
  Chapter 1918 Strange Quicksand

Following the cave, it seems to be covered with a layer of light. The weak rays of light, like pearls, illuminate all this through the fine sand, but there is clearly no stone to illuminate here.

"It looks very beautiful here." Beibei said, trying to reach out to touch the fine sand on the wall, but Zhou Boss grabbed her hand.

"You can't touch it, the guy who touched this last time hasn't come out yet." Boss Zhou said so, Beibei eyes shined.

"Father, who is trapped inside?" Beibei looked curious.

"My mechanical beast, in detail, it is a mechanical Insect, I kept it normally to accompany myself to play, it climbed up on this fine sand, and then was sucked into it, waiting for me to leave I haven't been out before." Shi Ran was a little sad, not because his mechanical beast was vomited, but because he was sad here. They are so weak.

"If we don't touch it, is it safe here?" Beibei doesn't think that if they don't touch the fine sand, it will stay quiet.

"Hehe, of course not." Boss Zhou looked at his child and felt very satisfied. Beibei is the smartest in his eyes.

Sure enough, a sand ball made of fine sand slammed into them. Although it was only a fist sized ball, it had amazing destructive power, and every grain of it was not real sand. , Has a terrifying attack power like a bullet that can penetrate the body of a cultivator or Sea Beast and cause countless fatal wounds.

"I don't see it, that's why we have to form a protective cover around you. Fortunately, we are now doing nothing. We were injured when we came back last time." Mu Sen said with a smile, thinking of the past is not so beautiful.

"These are not sand!" Yuemu said with certainty.

"Of course it's not sand. Have you ever seen sand that can kill and shine? Everything here is amazing." Shiran said.

Xiao Guoguo looked at the surroundings of the cave. It is not that sand is probably a very special substance covering the walls of the cave. So Xiao Guoguo is actually very curious, what is under the sand? What is the meaning of these sands?

They don't know what dangers are on the road behind, but they just look back at the traps on the road, fearing that there is really no who can come here except Wuwei. The three seniors were able to get out of here alive, obviously not ordinary people.

"Be careful!" Meng Zhou boss reminded him, a cloud of black gas suddenly appeared in front of him, Xiao Guoguo saw that it was demonic energy.

The sudden appearance of demonic energy makes everyone feel completely unprepared. Everyone knows that there are Earth Demon clan now appearing in the abyss, and it is very likely that they are even lurking in the deep sea and attacking Sea Clan wantonly. But none of them didn't expect that the Earth Demon clan will appear here, here is the source of the deep sea!

Black's demonic energy caused damage to the protective cover. Boss Zhou stood in the forefront. His cultivation base was the highest. At the moment, his nerves were tense because he saw the opponent, a powerful Earth Demon.

"How dare you come here?" Boss Zhou stepped out of the protective cover and asked, looking at the opposite Earth Demon.

"I why cannot come! I want to find great power to destroy what I want to destroy." A voice came from the black mist, and there was an Earth Demon hidden in it.

What power are you looking for, and what is to be destroyed? Xiao Guoguo thought about the purpose of the Earth Demon clan. She didn't understand the source of the deep sea, but she knew that something must be hidden here, so that the Earth Demon clan moved her mind, and then she came here with all her heart.

"You should know the result of Earth Demon clansman entering here." Zhou boss frowned became more cautious.

"Naturally know that the Earth Demon who entered here cannot leave, but I didn't intend to leave." Earth Demon in the shadows said and walked out slowly, and Xiao Guoguo saw it His appearance is startled in his heart.

This Earth Demon clan is different from what she has seen in the past. Although it can be seen that it is the Earth Demon clan, it has changed a lot. His skin seemed to have been burned, his huge body shrunk to the height of a normal person, and even the sharp teeth that should have been feared were broken.

That seems to be punishment, punished and taught.

"Your magic power will be weakened when you enter here." Boss Zhou held his axe in his hands. The magic weapon is never for hacking, but for destroying.

"The same is true for yours. Don’t you think I don’t know. Whether it’s Human Race, Sea Clan, Monster beast or Earth Demon, the energy will be weakened. My magic is not strong enough. Yes, but your mana is not strong enough, so I can kill you now."

The Earth Demon clan finished speaking, and a huge black magic ball headed towards Boss Zhou. Xiao Guoguo quickly felt his spiritual power after hearing these words, and it was indeed weakened all the time.

At this moment, the Nascent Souls in her body are all sitting on the spiritual power tree. They seem to be able to maintain their form in this way. They seem to be very tired.

"Hehe, if you are alone, I may really not be able to beat you." The voice of the Earth Demon clan seemed to be in his ears. In the next moment, Xiao Guoguo saw golden rays of light shining around him , It was Life and Death Sword that cut off the surrounding magic power.

However, Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo are safe and sound, which does not mean that everyone is safe and sound under the sneak attack of the Earth Demon clan just now. There are not many people around Xiao Guoguo, but among them are Qingyun Daoist and Song Xing who are not strong enough, and even Yuemu.

Turning back fiercely, Beibei was in no danger under Musen’s protection, and Shiran senior was unscathed while holding the moon wood. Qingyun Daoist and Wenwen stood in place, and the front of Wenwen was green. rays of light blocked everything, but the worry-free old man... disappeared.

"Worry-free old man, it's gone!" Chi Xuan said, looking at the golden sand-like object, only feeling cold in his heart. Can the worry-free elderly be saved?

Worry-free Old Ancestor was photographed on the wall by black demonic energy. The protective cover was shattered. The moment the old Ancestor touched the wall, he was taken away by something like quicksand.

Xiao Guoguo feels that the worry-free elderly may come back very small, but when there is a chance, how can she let the worry-free elderly be alone! Xiao Guoguo released a mechanical beast without the slightest hesitation. She didn't believe that this quicksand could absorb everything, maybe the mechanical beast could be too late to get in for rescue.

"It's really interesting, you Human Race, I looked down on you, it's really interesting." Earth Demon's voice came, Xiao Guoguo clenched his fists, the worry-free old man is the spiritual family dísciple, this Earth Demon killed him.

Xiao Guoguo did not expect that a sneak attack from the Earth Demon clan would cause such a result. If the guess is correct, the Earth Demon clan this time is even more powerful than the one that used the Sneak Sneak attack on Sea Clan last time.

The Earth Demon clan came here with the help of Human Race, which means that the strength is greatly reduced. And this is clearly used to break through, although his strength is suppressed, the body is suppressed, but in such an environment, he can still draw out his spirit to attack them when he fights against Boss Zhou, which shows the strength of the Earth Demon clan. .

(End of this chapter)

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