
  Chapter 1915 Seeking Help

Beibei’s aesthetics is still basically normal, she thinks Chi Xuan is like a month Wood is a little nice, but it's only a little. But when Yuemu turned into two pairs of wings with completely different colors, she felt that Yuemu had completely surpassed Chi Xuan in an imposing manner.

Although Xiao Guoguo doesn't necessarily agree with this point of view, she believes that in Beibei's mind. It's just that it's a bit uncomfortable to see Yuemu's appearance at this moment, thinking that Meridian has received a bit of a shock, just bear it for a while.

While absorbing spiritual power, Beibei was still thinking about it.

The last to arrive was Song Xing and Wuyou old man. The worry-free old man has passed out in a coma at this moment, relying on Song Xing to support him all over his body. Song Xing feels very lucky that he has not been affected by this place. Not only does he need no help, but he can also help other people. He feels very happy.

The three seniors looked at Song Xing and felt that everything had its own laws, and this Song Xing was someone beyond their knowledge. This person made them feel curious, and even more curious than Wenwen was that Song woke up.

"Senior, we are going to pass." Song Xing called the worry-free old man, and the worry-free old man gradually woke up.

"Thank you." The worry-free old man only had time to say this, he felt the pressure on his body suddenly relaxed, as if he had come back to life again, and then did not wait for him to say anything to thank him, he had to concentrate Mind to deal with those spiritual power.

And Song Xing looked surprised at the spiritual power rays of light shining on him. He couldn't feel what these were, but he felt very warm. That kind of warmth radiates from the inside out, which makes people feel very comfortable. Although he is not a cultivator and cannot improve his cultivation base, this spiritual power also has many benefits for him.

In this way, the entire group sits outside the barrier, and there are three seniors who guarantee and protect them, and they earnestly absorb spiritual power. I hope to absorb as much spiritual power as possible in a limited time. This is a rare opportunity in a lifetime.

Xiao Guoguo later even felt that the spiritual power they absorbed this time was worth at least six hundred years of cultivation.

No wonder the three seniors encourage them so much and support them so much. Thinking that they had walked through this area in the past, they should have experienced this reward.

One month has passed, and everyone has opened their eyes. They looked at each other and saw excited smiles on each other’s faces. This month, for many of them, It looks like shedding body, exchanging bones.

Obviously, the medicine pill that Xiao Guoguo gave to everyone to suppress the cultivation base is quite powerful. Everyone only felt that the spiritual power in the body was tumbling, and they kept wanting to make a breakthrough, but in the end they were all suppressed and turned into a solid cultivation base, which enlarged the dantian.

"Wait until we go out Transcending Tribulation, I don't know what the situation is." Yuemu sighed so, Xiao Guoguo felt a little uncomfortable, and he was really worried.

In case of continuous Transcending Tribulation, can everyone hold on? If she can't hold on, isn't she kind of doing bad things? Xiao Guoguo thought, he had to think of something.

Of course, Xiao Guoguo has no time to think about this problem now. She followed the three seniors and continued to walk in. After leaving the barrier, everyone returned to the previous state. But Xiao Guoguo feels that the later stages are definitely more difficult.

"Actually, I have a question that I want to ask." Yuemu raised his hand very seriously to ask the question, and Zhou boss always ignored him.

"Let's ask." Although the tone is not very good, but there is something wrong with it.

"Do we have to walk the barrier here once when we go back?" Yuemu asked with some lingering fears, and the corner of Zhou's mouth curled.

"No." Blunt's answer made Yuemu's heart relax. It's fine not to walk again, he is really a little scared.

Xiao Guoguo looked at Yuemu laughed. This guy has been more and more free and easy recently, and he has a sense of bohemianness. Xiao Guoguo knows that this is the change of Yuemu Dao Heart, and she can't control it. Fortunately, now Boss Zhou owes them favors, at least he won't act directly against Yuemu.

After a quarter of an hour, everyone saw a deep and huge trench. They had seen such a trench before Secret Realm, but speaking of conscience, this trench is far from comparable to that one. It is simply shocking. It is more than ten times the size of that one.

"Father, did your trench creativity come from here?" Beibei asked. Boss Zhou unexpectedly without the slightest hesitation of nodded, yes, it came from here.

"The things in this trench are much better than those in my Secret Realm." Boss Zhou said as he stood beside Beibei, he was naturally even more worried about Beibei.

"That's interesting, that's called an adventure!" Beibei looked excited, but Xiao Guoguo didn't think so. If even Boss Zhou thinks it is particularly dangerous, I am afraid it is really dangerous lurks. on every side.

"Please also senior help us." Xiao Guoguo said directly, which made Beibei very surprised. She didn't expect Xiao Guoguo to ask for help directly.

"There is no problem, it's on us." Ishiran patted answered with a confident expression on his chest.

"Then many thanks to the three seniors."

Xiao Guoguo's choice made Bei Bei puzzled, but no one opposed Xiao Guoguo. It seems that everyone's heart is This idea. Beibei knew that Xiao Guoguo had something important when they came this time. Unlike her, she was purely to join in the fun. Therefore, she did not fight with Xiao Guoguo, and she acquiesced in letting the three seniors help through the level.

Opposite Zhou Boss is Musson. They are not far away from Stone Dye. Although the protection made by the three people is definitely more powerful, Stone Dye is now a mechanical general, so it’s not easy to operate together. It is responsible for guarding.

In the hands of Boss Zhou and Mu Sen, a rays of light gleamed, and four rays of light surrounded everyone in it, and then everyone watched their bodies slowly rise and moved towards the huge sea trench. go with.

They want to pass through this trench, but obviously the sea monsters below the trench are unwilling. Not only are these sea monsters very vicious, they are also better than those in the Secret Realm, both on the cultivation base and on their heads. It's much more powerful.

Xiao Guoguo saw the group of sea monsters attacking, only to feel that his scalp was numb. Their sharp teeth and claws were simply the sharpest magic weapon.

But the moment they touched the barrier, the sea monsters seemed to lose their attack power, and one by one was rebounded by the barrier and fell into the depths of the trench.

They couldn't break the protective cover, and they were countered by the spiritual power on the cover. Xiao Guoguo knows that such a protective cover can speed up their advancement, otherwise they are afraid that they will be trapped in place by these Sea Beasts, and finally become impossible to move a single step.

The Sea Beasts felt the power of this cover and did not dare to try it easily, but they were unwilling to leave. They surrounded them tightly, as if to wait for the opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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