressed his gratitude to Song Xing, and it was also to Xiao Guoguo and the others. Back then, their three people really gained a lot of insights from the source of the deep sea, before they were able to break through and have today's achievements. So now they agree with Xiao Guoguo and the others. This is a rare opportunity in a lifetime.

"Now that I think about it, the kind relationship I made with you back then helped me, so that people's karma is really inextricably linked. It's really profound." Song Xing said with a smile, not answering Zhou's question, but looking back now with emotion.

"In that case, we are willing to go down and give it a try." Xiao Guoguo said. Naturally, she represents Chi Xuan, and the two of them will go down together.

"I'm also with the boss." Yuemu was a little expectant, wanting to see what kind of surprises Deep Sea Source can bring them.

It can be said that none of the people present wants to waste such an opportunity. The worry-free old man also decided to go and find out. Even though there may be a huge risk here, he will feel it for life if he does not go this time. Unfortunately.

"Then go down one by one, you have to be careful." Song Xing reminded him, standing by the pool and watching everyone.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan held their hands tightly. The two of them walked down first. Only when their feet touched the growth water, they felt severe pain. The pain was very strong, but there were no scars on their bodies.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan clenched their teeth and persisted. They understood that this might also be the beginning of the test of the growth water. The more they have to obtain, the more obvious the pain will be. Nothing can reap without sowing.

The silhouettes of Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan disappeared on the water in an instant. Everyone opened their eyes wide, wondering why they disappeared. The pool seems to be only that big, why did the two disappear like this!

"Never believe what your eyes see. This growth water is powerful. Don't resist it, but accept and absorb it. This is the best choice for you."

As the lord of the deep sea, the understanding of the water of growth is far from what everyone can imagine. The water of growth is like his confidant and his source of power.

"Thanks Senior for your advice." Everyone said this one after another, and all of them disappeared in a flash.

At this moment, Song Xing was sighed, with a trace of exhaustion in his expression, which made Boss Zhou very puzzled. Why Song Xing was like this, he was the most powerful! But the boss of Zhou and the others dare not ask each other rashly, knowing that powerhouse does not need sympathy.

"That child, where did you find it?" Song Xing suddenly looked at Boss Zhou and asked. Boss Zhou who only asked this question was stunned. What do you mean by that.

"Who are you talking about?" Elder Zhou's fingers trembled slightly.

"Babe, where did you find it?"

Song Xing stared at Boss Zhou. Boss Zhou only felt that his back was covered with sweat, although Song Xing did not treat him He didn't use coercive deterrence when he shot, but Boss Zhou just felt that his whole body muscles were tense.

"Babe is my child." Boss Zhou knew that this answer was unqualified, but he couldn't let Beibei take the slightest risk.

"You are lying, I know you want to protect her, but I just want to tell you that she simply doesn't need your protection. I just care about her state, her state is not right, for sure It’s because of the loss of something."

Song Xing frowned feels a headache. If it's someone else, he won't be so worried about other things, but it's Beibei, this guy can't be. trifled with.

But then again, luck is really a mystery, and fate is even more wonderful. After so many years, many things have changed and become more and more interesting.

"Do you know Beibei's identity?" Boss Zhou looked at Song Xing, and Song Xing was nodded. He really would rather not know so as not to worry so much.

At this moment, Xiao Guoguo looked at a piece of white growing water and slowly stood up. The pain in her Sea of ​​Consciousness was still there, but Xiao Guoguo controlled herself to remain rational, and Chi Xuan disappeared. She can't worry, and it doesn't look like an illusion here, but like the true source of the deep sea.

How could the source of a deep sea be a small pond. Sure enough, this is the place, where you can't see the edge is full of water for growth.

But can she get these deep sea waters? Xiao Guoguo slowly stretched out his palms and gently touched the growth water, trying to hold it up, but found that it didn't work at all.

(End of this chapter)

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